Job openings hit record high in July but millions of workers remain unemployed

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U.S. job openings hit a record high in July with nearly 11 million. Meanwhile, around 8.4 million people remain unemployed, creating a labor gap as the economy tries to get back on track. Heather Long, economics correspondent for The Washington Post, joined CBSN to discuss.

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I’ve been applying to hundreds of jobs for over a year. I have college degrees and a long work history. No one has offered me a job. So I don’t want to hear about employers whining about not finding workers. Additionally I noticed employers are trying to take advantage of people, trying to pay low wages for positions the require degrees and experience. That’s the same thing that happened during the economic downturn in 2007-2008.


ive been trying to get back to work... no one will go through the hiring process with me or jobs are being absurd with their requirements. If I have to work on-site with no healthcare or 401k and risk my life with 40k cases a day, I want to be compensated and really, I need to be. We all do. Otherwise I am working remotely... if a remote employer would finish hiring me... Oh well. I'm trying to kindle a small business. Officially making part time minimum wage.


This lady has lots of emotional issues LOL. First off she whines. Second of all people don't want to work she needs to stop trying to make up all these stupid reasons like all of a sudden all these magical jobs just opened up that people didn't used to work before. And then all of a sudden people don't live right next door to the job so they don't want to work there. The stars are aligned and the mountains crumbled and the Seas have boiled over so people don't want to work. That has nothing to do with it. People don't want to work because they don't want to work. People don't want to work because they know they're going to show up at a job that's going to pay them $10 an hour. That is not enough to satisfy the landlord.


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What's wrong with you all??? You mean you dont want minimum wage jobs with zero benifits?!?! Lmfao


All fake jobs! I've been applying since Jan of this year... HUNDREDS and NOTHING.. probably only like 4-5 interviews. Then for them to tell me that they hired internally or the project was canceled. Such BS!


Hmm, Too high of standard for too low of pay.

A bachelor's degree for a receptionist job.

I'm talking to YOU, NBC.


Jobs that pay well and take care of their employees have absolutely no problem filling their positions.
This is on awful employers, not the workers.


Apparently, The Labor Department is not verifying if these companies are actually hiring anybody. They need to be checking if people are applying and also need to monitor what employers are actually doing. Plus, how many job listings are actually real or actually hiring? As a business owner myself I know how the labor market has been pre pandemic and it wasn't good, I'm guessing it's worse now.


I have applied to many places and I don't receive as much as a call from them or a response back. I reach out with a phone call to check on the status of my resume and won't even get an answer. I see reports about this everywhere but find it very hard to believe.


Yeah bc i just applied somewhere offering $13. I need $25 since i pay rent, so I'll keep looking.


The poorest single-parent families can't find childcare when schools can't deal with the constant quarantines. Isn't this obvious??


Jobs that don't pay a living wage, wow great!


If you’re having trouble finding people to work for you, raise your wages. There I fixed your employee shortage issue.


These jobs are picky 😩 just hire me damn it! God forbid it’s a remote job 🤣 it takes about a month to get through and a month to start. I was told that HR was cut and I’d have to keep calling back to set up an interview appointment 🤣 but I’m career changing so understanding. Happy job hunting.


We still can’t have kids in school who are sick. How are ppl going to work; especially single parents with young kids!


Are you saying only 8.4 million people are unemployed because I'm sure there's that many in New York City alone.


Everyone is expected to take low paying restaurant and hotel jobs.


The conclusion is that there really isn't enough jobs available that people can actually take.


Maybe some people can’t stand their boss or the employees maybe they don’t like the pay
