❚Celeste❙Chapter 5 A-Side Golden Berry ❰Deathless❱❚

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Video of Celeste Chapter 5 A-Side gameplay, getting the golden deathless strawberry.

Another pretty long one, hardest part is at the end, of course. The Seekers can be pretty annoying, although they aim at you so you can manipulate them. And this is using the skip, otherwise this would be even longer. The skip itself is pretty consistent, I don't think I failed it once. Taking your time and manipulating the Seekers is pretty crucial. Come up with a strategy for every single Seeker room so you can manipulate them to do the same thing every time. If something goes wrong, a bit of improvisation is needed. That last Theo section is pretty intense, and like I said, definitely the hardest. Practicing that one a lot is the most important thing.

The A-Side Golden Strawberries. These are the longest levels in the game (excluding Chapter 9, that's something else entirely), and are therefore much harder to get goldens for than the C-Sides. 1, 2, 4 and 8 A-Side are already 3-6 times as long as the C-Sides (and 8A is also the hardest A-Side in just raw precision and difficulty). But the rest? Those are really long, with 7A being by far the longest in the game (excluding Chapter 9 again). Each segment isn't that difficult, but the length is what makes it much harder than the C-Sides. My main gripe is the fact that I don't really like endurance challenges that much.

Celeste is an overall pretty great platformer, although I would have preferred if there was less cycle memorization because of all the different moving enemies, spikes, platforms etc... throughout the game. And some of the gimmicks were worse than others. Other than that, the controls are great, the graphics are great, the music is good, the gameplay varies from chapter to chapter, there's easier levels and there's harder ones, the difficulty scales well, and there's plenty of challenges to do, especially if you want to get 200 berries.

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