The First-Ever BMW X7: Legend

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Behold the Legend of Ol’ McLanden. Not every hero has what it takes to battle the bulls of the bank, beat Roy the Destoyer, and outrace the Rogues of Razorback Ridge. Then again, not every hero is sitting behind the wheel of the largest BMW ever created. Journey with McLanden and the epic X7, as they make everyday legendary. Visit a BMW Center today to test drive the First-Ever BMW X7.
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That’s one sick looking car dayummm!! well done BMW 🔥 🔥


Love this ad, and great vo by Chris Pine. Respect.


This is a car well done! Congrats BMW 😍


Great Ad! Legendary tall tale about the soccer mom but in an X7 🍀


Great and lagendery car!!!! I lick it.😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😮😱


First 😍BMW forever 😘
BMW lovers hit the like 👍👍


This is Wieden + Kennedy level advertisement! What agency worked on this?


I know what my vary first car is going to be the one and only BMW X7


I can't stand this commercial. The fact that during the whole commercial they keep who McLanden is a secret and after saying "McLanden braved roadways where most men would not wonder", after which the announcer puts emphasis on "see HER that fine hour" and she gives a look to the camera as if to say, "yeah, that's right, it's been a woman this whole time". Just, no.

This whole commercial reeks of pandering. Why not just say the word her normally and not have her look at the camera with a s___ eating grin as if they are trying to make a statement. Does BMW need to educate people on how progressive they are to sell a car. Had they not had that "see, we subverted your expectations" look on the lady's face it'd been a pretty cool commercial. But rather than trust their audience to be woke enough to be like, "yeah, that lady sure drove that car like a champ! Go her! Way to subvert our expectations there BMW! Good job!!!", they have to rub it in our faces instead to make sure we knew they were making the statement they were making. I am actually a man in a fantastic family of feminists who marched for women's rights back in the 60's and we all agree, men and women alike, that we hate this commercial for being so patronizingly pedantic in its pandering. Can't women be represented in this way without making the reveal so obvious that you could see the intent behind it from space?! Rather than let the woman show she can do what men can do, if not better than men can do it by letting the reveal speak for itself you have to depend both on the announcer and her look to make it stick. Way to treat your audience like a bunch of dumb a___s BMW. I am not biting and neither are any other of my forward thinking family members that this travesty of a commercial was obviously supposed to be pandering to. We'll take our business elsewhere to a company that doesn't need to wear their progressivism on their sleeves thank you very much.


What is the song used for the commercial?


자동차 크기는 이동거리가 길수록 대형 자동차 좋아한다 하는군요


I would kill myself in it. How fast could I take 25 MPH CURVE? 35? 40? 55? Boom! dead. But who is the driver; what other bmw commercials has she been on?


Hi there, I don't think the subtitles up there are decently correct, how ever I can't catch up all the words from the clip.
Who might help? THANKS !!!

Have you heard the legend of Ol' McLanden, who battled the bulls of the bank single-handed?

and evaded the waves that Poseiden has summmm???

and wrangled the gangs of the docks by the Dozen?

McLanden beat 'Roy the Destroyer' with ease, and brought all the razorback robes to their

McLanden braved roadways where most men ????live longer???? to rescue the run-aways from the headmaster's monster.

I sure would've loved to see her that fine hour, and perhaps catch a glimpse of the source of her power.

Make everyday legendary.


Who is the actress that's driving?


I am NEVER buying a BMW again after I saw it listed 30 out of 31st for reliability.
