Bashar On DMT Spirit Molecule

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In a Waking Universe Moment: This is a previously unseen part of the episode with featuring noted Channeler Darryl Anka and host Lance Mungia. And in a clip from Conscious Life Expo, Bashar discusses DMT (dimethyltryptamine), aka The Spirit Molecule, the Ayahuasca brew used by native shamans to produce an expanded consciousness and a greater connection to the divine.

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I am an avid DMT smoker. I can relate to what he's saying here. I know for sure I've never been to 6th / 7th, as I've never worked up the courage to take that much DMT into my lungs & Ive never interacted with other beings. I've only ever smoked enough to reach 4th/5th template level, and honestly, that is satisfying enough for me. To lose all sense of humanity & ego - to melt into pure energy - to feel strong creation forces within oneself. Its mindblowing. Maybe one day I'll try to go further.


It has revolutionized my entire outlook on life already, and in all positive ways. I used to be a cynical, cold, atheist jerk - no longer. My motives are not to just experience, but to learn and grow. No other tool, except for perhaps youtube ;) has given me that opportunity like DMT has.


Last time I smoked DMT, the trip was so intense that I've resolved not to do it again probably for several years.


Yep... I was the same. I came to DMT after figuring things out intellectually, so DMT has been just a confirmation for me.


I have never taken DMT but have had a near death experience. I see some criticisms of Darryl. I cannot agree with the criticisms as I have held some of the same beliefs since a young age. I rarely spoke of them as it scared my peers who already had some fears of me as I would go to answer the phone before it rang and know who was calling. I had many other behaviors which were predictive so not all could be hidden. It was so bad that I began to absorb their fear and become fearful myself therefore buried what some would now call talents. I still percieved the world more simply than others and am often called upon to help people through their own issues which I have been extremely successful with except for one individual with a deeply engraved belief system. This individual is also very fearful and anxious. Sadly, his life is so controlled by another that he has little ability to identify feelings and even his thought patterns from the "other". He is waiting to die. I am limited physically due to genetics yet am quite content and happy with my life. I laugh everyday. This person did indeed mind thus I learned to build up physic boundaries. Pardon the words and spelling. Often when I post, wordings and spellings change.


I smoked DMT and he is totally right, you just don't understand it yet. Some day you will learn, don't worry. Much love <3


Excellent! Thank you! Bashar always comin through with the knowledge! :)


Pretty cool, the concept of it being a blueprint space as we all know Terence always talked about the Machine Elves who promted him to do what the elves did which was basically create objects with speech. Kind of coincides with the idea of a blueprint reality.


Much like hypercube comments, smoked dmt on several occassions. The most potent and awakening expierence i had was as though i met god. Not so much in a one to one sort of way, more as if i entered god( or all that is) mind and saw things, understood things from this much more inclusive perspective of what the universe, reality consists of. It was beautiful, peaceful, fluid, yet still and pure. No thoughts just a sort of understanding and observing of simply "being, or existing" of everything that is or can be. All is the one, one is the all.


Thanks!!! Love "Waking Universe TV", keep up the good work!


Great to hear your speaking about DMT and focusing on the on board naturals. I have experience with both and the pipe is a bad fail because it lacks the regulating balance of the pituitary gland as they are a system and just over revving the pineal is lame.


As someone who has been smoked/vaped dmt on multiple occasions I can really relate to what he says.


It is peculiar that i cant find Bashars videos anymore and the ones i do find only have negative comments. This is alarming.


DMT saved my life. And taught me about an NDE years prior. Life changing.


I know as stated we produce DMT, but do we/can we produce more (or less) in situations such as meditation or exercise? I had recently diagnosed with ADHD but have always been ... different and though my iq was above normal, never did well in education or work, so family was ashamed and people just though I was either dumb or whatever, but for many years, I was still able to hold and store much information in things I liked, like astronomy etc, and fascinated by the mind and brain, and exercise so I became obsessed and read and continue to read since the early 90's till now. But still, I'm told, my brain is damaged and I need to be on expensive medication, as im told I cannot produce enough dopamine in the brain. I do get tired, but that's because I have more energy than 'normal'. It's too frustrating, but I can only see the lighter side to it. Still
Meditation helps immensely, according to bashar we do produce DMT in our brain, and don't need to take it externally?


Wow... This certainly agrees with how Terence McKenna describes it except he (McKenna) described it in a very literal way.


My name is HUMAN and I came d0wn fr0m the stars.


this short clip struck a dream i had. yes it is hard for us to understand the state of manifest we live in and to learn it comes from this ''blueprint'' ofcourse our creativity and experience on this level is not going to catch compliments from higher beings, unless they look at us as a game of footbal, sitting back


If he is channeling, how does he know what the experience of DMT provides if in fact it is exclusive to human experience? I understand he has some idea of it being a blueprint for communication but this still eludes me as to why anyone thinks they know anything about something so unspeakable.


this DMT.... is it more effective than 5- hour energy?

I could use some right now...
