What Atheists Just Discovered In Saudi Arabia TERRIFIES The Entire World!

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What Atheists Just Discovered In Saudi Arabia SHOCKED The Entire World!

Every year, millions of Muslims worldwide gather in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to perform the Hajj pilgrimage, one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The nation is home to the two holiest cities in Islam, Mecca, and Medina, as well as the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad. However, there is a little-known aspect of Saudi Arabia's history that has recently been uncovered by atheists. This revelation could potentially challenge religious doctrines and shake the foundations of all three Abrahamic faiths. What did atheists recently find and how could it impact the beliefs surrounding Mount Sinai? Join us as we unravel what atheists just discovered in Saudi Arabia that has shocked the entire world!

For a book that has been around for over 2,700 years, the bible holds a significant place in human history. It has influenced countless people and shaped entire cultures throughout the centuries. Yet, even with its enduring credibility, scholars and theologians have grappled with the challenges of verifying certain claims and locations mentioned in its pages. One such mysterious place is Mount Sinai, often referred to as the "Mountain of Moses." According to tradition, Mount Sinai is the hallowed ground where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God, as described in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Exodus Chapters 19 and 20. Unsurprisingly, the search for the real Mount Sinai has captivated the minds of explorers and scholars for centuries.

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What’s important here, is the wisdom of The Most High God, to have “atheists” seeking, and finding “ANYTHING” concerning Him. Their search converts them from atheists, to believers!



As for the mistaken whereabouts of Mt Sianai in the Sinai Penninsula, the true location has never been in doubt. The Apostle Paul writes to the Church in Galatia about 50 AD, "Mt Sinai, which is in Arabia...". Galatians. 4:25. It is certainly not newly discovered. It was even known by the Arabs for generations as Jabu Musa (the Mountain of Moses). I don't know why this clip keeps saying it has been recently discovered by athiests when there is so much previous evidence.


This mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments, was discovered by Ron Wyatt. He was no atheist!


Several people who went to Saudi Arabia have proven that the mountain with the burnt top is, as shown here, is mount Sinai


Ron Wyatt discovered Jabbal Musa in 1972, along with the split rock, and the route through the red sea


Christians have known about this for 50 YEARS due to the work OF RON WYATT!


within a very shot period of time JESUS WILL TELL MANY WHAT IS REAL & WHAT ARE LIES AS HE RETURNS.
In the meantime people male or female can only think they know.


According to <Exodus 19: 2> (For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness: and there Israel camped before the mount.) So it appears from that verse that the mountain is somewhere near the desert of Sinai.


I am a Christian, Jesus is my savior, the location of mt. Sinai makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever. Where Moses did what he did in a desert is of no consequence. It’s WHAT he did, that rocks my world.


The mountain is where it said to be by Ron Wyatt.


Beware the difference between religion and cult. It has to do with propaganda


Sinai being in the Negev is very interesting.


Ron Wyatt and some professional archeologists have previously identified Mt. Sandi as being in Saudi Arabia.


Saint Catherine monks who made prophet Muhammad a promise to his members of Islam do not break off any holy place of Christians he writings a covenant between Islam and Christian with blood signature..that is why suni Islam is a good faction of Muslim than Shia Muslim because Shia Muslim is not under of prophet Muhammad..I'm a roman Catholic but i read the history of islam religion


The atheists could not believe, it was against there religion.


No disrespect and my we all be granted Peace and pure truth... Not conjecture and speculation


God didn't tell Moses to strike the rock. Because he struck the rock instead of speaking to it, He was not allowed to enter the promised land. Moses like Enoch talked to God. Enoch was taken by God. Moses was buried by God. I bet Moses met Enoch the day he passed. I bet his promised land was much better.


The Exodus is recorded by the Egyptians as the Hyksos and the Amu. The Hyksos are the foreign rulers of the Israelites and the Amu are the vassal states. Around 1500 BC they fled the 'plagues' of a volcanic eruption. The world has traded reality for a fairy tale. The seafaring tribe of Dan has no recorded landings in the Mediterranean. The term Phoenician, like the terms, carpenter or, metallurgist, is a trade name, not a nation of people.

Isaiah 4:5 says the column of smoke and pillar of fire are yet to be created.

Jesus comes as a thief in the night; only to slaughter, pillage, and destroy; come and gone before you awake. Then, when they awake, the kings of the earth gather at the site called Armageddon - to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.

A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly. (Joh 10:10 NABO)


Why should there be debates, even interest on where Mt.Sinai is.? What do we hope to gain from that? Is it more important that the fact that we now have the Commandments as given to Moses? Yes, it was hallowed by God, by His presence there when He communicated with Moses.After that occasion, God did not mean it to become a Shrine, otherwise God would have commanded Moses to mark the place, for generations to come.


Muslim scholars new this, moses and Aaron with moses father in law, were in the lands of Madyan, "
