Rudy Giuliani Tells Court That Trump Owes Him MILLIONS Of Dollars

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As part of his ongoing bankruptcy, Rudy Giuliani is telling the courts that Donald Trump owes him at least $2 million for legal services that he provided as he worked to overturn the results of the 2020 election. That debt could certainly come in handy for Giuliani right about now, but Trump is facing his own financial troubles at the moment. Giuliani is going to be in big trouble if he can't get the money that he needs, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Rudy Giuliani had a hearing this week for his bankruptcy, uh, uh, proceedings. And during this hearing, he told the judge that Donald Trump owes him at least probably right around somewhere of, uh, $2 million. 'cause he never paid him any legal fees for all the work he did trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Giuliani, of course, is facing bankruptcy because he got that $148 million defamation verdict against him. He also has been unable to pay some of his lawyers, who of course have now had to like sue him, and he still faces defamation lawsuits from smart matic and dominion voting systems, as well as the criminal charges in the state of Georgia. So Rudy Giuliani's problems, including both legal and financial, are really just beginning. So he sought bankruptcy pro protection because he knows he is not gonna be able to pay any of that.

But maybe the situation wouldn't be so bad. He told the judge, if this guy over here, you know, the one who actually got me in all of this trouble, literally none of these problems, with the exception of the, uh, harassment lawsuit that he's facing, none of the other problems, none of the legal problems, none of the financial problems for Rudy Giuliani would exist had he not taken on these election challenge cases for Donald Trump. I mean, the least Trump could do at this point is give him $2 million for it. I know that doesn't even begin to cover Giuliani's, you know, expenses and all that, but all of these problems, the $148 million defamation verdict, that wouldn't have happened if Giuliani wasn't working for Trump. He wouldn't have gone out and attacked those Georgia election workers like that wouldn't have been a thing. He'd have $148 million that he doesn't owe right now.

The defamation lawsuits from Dominion and smart mad wouldn't exist if he hadn't done the work for Trump. The criminal charges in Georgia wouldn't exist if he hadn't done the work for Trump. You see where I'm going with this? He did all of this for this guy, and this guy has the audacity to not even pay him for it. That is ins insane. That is the funniest thing I think I've ever heard in politics. Giuliani, you made this decision. You brought all of this hardship upon yourself because you thought somehow Trump was going to reward you. Not only did he not reward you, but he didn't even pay you. Like that's the bare minimum that you can do with your lawyer. And you didn't even get that. So I hope you remember, every time you walk into that bankruptcy court, you are there because of Donald Trump. Every time you walk into a courtroom to defend yourself in a defamation trial or a criminal trial, remember, you are there because of Donald Trump, the man who won't

Even pay you. And I'm telling you this, to remind you that there's a chance, a plea deal in Georgia could be on the table for you, could save you a lot of money in legal fees, could possibly save you from going to prison. So just remember who caused all these problems and who is not paying you for them, because you have the chance to roll on that guy as hard as you want, but you're gonna be a coward. You're not gonna do it. You won't even sue him for the legal fees that he owes you. So enjoy the rest of your life. It's gonna be pretty miserable. All because of Donald Trump.
Рекомендации по теме

Zero sympathy for Rudy Colludy. Both him and Trump deserve everything they are going to go through.


No sympathy for Rudi, whatsoever. He knew damn well he was in the wrong


Unlike the Lannisters, Trump never pays his debts


Wow, congrats on hitting the one million milestone Farron! It's a pleasure being one of the many. 😊


This is what always happens to everyone who hitches their wagon to Donald Trump to one degree or another. Go with Trump and you will suffer.


Nope, Rudy isn't in court because of Trump. It's because of his own bad decisions. He should have known better.


Except for one tiny little detail...Rudy was the one convincing Trump that there were all of those insane conspiracy theories against him. I hope they all lose everything!


Even trump says he don’t even know who Rudy is


Take Don to court, Rudy. Stop whining to us.


Not paying your lawyer fees by Trump shows his lack of integrity. Which we already knew.


I cannot feel sorry for anyone who does business with DJT (a man with a history of multiple bankruptcies) and does not insist on receiving payment up front.


U knew Trump never pay bills. Your fault


Guiliani brought this upon himself. On election night, when everyone was telling trump he lost the election, Guiliani was the only one in the room who told trump to contest the election results.


Don’t worry Rudy. Trump paid you in “exposure”. I’m sure that’s always nice.


Congratulation on 1 Million subscribers. Keep us sane brother. You are our HERO.


And remembering all of the people who are in prison or ruined because of Trump and yet he remains free.


He of all people should know what happens when you "work" for Trump.


The wheel turns 😂😂😂 Giuliani...welcome to the other side...


Hey Big Booty Rudy! Remember,
you dont regret a DAMNED THING! ✌🏿


Just a quick reminder that this is who Giuliani has always been. He didn't suddenly turn corrupt and dishonest. He didn't suddenly lose all his legal ethics and moral compass. He was always this person. It was just well hidden before.
