The poetry of programming | Linda Liukas | TEDxCERN

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Linda Liukas believes that a movement in technology is already happening and that we need to engage everyone -- especially the next generation -- to take part. She wants to create a more diverse and colourful world of technology, starting with the poetry of code.

Linda Liukas is a programmer, storyteller and illustrator. Her children's book, Hello Ruby, raised a total of $380,000 on Kickstarter. She founded Rails Girls, which has organized workshops in over 230 cities, teaching the basics of programming to more than 10,000 women. Linda worked at Codeacademy, which she left to write stories that teach children about software and programming. She won the 2013 Ruby Hero prize and was named the Digital Champion of Finland by the EU Commissioner for Digital Agenda.

Рекомендации по теме

I love how passionate she is about programming and computers. Incredible woman.


She is a person who really have found a job of her dream.


she is like Disney's Princess of Programming tm


There are people in the world that are really interesting. Linda is one of them.


I love her cheerful childlike attitude. Her audience however is bit too quiet...


she is adorable and has a lot of confidence


I always found it weird that computers are at the core of our civilisation and yet we don't really teach kids much about them... Programming and computer science should be a core discipline, alongside mathematics and physics.


"Programmers write the code for other programmers to read and build upon" this is the most important lesson for any programmer watching this video


people like her are really pushing the boundries we experience today. Great work, thank you


wait, Linda Liukas? I know you probably won't ever read this, but if you are who I think you are.... (if I am wrong please tell me so I can delete this xD)

You worked in CodeCademy with us! I am one of the moderators that you actually promoted, I still remember when you left... I felt like greatness had been lost. I am happy to see your ruby project made it, and I am happy to see how far you got with it. I'm so proud that I met you! Go for it girl!


I'm going to buy her book to help me introduce my little sister to coding :)


she is the most convincing lecturer i never had :)


The world needs more like her.Not only as computer scientists but also as a motivator.
It's the job of people, who are in computer science field, to make others realise that computers are not magic but a product of human logic.
She has nailed her job.


If there is any of you who's still watching in 2020, I'm gonna tell you my story.
I started to learn programming solely because, in this age and century, computer has taken over the world and naturally I would like to work in a such promising filed, so it's because of money. But, I find it's hard to actually learn because I don't have the motivation. But then I watched this woman. She's so passionate and that made me realise the true essence of programming and computers. Thank you Linda, as you said I'm gonna work hard so that this generation is the last to know computers as merely glowing box. To our own liitle universe and rules!


I wish I had a teacher like that in kindergarden. I love the way you narrated you way through this real life tests and experiences of trying to make kids see the real world with another set of eyes. The eyes of makers!!!


That is exactly how Computer Science has to be introduced to children and adults alike. I give a similar discourse to the students in the first class of my courses. "Create anything you imagine with these free tools you are about to learn".
She explains it way better than I ever could, though.


Ohh, I`m almost crying... This speech was so interesting and so inspirable. I literally wanna go and do something, learn and create. Thanks for this feelings, Linda <3


CS could be intimidating, im so glad there's a colorful personality like hers to make programming such a lovely and fun adventure for kids, instead of dull lectures and harsh feedbacks


She is a great story teller and computer poet :) I love her energy. As an educator, I want to be able to transmit the kids this enthusiasm for programming. We need to approach new technology from a place of curiosity, wonder and desire to understand and discover, not from fear. Wonder is what makes the world so interesting. Fear is paralyzing kids, making talent and the joy of life go away. I hope we can make them understand reality, imagine another one and create it. No more kids in fear. We need more people like her.


She's doing a great job by introducing computers to kids.. and if you are feeling ackward to see her so over sweet, remember it's not for u.. she's a passionate teacher, her little students must be loving her..
