Benedict XVI and the Pilgrimage Home

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In this video we share Benedict XVI and the Pilgrimage Home.

In a rare new letter penned by Benedict XVI, the retired pontiff said he is in the last phase of his life, and while his physical strength might be waning, he is surrounded by a "love and goodness" that he never imagined.

"I can only say that at the end of a slow decline in physical strength, inwardly I am on pilgrimage home," Benedict XVI said in the letter, published February 7 in Italian daily Corriere della Sera.

He said that "it's a great grace for me to be to be surrounded in this last piece of the road, which is at times a bit tiring, by a love and goodness that I could never have imagined."

Benedict addressed the letter to Italian journalist Massimo Franco of Corriere della Sera, who was charged with the task of presenting the retired pontiff with letters expressing concern and asking about his well-being in the years after resigning from the papacy.

He shocked the world when he announced his resignation on February 11, 2013, declaring that the See of Peter would be vacant as of 8 p m on February 28.

A conclave was called to name his successor, and on March 13, 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Bishop of Rome, and took the name Francis.

In his letter, published February 7 on the front page of Corriere della Sera, Pope Emeritus Benedict said he was moved that so many readers from the paper "want to know how I've spent this last period of my life."

He said he considers the questions and concerns of the readers part of the love he has experienced, and sees them as "an accompaniment" on the last phase of his life.

"Because of this," he said, "I cannot but be thankful, on my part assuring you all of my prayers.

Best regards."

The writer Franco noted that the signature of Benedict is “now tiny, almost shrinking along with his physical force.”

The newspaperman said the pope emeritus “accepts his fragility” and said Benedict’s words are “a thanksgiving, and at the same time, almost a farewell.”

The pope emeritus resigned in 2013, saying the physical demands were becoming too much for him, and said he would retire to a life of prayer in the Mater Ecclesiae monastery in the Vatican Gardens.

On September 4, 2020, Benedict became the longest-lived person to have held the office of pope.

On April 16, 2022 Benedict XVI turned 95 years of age.

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Рекомендации по теме

How I love this man He is the best. A superhero really. I have read so many of his writings and they are so full of wonder this super saint is so loved !!!! Thank you God so so so much for the gift of Fr Joseph Ratzinger our former are so good to us God.


I love Pope Benedict always in my prayers. Such a wise and wonderful man love his writings. Such a pity he couldnt carry on
May God bless him and keep him safe in his final years. Lots of love to you my dear Pope Benedict.


our lady Queen of peace pray for us sinners now n at the hour of our death Amen. praying for pope


How about doing a video on Ven Catherine Emmerich vision of the two Popes?


Our holy Pope Emeritas Pope Benedict. Protector like St Joseph,
his namesake. Defending and preserving the faith like St Peter, offering his sufferings for all of us.
So many graces and favors from him. Prayers for him in thanksgiving for all he does for us. Amen alleluia.


Immaculato Puksi'ikal, yetel a Rosario yetel Escapulario conjeo ti le yokol kaaba humpeel ts'o'oka'an u laak. (The second part is yours, mi Madonna has shown me) Su fiel siervo en Cristo.


He never renounced the Chair of Peter. Still the pope as in Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich’s “Two Popes” prophecy. Ber gog lio is the False Prophet of the Apocalypse. When PB passes, the AC will have power to come. Pray!


Benedict, as Pope could have reversed many evil steps taken by his predecessors. But he did not. He will be answerable to Jesus for not cancelling the invald Rite of Ordination introduced by Paul VI in 1969.
His resignation led to the election of evil Bergoglio, the terminator of the Catholic Church.
