Pepper Harvest & Over Winter [Container Gardening ]

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As The Colder Nights Approach You Can Harvest & Over Winter Your Pepper Plants Welcome To Container Gardening Where We Grow our Own Food Using Small Spaces Please Like & Subscribe and join us doing Container Gardening plus more
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Ivans Garden UK
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I don't know how you do it Ivan. To say you only grow outside, the amount of fruit and vegetables you manage to grow successfully is purely amazing! And the advice is always gratefully received. Thank you 😊


Really good result- love seeing how much you’ve achieved this year 😊


Your pepper harvest is amazing. I didn't get any off my plants and they were in a greenhouse! They just grew foliage and we're leggy.


Thanks for the update Ivan, nice harvest, enjoy. Thanks for sharing.


Nice update, ivan 👍 Im impressed with your success this year with how bad it's been. I was thinking of relocating my raised beds, but i could do container gardening and keep my lawn🤔🐟


O.m.g Ivan peppers looks amazing...hope I can follow you next Yr from scratch with I did this Yr But only got 2 peppers on my plant


Thanks Ivan, for this great update and a lovely harvest of peppers. Take care and all the best. Stevie


Hi Ivan. Nice harvest. Have you ever done a rough costing of what you've saved over a year against buying at a supermarket? Even if you allow for the investments in pots, soil, growing boxes etc, it must be offsetting a good deal of food purchase costs - not to mention the exercise, fresh food and well-being of it all. And pots and soil last and so costs spread over the years.
My growing area is 17ft x 20 ft of paved back yard. I'm avidly watching your videos and planning for next year. I'm going to try to cost up what I get. This year I only had a few spuds and some tomatoes - but, hey, tomatoes are a about £1.50 a pound! And they tasted great. Cheers and I hope you have some great plans for the new year.


Congratulations on your crop, looks very successful to me considering your weather, oh and those small peppers would be so sweet. The price of Peppers here in Australia are $9 + per kilo. They do get deader than that.


They look fantastic Ivan, when overwintering peppers reduce your root ball, 2 nd year off to a quick start more peppers


HELLO MY FRIEND YES I ORDER NICE WEATHER i dont think winter will be to bad its only fair we had a bad summer i work to day it was ok to be honest it was a good day for it


ive grew my bell peppers from a supermarket pepper and i am really happy with the amount ive got saying i only took up gardening later in the season so i started my peppers late. Mine are still all green but thats how i prefer them for the guinea pigs because they have less sugar than red ones. Im not bothering with over wintering them i am going to start them early indoors with heat mat and lights.


I grew purple peppers this year. I can’t stand peppers or chillies, but as it’s purple, I bought it! I had 5 massive purple peppers!! Gave them away and asked for the seeds back. My offensive shaped and hot chillies have just started to grow fruit.


What's the best way to keep fuisash outside through the winter as I don't have a green house .😊


i want to ask you can you use the seeds in side the peppers
