Necromancy Ruined Combat..! | RuneScape 3

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Talking about the combat situation in RuneScape

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i love necro tho main reason i came back to rs3


whats with the normal overloads? you have the level for adren pots aha


From an ironman perspective, I love necromancy. My issue is with the other styles. Getting BiS with other styles takes an extremely long time. Melee is especially bad due to switches but also abilities that aren't unlocked by levelling, only as luck based drops from bosses, meaning you could maybe just never get them. The other styles need a path to at least close to BiS through levelling and creating your own gear like Necro has. Unfortunately the ship has sailed for ability upgrades as boss drops, which I firmly believe was a mistake. Obviously this is not the same for main accounts, but at the same time is buying abilities off the G.E instead of earning them through the combat skill itself really a satisfying gameplay mechanic?


I played Destiny 2 before I played RS. I'm familiar with the flavor of the week degenerate meta (degenerate in analogy to math: change some measure of a complex thing until you get a simple thing, like a triangle flattening into a line. Similarly, give everything to a single combat style and the choice between styles becomes a non-choice if you want to be optimal). I never liked it in that game, didn't like it in this game. Didn't use magic much during the magic meta, never had the slightest interest in necro after I saw it for what it was. I play games to challenge myself, otherwise I don't see the point. I stuck to my vestments and lengs even before the combat update.


As a returning player after 5 years of not playing. I LOVE NECRO Combat!!! Still have lots to learn with bossing as I’m new to it and revo bar has helped a lot while I learn “mechanics” i also found it’s more forgiving when I mess up like for instance in kerepac. It feels like I can build back up faster than magic or melee 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


I gotta be honest.... this combat skill ruined combat.


had a maxxed main and even better iron on rs3 but after seeing the lack of updates and just overall transparency with the game i stopped playing, tried osrs but its just not the same


answer is no. necro was DESIGN for new player. it so pose to easy and simple.


EOFs ruin Rs3, the price of everything is insane. What am I working towards a worse kill time just to play melee or range or mage? When necromancy is cheap and easy to use. It’s easy to use BECAUSE jagex updated the way they created combat, the recent combat update was literally a piece of tape trying to hold 2 bricks together from falling apart. Melee range and magic NEEEDED updates now, why do wands have no specs, melee and range have them except magic duals and most magic staffs suck. RuneScape 3 is on life support I feel like the combat update just opened the curtain and now ppl see shit this game is made overly hard because it’s I’m sorry us adults don’t have 20hra a day to max or grind and learn every boss. Necro is the first combat style that makes sense and is used by basically everyone, it’s because it’s up to date and was worked on for months to a year before release. Not hey let’s have the best pvmers give us feedback about combat and we’re going to save the day wtf did you do? Swirchcape is still around, I need 20 eofs with older weapons only for the special wtf is going on jagex is catering to the rich. 95% of the player base can’t afford 5 eofs lets alone the 1-2b weapons to throw away into them. It should have an interface that can absorb idk 15 weapons and you can swap accordingly. The game isn’t fun. No new gear comes out if it does it’s 10b we get 1 new weapon a year and soon we’ll be at t99 weapons like stop the power creep use older weapons to force players to go back and have to farm them or buy them. The SGB (Seren god bow) should’ve been a item needed to upgrade to the bow of the gods, zammy drops some special string you attach to sgb and boom you have your new t95 bow but no kill older tiers who cares. The more you make this game for the top 5% the closer that dial gets to 0 on rs3 and it’s sad but 100% true. This game has TOO many issues and no one working on it. And I’ll attacked by the 5% and randoms but saying the truth out loud is me trying to save the game. The people who sit quietly with their 1 trilllion banks are the players jagex works for, and it’s sad.


combat was ruined before release, the numbers are too high for no reason


I stopped playing since necromancy came out


Meh, honestly when it boils down to it as long as you take more of a deep dive into actually learning boss/ability mechanics gear doesn't really matter.
Good example of this is like when the RSGuy killed rax with absolutely nothing.
I think the broader issue with the games combat system is peoples inability to actually learn how to use the combat system. Most people just want a revo bar and be over with it, which in most cases work and Necromancy did a great job with that.
Necromancy was the answer to getting people into pvm without having to get sweaty.
That being said, the main way I look at it is the more knowledge and skill you have gear nor combat style matters. The less knowledge and skill you have getting better armor and using a more lacks combat style should get you through.


Jesus christ wtf is that magic rotation :D Use reaver's ring to get more adren from more crits on time strikes, and Iban staff is the best adre dump currently unless your damage is boosted (like at raksha).


I feel like most comments are just osrs better and make all combat rotations easy, which I don't like


Come to old-school let it die in peace


Necromancy is the ‘revolution’ style combat I always wanted. You did not make the other combat styles sound fun 😅


Perhaps consider making some actual overloads instead of base ones before providing advice 👍


To be honestly, necromancy is what the other styles should be. many of the differences is what people complained about in the past with switchscape being the most common complaint


You do not need best in slot for other styles to do high-end PVM content. I have never had best in slot in any combat style and I've done most high-end PVM content.

Telling people that they need billions of GP in order to use another combat style effectively is the opposite of what you're trying to accomplish with this video, I think.


For me i really like necromancy just because well i suck at pvm and i absolut hate switch scape, with necro have been able to learn new bosses and stuff but i am just your average revolution pvm enjoyer :D
