Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

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I think he presents it as like, the savages are our society, and they are flawed as hell, but that doesn't mean that a utopian society like the other one is any better, as they aren't just promiscuous, capitalist consumers, drug reliant, because they want to be, they're essentially forced into being so because of conditioning and laws.
Essentially neither is correct, but the argument can be made that none are correct and none ever will be because we are individuals and everyone wants something different in life.

I'd rather the savage society because I would despise the idea of being forced into a caste system against my will from infancy, I also felt for the man who is talking about want to create actual art rather than propaganda but knows he can never do so, that would destroy me. You, from the sounds of it, prefer the utopian one because of its safety. Both views are fine, and I think the point of his novel is to think on the fact that society is flawed, and no matter what we do to try and perfect it, it will remain flawed regardless because of individualism.

From a 1930s perspective, he is writing about capitalism gone too far, he is writing about a futuristic capitalist society from an anti-capitalist view, I think that is also why I have a lot of disdain for their society, when they talk about constantly new clothes, drugs to make you happy and productive, constant distractions from the monotony to make them forget they're just wage slaves, they obsess over these things and I see these things in our society nowadays and it pisses me off.


Lol, 'a world totally different to ours'!? Open your eyes darling.


I agree with you that Lenina can't really be blamed for an action that she was conditioned do, as it was normal to her. And I agree that his hostility was too much, especially since he threatened to kill her, but I think in that moment he was not just angry at at her but also with the society that devalued her in such a way. The society took a woman he loved and made her into a sex object, which infuriated him. As Bernard says in the beginning, she is treated by others and treats herself like meat.


I dont know if he is trying to show that a society is better than the other or that, as much as we try, we will never arrive to a society that fits all, and therefore we can never reach utopia...


Yes, you got the proper message. The society is a Utopia, a paradise. You are free from any burdens or responsibility. It is pure happiness. If you want happiness of the highest kind, yes, you might find this utopia to be the best suitor for your temperament. You will not be able to struggle in this society. You will not suffer. Therefore, you have nothing to strive toward, nor do you have anything to achieve, because all is here, now for you. The price of happiness is meaning.


Glad you read it does make you think. I've thought for years that Brave works on more than a few levels. Its like a old bugs bunny cartoon. When your young you see one thing when your a teen you see more. When your a adult you see more. And finally when your old you can enjoy just as a cartoon again. I keep finding things in Brave that piss me off. So im not quite old engough to just enjoy the cartoon yet. Im getting there


Heard so many calling this book "Utopian", but I think I it is "Dystopian" .
Read it a few years ago and it made me rather sick and sad.


Gattaca (the movie) is better imo, but i still like this author in general


You missed the whole point of the book. Surprised you felt comfortable posting this on Youtube. Embarrassing ...


Wasn't that interested in this anyways, but yeah, that doesn't sound like my cup op tea..
Interesting to hear your thoughts on it though :)


I thought you said "in a world thats different then the one we live in"....


The novel may be provocative. but do you think CRISPER technology will make the concept more relevant? 🤔


I think you answered your own question. I think the two of the biggest points are 1. There is no way to reach utopia b/c you can’t please everyone. 2. What’s better? Freedom or security?


My problem with the book is that Huxley puts religion at the same level as art and science. He even says that the “natural thing is to believe in god”. I strongly feel very different and I don’t find it’s the “natural” thing to do. Other than that, I liked the book and Found it very thought provoking.


Read this in high school but need to reread so I can appreciate your review ... soon!


I like this review, the ambiguity is natural for my reading and yours. My views show that The Savage is just a reflection of conflicting opinion in normal society. Theirs creature comforts in both society’s, safe environment vs freedom of control, and Huxley, who did originally aim for a Utopian vision, wants us to recognise that freedom could be sacrificed for safety (which is that animals innately desire more)
The Savages anger toward the female though was a reflection of animalistic non-condition, and perhaps an outward reflection of masculinity that goes unresolved. He cannot understand the society, the regulations, or the upbringing others have, and then something cannot work his way he objects against it.


I think the genius of this book was making John a product of both of these societies in his upbringing...

But not fitting in to either of them. Makes John a fascinating character, and a fascinating study for the ‘civilised’ world.


Alternate totle for video. Socialist Reviews brave new world
