The New Fish Room Update!

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Tick Tock @Michaelsfishroom

Breeding for Profit Playlist:


Companies I support:
Aquarium Co Op
KJE Aquatics
Mike's Bulgarian Green Angelfish
Keep FishKeeping Spectacular Bettas and other Fish stuff!
**Products I use or have used in the Fish Room**
API Freshwater Master Test Kit

My Favorite Power Filter

Fritz ACCR

Fritz Complete

Seachem Prime

Seachem Safe

Python Water Change System

Aquarium Co-Op Sponge Filter (THE BEST!)

Aquarium Co-Op Test Strips

Lee’s Specimen Container


API General Cure

Ich X

Blue Airline Tubing

Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links. If you click on the affiliate links, I will receive a small commission(at no charge to you), which helps support this channel and allows me to continue making content for you to enjoy.
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What a sleek and clean room.
I love the paint on the cinderblock.
It's very nice.


Congratulations on the progress. I spent my morning running air and water lines my self. Good luck. I know it's a lot of work. But it will pay off in the long run. Thanks for keeping us posted.


You look and sound great! New place and new beginnings! Glad to see you’re making progress.


Great job.. Very happy you are starting over. My son loves to watch these fish videos. Looks like you have some mold on a few of the 2x4s. That mold stuff can be nasty. I had it in a house in Tampa, Fl. Great job and good luck with the new house.. !!! Looking forward to lots of fun videos.


Slow and steady wins the race, keep it up brother !


👍🏻👍🏻 they’re just different style pex fittings and rings


Fusion is great stuff.
Use a version on my HVAC duct connections to seal air leaks.
Take a cinder block out .peek inside..who knows maybe a few extra feet if it's nothing inside.
By the way. I watch HAXMAN, and there was a way to get a kit to test well water..if I find the link I will send it sir.


May I just say the cinder block walls were added. A 1918 house would have been fieldstone.


Clamps on pex are stainless doesn't make much of difference slightly less likely to leak if pex expanda due to freezing. If your well water is acidic it's more important that they use poly fittings rather than brass since their always in contact with the water.


I used the brass fitttings with the pex i installed in my fish room and have a well. I also used the same crimps as yours. No issues after a few years.


Grab your basement air filter, if your gunna be down there often. I hate basements unless there done right. Gets stuffy af in them. Side note 1918 was the huge flu pandemic. Your house was made during that year which i find funny af 😂


I live in NJ and am also on a well. I'm about an hour north of you. As far as well water, your brass or copper will corrode if your well water is super acidic. Pex is obviously immune to corrosion, so you're good there. But if you have copper in the house, wether or not it leaches all depends on your specific water. Depending on when your well pump was last replaced, your water line coming in could be plastic (if its new) or iron (if it's old). I don't think iron is affected by acidity, but I could be wriong. My water coming out of my well has a Ph of 5.5 and stabilizes at about 6.2 - 6.4. My house is from the 19-teens as well, and my copper pipes are pretty corroded and leaky as all hell as a result of highly acidic water. I remediated this by having a calcite filter installed, which boosts the Ph to something above neutral. I bypass all my filters for my fish room because most of the fish I keep are South American species and appreciate the acidity, so I just run a lot of fresh water through their systems daily (kind of like continuous water change). I would test the water coming into the house--before any filters if you have them--and see what you're working with. Anything above neutral won't affect copper or brass. Below neutral and you'll start seeing a minty-green oxidization leach out and stain your sink, toilets, etc. As for the pex connectors, I would guess your plumber used those pinch clips on the tubing simply because it's the style he went with and had the tools for. The pinch clips are pretty common and easy to use. I use them any time I need to mess around with the plumbing in my fish room.


Looking good Mike now about your "cistern" little work take the top two-three rows off clean inside, seal the inside with liquid rubber( great product use it for plywood takes I have) and turn into mutt guppy breeder- grow out vate just a thought bud


Mmm Michael just thinking the well tank seems a bit small on the side ours is way bigger than that one is


Copper and brass in long term ( oxidation) is poison for fish's, with plastic you get rid off that risk, on expensive or rare ones at least 😅


Why do you like Fritz better if Seachem Safe is cheaper and does the same thing?


Wish I was closer.... plumbing and hvac self would love to help on a new project!


beautiful PEX lines for water. Very Nice. great room.


I would suggest getting a whole house filter for water consistency sake.


Did you figure out how to get that TV down? I think if you gently pull on one side, it should flip down.
