King Of My Heart - [Lyric Video] Kutless

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Let the King of my heart
Be the mountain where I run
The fountain I drink from
Oh, He is my Song

Let the King of my heart
Be the shadow where I hide
The ransom for my life
Oh, He is my Song

You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh

Let the King of my heart
Be the wind inside my sails
The anchor in the waves
Oh, He is my Song

Let the King of my heart
The fire inside my veins
Be the echo of my days
Oh, He is my Song

You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh
Yes, You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh

You’re never gonna let never gonna let me down
You’re never gonna let never gonna let me down
You’re never gonna let never gonna let me down
You’re never gonna let never gonna let me down

You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh
(When the night is holding on to me)
You are good, good, oh
(Your are holding on)
Yes, You are good, good, oh(When the night is holding on to me)
You are good, good, oh
(Your are holding on)
You are good, You’re good, oh
You are good, good, oh

When the night is holding on to me
God is holding on
And when the night is holding on to me
God is holding on

LYRIC VIDEO BY: Landon Gingerich

You’ve made it to the bottom of the description! Give me a fist bump 👊 in the comments because you’re cool!! 😎
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You're not reading this by accident this is confirmation that everything is going to be alright at this moment GOD is fighting your battles and arranging things in your life, He is making a way for you where seems no way in Jesus Matchless Name.Amen♥


I first heard this song as a freshman in college and I’m graduating this semester. God has been so good, he’s blessed me with wonderful friends, a car, a financial blessing which resulted in me living on campus, a fantastic church body, a 3.9 gpa, a steady income, family, and health. He’s delivered me from sexual sin, lust, and forms of idolatry. He’s given me a new heart to pray everyday and read my Bible not out of obligation, but out of love for Him.
That’s just four years. I can’t wait to see what Jesus has planned for my life.


Who else loves Christian music? God is truly amazing🙏🙌


My best friend past away a year ago this march and hearing this sons brings soooo much comfort saying how God is good even when I don’t see it he is


Our Jesus is EVER FAITHFUL. HE IS ALL I NEED.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Without a doubt, the Lord is good! When we face the darkest nights, He is there for us! Nothing else matters when He's at the center of our lives! I know this because, like everyone, I face my own battles and often feel helpless to stop them. But the Lord is good and allows me to see them through! No matter what fire I walk through, I will not be burned in His name!


Listening to this song and reading the comments. Glory to God my brethren. Keep praising our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. May the lost read these comments and seek Him who died and rose for their salvation. God's love and forgiveness is immeasurable. Eternity in Hell is not worth the sin and lies and riches of this life. Choose Jesus. 1Timothy 1:15


God is everywhere with me... he never left me!
God’s love is enduring! He is the King of my heart!!! ❤️


I was baptized today unexpectedly. Not planned. I was ready and of course HE welcome me with open arms!! God is good!!


I am going through a lot right now, and I have this song on repeat. No matter what, God is good..and He is my song!


i was at the beach for church camp and we were at worship and they started singing this song and I suddenly broke down in tears and my bestfriend looked at me and we started hugging..I felt like God was telling or calling me to do something. I suddenly went to the alter and fell to my knees!! I do not think I have ever felt so touched by God IT WAS AMAZING!!!GOD IS GOOD💘


I have failed to have have a better relationship with god, bye after hearing this song I realize how great our god is, and how loved we really are. Please just keep me in your prayers as I struggle to grow closer to god


Fellow brothers and sisters in CHRIST - did you know that when you get a worship song in your spirit it’s usually THE HOLY SPIRIT nudging you to worship. The LORD knows all things, so sometimes He’ll have you worship to fight the battles planned. I believe it also brings Him joy and delight when we worship Him - for we become like what (Who) we worship by The LORD, through His HOLY SPIRIT!!! Bless The LORD, He is good and His mercy endures forever!!!


I really think we will never know how Good He has been to us until we go home and look back on our lives---all the almost accidents and illnesses, etc, He saved us from. My doctors' look at my medical chart and tell me there is no medical reason for me to be alive! I smile and say God, the only God has different plans--then i tell them quickly about Jesus---I have no Christian Drs' at this time. Plz pray for them.


God is truly awesome! If you have a burn den just let God take it away! He doesn’t want us to suffer and he wants us to count on home! He is truly wonderful and will never leave you more forsake you! I am a pastors daughter so I have been raised in church but I know that not all people had that opportunity! If anybody needs anything I am here and so is God!💞🙏


I love this song !!! I just got saved not to long ago 😫😩❤️🙏🏻.. I had a journey through spirtual depression to were he broke my prideful heart and turned it into a curious heart because I thought I was fine and didn't need God but I found myself seconding guessing my faith and got confused but I'm glad to say the bible is alive and active it makes me have so much peace from it I've read it 3 hours a day some days it's crazy how he helped me with my unbelief and turned it Into belief God is real !!!!


C'est incroyable à quel point on peut ressentir l'amour de Dieu au travers d'une chanson


I randomly just had this song’s lyrics in my head, “he is good, good, oh” on repeat and after searching for the title of this song I am here listening to this years later. Thank you Jesus🙏🏼


I woke up hearing this song in my heart this morning. Thank You Lord for knowing my needs and meeting them I Yeshua's Wonderfully Beautiful and All Powerful name!!! You are SO GOOD!!!


I love Christian songs someone said, a song is a gospel that cannot never be preached!!
