Learn Delphi Programming | Unit 7.2 | Assigning Names To Your Delphi Components
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Delphi Programming Tutorial - Unit 7.2: Assigning Names To Your Delphi Components:
In this tutorial we learn how to assign names to our Delphi components. We apply the naming rules and naming conventions that we've learned in the previous Delphi tutorial to the Delphi program that we worked in earlier Delphi tutorials.
For each of the Delphi components on our Delphi Form, we change the Name property in the Object Inspector, using the proper naming rules and naming conventions. We are making changes on the Form, Panel, RichEdit, BitButton, Button, Edits, Image, Labels, CheckBox, ComboBox, SpinEdit.
We apply the general naming rules and conventions (Hungarian Naming Notation) to these names because it aids in the following:
• The type can be seen from the prefix in its name. This is useful when looking at the code outside an integrated development environment — like on a code review or printout — or when the symbol declaration is in another file from the point of use, such as a function.
• The formatting of object names may simplify some aspects of code refactoring.
• Multiple objects with similar semantics can be used in a block of code: i.e. btnFirstName and lblFirstName.
• Names can be easy to remember from knowing just their types.
• It leads to more consistent names.
• Inappropriate type casting and operations using incompatible types can be detected easily while reading code.
• In complex programs with lots of global objects (i.e. Delphi Forms), having a basic prefix notation can ease the work of finding the component inside of the editor. For example, searching for the string “btn” might find all the Button objects.
• Applying Hungarian notation in a narrower way, such as applying only for member variables, helps avoiding naming collision.
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