Floating on a RAFT: HBase Durability with Apache Ratis

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In a world with a myriad of distributed storage systems to choose from, the majority of Apache HBase clusters still rely on Apache HDFS. Theoretically, any distributed file system could be used by HBase. One major reason HDFS is predominantly used are the specific durability requirements of HBase's write-ahead log (WAL) and HDFS providing that guarantee correctly. However, HBase's use of HDFS for WALs can be replaced with sufficient effort.
This talk will cover the design of a "Log Service" which can be embedded inside of HBase that provides a sufficient level of durability that HBase requires for WALs. Apache Ratis (incubating) is a library-implementation of the RAFT consensus protocol in Java and is used to build this Log Service. We will cover the design choices of the Ratis Log Service, comparing and contrasting it to other log-based systems that exist today. Next, we'll cover how the Log Service "fits" into HBase and the necessary changes to HBase which enable this. Finally, we'll discuss how the Log Service can simplify the operational burden of HBase.
This talk will cover the design of a "Log Service" which can be embedded inside of HBase that provides a sufficient level of durability that HBase requires for WALs. Apache Ratis (incubating) is a library-implementation of the RAFT consensus protocol in Java and is used to build this Log Service. We will cover the design choices of the Ratis Log Service, comparing and contrasting it to other log-based systems that exist today. Next, we'll cover how the Log Service "fits" into HBase and the necessary changes to HBase which enable this. Finally, we'll discuss how the Log Service can simplify the operational burden of HBase.