Self Sacrifice...The Most Self Centered Thing In The World!

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Self Sacrifice is valued in our society. For example, Jesus sacrificed himself for the sins of the people... A mother sacrifices herself for her children. But is this Self Sacrifice or is it Self Centeredness? Teal takes us in depth into the motivation behind 'self sacrifice' and makes the case that self sacrifice actually doesn't exist.

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Video Reference:
Cut the Invisible Strings (How to De-Attach From Manipulation in Relationships) :14:58

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Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Can confirm, my mother does this. Unfortunately if she watched this video she would only feel more persecuted.


There’s a balance between the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule.

Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Platinum Rule: Be kind to your future self.

Keep these two rules in mind and you’ll make much better decisions and not be taken advantage of.

The more self aware you are the more you’ll know what’s best for you. It’s ok to love yourself. Doing so you’ll be able to love others better.

Remember: Balance


Self Sacrifice is almost synonymous with having a victim mentality.
But instead of complaining (one extreme "minus"), you put your own wellbeing into danger for a common good (another extreme "plus").
Oh, the ways that the EGO tricks you...


Basically, there's nothing noble about suffering. Real love is about keeping yourself happy so that you can spread that happiness around.


- In a universe that is one, you can say that every act is self-centered, because nothing is not you. - Teal Swan


"Even the choice to give up a choice is a choice." Brilliant. Thank you, Teal.


I give out of selfishness 🙏
And I'm aight wit it 😎


So basically if someone gives or does something to another person, they should give without expectations aka true unconditional love. I hope this video gets a lot of views. This was one thing I struggled with unconciously before my spiritual awakening.


People really...REALLY need to hear this.


This has been at least the third time now, I feel stuck and am unable to solve an inner conflict, and then Teal delivers the precise answers I needed. Personally this counts as proof of oneness to me.


This describes both of my parents to the tee ... I was constantly reminded of how much they 'sacrificed' for me and that my presence was 'such a struggle'. I never asked to be born, and if given the choice, I'd rather not have been brought into this world.


I've been thinking that for decades, and you concisely put it into words.
Thanks Teal.


So confrontating . .. to see this in myself and to admitting this it's scary but also a feeling of relieve to now be aware of it and to recognize it. And take responsibility for it


This is exactly what Ayn Rand always argued, and yet she was and is hated for it by all the people who try to maintain their own projection of self-sacrifice.


The synchronicity is amazing. Every. Damn. Time. It's nice to know that there are others that need this as well, and yet seems all for me, lol! Thank you


So does this make codependents covert narcissists because they are not giving unconditionally? Because they wouldn't be doing it if there wasn't something in it for them.


I stopped 5mins in, so I may not have the whole understanding of her point. I *do* have a *rebuttal* though.

The good a person does isn't guaranteed to reflect any good back towards themselves. Also, there can be good you do that has little/no effect for the duration of one's life.

So I'd say that the act is still driven by a self interest, but it may not self centred as a dead person gets no boons for the legacy they leave behind (with some exceptions if we go into spiritual eternity and what have you).

Grandma or mom feels good about her estate being passed down in the event of a untimely or timely death, so that feeling of generosity is self centred.
BUT what if that isn't actually in the will but everyone believes it is?

There is a measurable difference between those two perceivable acts, one being more singular-self, and the other being a greater self.

Not all motivation is equal is how it serves one's self. Not everyone acts or believes that their self can be more than their body, and so with different processes of thought, how can we group everyone together as equally self serving?

Unnecessarily long but an honest and hopefully a well formed rebuttal of sorts
*_Thanks for reading_*


The spirit of self sacrifice is the most important quality of a hero.


I sacrificed my night last night to take my two kids to an arcade. The smiles I put on their faces by being fully engaged with them, (knowing that I’m the one man in the world they want to spend time with), made me smile. Making my kids happy makes me happy. Maybe it is selfish, but I remember as a kid not having a dad around at all.

He always said I’m putting a roof over your head. And so I always dreamed since a kid of living with my dad homeless on some street in a box. He wouldn’t have to go to work. And I would have him all the time. He died last year but you better believe my I’ll make sure my kids don’t ever have to have that dream.


If a woman have kids she often have to sarifice her job, if a man have a child it doesn't change much. This leave women to be more resentful because they're more likely to self-sacrifice.
