What are the complications of Endometriosis?-Dr. Nupur Sood
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There are two major concerns with endometriosis. One aspect is when it is causing severe pain and dysmenorrhea, as we call it as well as the bleeding disturbances which may require to , when it becomes complicated case, that is when it is not responding to the medical treatments, we have to land up having a surgery for it, which will involve the removal of the cyst in the ovary , the diseased cyst. It may involve removing a part of the uterus or infact in most of the cases, they land up having the complete uterus removed itself. The other aspect is when we are having this dysmenorrhea, but you need to conceive also, so you need to preserve the uterus. Now if we need to preserve the uterus, we need to do some sort of treatment, where we can solve both the issues and especially when we are having a difficulty to conceive, it requires a certain kind of a different surgery where only the diseased part of the ovary, and the uterus will be removed, the rest of it will be managed by rest an certain kind of a physical therapy, which need to be taken forward for a certain period of time, which can even restore the oral functioning of the uterus and the ovaries and we can conceive, so these complications are very severe with endometriosis and it should be picked up early and treated early so that it doesn’t spread and cause such extensive damage within the system.