10 популярных ФРАЗОВЫХ ГЛАГОЛОВ в английском

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Hello there!
Сегодня мы выучим 10 популярных фразовых глаголов! Что это такое –фразовые глаголы? На уроках фразовые глаголы я называю гибридами, потому как они состоят из основного глагола и короткой части речи (частицы, предлога). Какой-то смешанный тип получается, точно гибрид. Иногда смысл фразового глагола можно легко понять: call back, например. Call – звонить, back – обратно. Звонить обратно – перезвонить. Но далеко не всегда всё так просто! Изучая английский, вы встретите десятки фризовых глаголов, смысл которых придётся выучить, а не проводить дословно. Уж такая это тема. С одной стороны, сложная, а с другой – очень интересная! Зная даже самые простые фразовые глаголы, вы уже выходите на новый уровень английского!
So, let`s take our English Up a level!

AHOAMI - Stroll (Copyright Free Music)
Рекомендации по теме

Молодец, очень понравился урок, удивительно, что бесплатно❤


My music teacher told me that there was going to be a concert in two weeks in which I was taking part. He also told me to learn a new song for the concert. I started looking for a song to learn and I decided to play . I also needed to brush up songs I had already studied that I would be playing in the concert. It was 1 week. My fingers were very sore and I didn't know what to do. "The concert is in a week and I haven't finished learning this melody yet!" And then I came up an idea, "What if I just learn the notes until the pain goes away... I think that's the only way." Four days passed. "My fingers don't hurt anymore, and I've finished learning the melody, all that's left to do is practice." Concert day. It was the hardest two weeks of my life. I put my clothes on, went to the bus stop, got on the bus, got to the concert hall, and got off the bus. I was very nervous. 10:00. Before the concert, I decided to repeat everything I was going to play. I also decided to tune my guitar, since it might have been out of tune. I started tuning, and One string broke (and really hit me hard)! "It's only a short time until the concert and my string broke, what should I do?". At that point I was ready to give up and say I wouldn't be performing. " I see you have a broken string on your guitar. You can use my guitar when you perform." It turned out to be a friend of mine, whom I didn't go looking for because I was very worried and forgot that I needed to find him. I performed well, and thanked him very much. And the moral of this fable is this: Always have a friend who can help you out, just in case.


In summer I brushed up my English knowledges.


Уважаемые зрители моего канала! В видео, когда я называю фразовый глагол "run out of" (00:03:10) есть ошибка в построении предложения. Должно быть: "But then I found out that I'd run out of petrol". Ошибку допустила из-за того, что изначально планировала использовать другой глагол "to be out of", и тогда было бы : "I was out of petrol". Фразовые глаголы "to be out of" и "run out of" синонимичны. В итоге, глагол поменяла, а "to be" на "had" не исправила. Спасибо подписчику A Tea Bag за внимательность!😉


We ran out of milk. Put on your coat and go to the store.


1. When I got on the bus, I had to take off my jacket.
2. Call me back if you find out something.
3. What are you looking for?
4. I have to figure out how to do it.
5. I brushed up my English in the summer.
6. Tell me if you come up with something.
7. I hope, you won’t give up playing piano.
8. We ran out of milk. Put on your jacket and go to the shop.


Итоги конкурса❗❗❗
1 место🎉 - Павел Касьян и София Чупита
2 место 🎉- Артём Калганков
3 место🎉 - Кира Малышко
С историями ребят могут ознакомиться все желающие в комментариях под этим видео ( ItzEndrr/ София Чупита/ Артём Калганков/Кира)🖋
В качестве подарка🎁 - English book📘


New one:
This thing is much harder, but I’ll try to get the hang of it.


1) When I got on the bus, I had to take off my jacket
2) Call me back if you find out something
3) What are you looking for?
4) I have to figure out how to do it
5) In the summer I brushed up my English
6) Tell me if you come up with something
7) I hope, you won't give up playing piano
8) We ran out of milk. Put on your jacket and go to the shop


1) When I got on the bus, I had to take off my jacket.
2) Phone/call me if you figure something out.
3) What are you looking for?
4) I have to figure out how to do it.
5) I brushed up at the summer.
6) Tell me if you come up with something/ get some cogs moving in your head.
7) I hope you don't give up on playing the piano.
8) We ran out of milk. Put on your jacket and go to the shop!


When I got on the bus, I needed to take off the jaket.


1) When I got on bus I had to take off my jacket,
2) Call back, if you find out something
3) What are you looking for?
4) I need to fingure out how to do it
5) I brushed up my English this summer
6) Tell me if you come up with something
7) I hope you won't give up playing the piano
8) We run out of milk. Put on your jacket and to the supermarket


A- Anna
K- Kate(mum)
B- Bella

A- What's up, mum!
K- Hi, hanny!
A- Mum, today I finally decided to go to medical school.
K- Well, then you need to brush up your knowledge before the exam.
A- I know, but I'll have to give up walking.
K- Don't worry, I`ll come up with something for you to make it easier to prepare.
A- Thank you very much!
K- It seems to me that I should look for an apartment in Kyiv.
A-Mom, I don’t know how to explain this to you, but I need to figure out which job should I try an ophthalmologist or a surgeon?
K- There is still time to think about it.
On August 22, I went to Kyiv, but halfway through it turned out that all the fuel run out of.
A- Hello Bella, I'm stuck halfway to Kyiv. Could you pick me?
B- Hi of course, no problem. I found out your coordinates. So go to the nearest stop, and take the 165 minibus. You will got off in Shevchenko Street and call me back. And from there I will pick you up.
A- Thanks, I just don't know how to thank you.


1.When I got on the bus, I had to take off my jacket.
2.Call back me, if you find out anything.
3.What are you looking for?
4.I need figure out, how do It.
5.I rushed up my English in the summer.
6.let me know if you anything come with up.
7.I hope you don’t give up playing the piano.
8.We’ve run out of milk.Put on your coat and go to the shop.
9.I like to look for information about different animals.


Let me know if something comes up with your head.


I hope you won't give up playing the piano.


1) When l get on the bus, l had to take off my jacket.
2) Call me back if you find out something.
3) What are you looking for?
4) l have to figure out how to do it.
5) l brushed up my English in the summer
6) Let me know if you come up with an idea
7) l hope you won’t give up playing the piano
8) we run out of milk. Put on your coat and go to the shop.


When I got on the bus, I had to take off jacket.
Phone me if you find out something.
What are you looking for?
I have to figure out how to do it.
I brushed up English in summer.
Tell me if you come up with something.
I hope you don't give up on playing the piano.
We ran out of a milk. Put on jacket and go to the supermarket!


When l get on the bus, l had to take off my jacket
Call me back if you find out something
What are you looking for?/ What do you look for?
l have to figure out how to do it
l brushed up my English in the summer
Let me know if you come up with an idea
l hope you won’t give up playing the piano
we run out of milk. Put on your coat and go to the shop


1) When I got on the bus, I had to take off my jacket 🚌
2) Call back if you find out anything 🕳️
3) What are you looking for? 🕵️
4) I need to figure out how to do this 😉
5) In the summer I have to brush up English 🇬🇧
6) Let me know if anything come up with 🤯
7) I hope you don't give up playing the piano 🎹
8) We were left without milk. Put on your coat and go shopping 🥛
