Secure Email Gateway - SEG

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What is Secure Email Gateway?
Before we answer this question, we would like to mention several recent events that highlight the importance of securing and protecting your organization. Recent social media breaches and the Ransomware attack that affected gas distributions on the east coast of the USA has made it clear that cybercriminals will continue to seek ways to breach organizations to cause service disruptions, obtain personal, private, and sensitive information, destroy reputations, and encrypt or corrupt their valuable data. The attack on the gas distributor occurred after a ransom was already paid so paying the cybercriminals will not guarantee they will pack up and go away.
One of the easiest ways for cybercriminals to breach an organization is through emails. Phishing, one of the most used social engineering methods for cybercriminals to enter and attack your organization can be addressed and mitigated by educating employees and operating a Secure Email Gateway Solution.
Secure Email Gateway is an email security tool, either deployed via an on-premises device or via the cloud, that protects inbound and outbound emails against phishing, spam, business email compromise, ransomware, and other forms of malware.
A Secure Email Gateway will monitor, filter, and analyze all incoming and outgoing messages to detect, block, quarantine, and mitigate all unwanted and dangerous emails. Only cleaned or authorized emails are delivered to their intended recipient. Some in the industry refer to it as a firewall service for emails.
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