Steffany Gretzinger - No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus Lyrics

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"All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep His covenant and His testimonies." Psalm 25:10 ESV.

May this song bless you as it has blessed me.

I do not own any right to this music but give all credit to Steffany Gretzinger and her team. God Bless!
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I'm tired of relaying in my own strength, bc it's never enough. Today I'm finally surrendering all to God, all the problems, the people that have hurt me and all the broken dreams. My life is in your hands God, and nothing matters more than you. Please be with me. Amen.


As a little girl, I use to clutch my bible to my chest and hold it like a teddy bear each night to go to sleep because I was so afraid. My household was volatile and I use to have terrible nightmares and terrors. But I would always call on the name of Jesus and make it through to the next morning. As an adult now who is married with 2 little girls and living in a Christ centered home, I see how far Jesus brought me. He never left my side. And my girls will never have to live in fear the way I did. Their lives and their children's lives being rooted in Christ is all the treasure I will ever need on this Earth. In the end it's just me and Jesus just like in the beginning with that little girl hugging her bible in her bedroom. 💓


I just lost my baby this week. A few days before my miscarriage, when I was bleeding, I was trying not to cry and trust God. I was sitting on my couch trying to find something to watch to get my mind off of it and this song came up on my recommended.
I played it and Holy Spirit was so overwhelmingly strong. I couldn't stop crying, I hid underneath my blanket so my kids wouldn't see, and my one year old came up and forced her way underneath with me. She looked at me with such sad eyes and starting crying with me. I held her and told her momma was okay and I felt so sad seeing her cry. In that moment I heard God tell me,
"this is how i'm holding you right now, you're my baby" and I felt his presence literally wrap around me. It was as if through my own eyes, in looking at my daughter, he was showing me how he sees me. The compassion I felt from him was so overwhelming I was just crying and somehow I knew she could feel him too.
I've been playing this song over and over, after I lost my baby I knew that he was still a good God. I had never understood what Nehemiah meant by the joy of the lord is your strength until now, because it's so true.I pray my children will always know and remember just how in love I was with Jesus, how real he actually is and that he really does care for us.
He cares more than we will ever know


For Yahweh God loved the world in this way, that He gave His only unique Son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.


This song mysteriously was on my Spotify account under a playlist I created for relaxing music that I listen to when I walk my dogs, I broke down and asked God to come into my life and started attending a church that is loving and welcoming, I’m reading the Bible and thankful that God gave me a miracle that changed my heart.


Christ is the only Friend that walks with you in your journey from birth to the final day. He bears your sorrows, He won't hate you when everyone hate and desert you. He is with you to give you strength and wipe your tears. Choose Christ today, and you not be lonely anymore


my mom is dying and this song is her 100% i can’t stop listening it is helping me to know where here joy was found! May her testimony, Jesus in her, be my testimony, Jesus in me!


What a beautiful Lord we have. Not only does He rescue us from our corrupt sinful condition and give us citizenship in heaven for eternity, but He walks with us through this life here on earth - giving us purpose and a part in His great plan. There is no one like Him and His love. ❤


I have lost both my husband and my Dad. Both were prepared to meet with the Lord. This song is so right for me. Jesus is everything to me. Each day I feel there is joy in my heart knowing they are with Him. Just so homesick now. I feel He is enough for me coz He understands me and not ashame to call me His daughter. I love Him so much and He is the lover of my soul.


This is my daughter's song. I play it for her while we are in our war room before we pray together. I even recorded a cover of it for her. I'm going to give it to her when she's older. Mommy loves you, Sunshine.


My father got a fight with my neighbor. My neighbor's son went inside our house and pointed a gun on my father's head and punch my father using the gun. Now, we're waiting for the courts decision, the suspect needs to pay for what he has done. I was devastated, tired, and scared, but God said that I just need to be still and He reminded me of this verse in Psalm 91. I pray for salvation for the man who did bad things to my father. I pray for goodness of heart and protection. I pray for righteous gov. leaders to help us. God is good and He remains faithful. Please pray for me ang my family's salvation, safety, and peace.


This song speaks to me in so many ways . He will carry you through this life. Never give up and he will never give up on you💕


I have failed Jesus but He has never failed me. Everyone in my life has failed me at some point as I have failed them but Jesus never has. I don't want to fail Him ever again because I love Him.

Автор one ever cares us like Jesus..He is love himself..My dear Father..


No one EVER cared for like you Jesus!! I’m so grateful to be called YOUR child!! What a beautiful picture of you creating us in our mother’s womb!! I trust you Jesus to carry me through all the way! You are the source of all joy and all comfort! 🙏🙏🙏❤️


My grandma died and I was so sad 😭. This song really comforted me. Thank you. I still cry sometimes but this song really made me happy and helped me remember that no one cares for me more than God. God bless. God loves you.


No one ever care for me like Jesus love this song


I am all alone in this world & feel so lonely. 😢 All I have left is Jesus who loves me. ❤


I was in chruch and my pastor pit this song and this song got to me because I been thru so much a d I bottle up my pain hurt tears a d today was the day I let everything out this song was a wake up call for me I thank you god I KNOW NOW THAT MY JOY IS FOUND NO MORE TEARS HURT PAIN I RRADY TO HEAL I WANT TO BE HAPPY ❤


Wow I just heard this song in the men’s prayer room.I couldn’t help my self now 24 hours later still listening to this song.😪💯🙏🏽🙏🏽 I just want to get closer to him even though my circumstances look grim for work I know that he cares for me .Stay blessed Raymond David
