How I Am Turning $500 To $100,000 In JUST 6 Months Trading FOREX ( Step By Step Forex Challenge)
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How I Am Turning $500 To $100,000 In JUST 6 Months Trading FOREX ( Step By Step Forex Challenge)
In this video, I'm documenting the incredible transformation of my $500 initial investment into an impressive $100,000 in the upcoming six months.
I'm specifically sharing with you how exactly I'll do it. The accounts I'll be purchasing, profit percentages I'll be using for the different account types I'll be trading on etc. All the specifics needed for you to fully grasp how I'll make this reality.
Though, there's no doubt. While turning this $500 to $100,000, I'll have to be quite aggressive with the trades. Playing it slow and the safest way possible isn't gonna get me to $100,000 in the span of 6 months.
In this video, I'll walk you through the step-by-step process of the $500 to $100,000 Forex challenge. Going through everything very specifically, and documenting my journey from start to finish over the next six months.
How it'll work is this:
Each and every month over the next six will have a very specific goal.
Starting from the $500 which will be going towards a $100,000 forex trading prop firm account.
Getting the first $100,000 evaluation will take me the first 1 - 2 months, after that I'll be able to earn on this account.
Though, here's the spice. My risk management strategy is completely different while trading evaluation accounts and funded accounts.
On evaluation accounts I'll be taking 2% risk, and while trading funded accounts I'll be taking 0.5% risk.
With that said, I try to make a bit of profits to buy more prop firm accounts, and get more funding.
By the end of the six months, I plan to have over 7 figures in funding, while hitting the $100,000 mark regarding profit.