A Very Challenging 'Contradiction' in the Gospels: The Mark Series pt 57 (14:1-12)

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I almost gave up trying to resolve this supposed "contradiction" between Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Was Jesus anointed with oil/perfume once, twice or three times? Is there error in the Gospels about this? This is a rather complicated set of problems that will take time to unpack. In my study this week I searched and searched and could not find a satisfactory answer; and I'm not really ok with half-answers, so I was about to give up on the issue when I set aside all my resources and just worked with the texts themselves. Now I think I understand a very plausible explanation for the differences and similarities in the four Gospels on this issue.

Today is all about apologetics!

I'll be answering a lot of the following questions.
If Luke is a separate account that happened at a different time and place how do we explain the similarities between his account and those in Mt, Mk and John? Like the other Gospels, Luke records a woman anointing Jesus, using fragrance from an alabaster flask and the name of the home owner being "Simon".
Even if Luke is a separate account we have questions about how John can be harmonized with Matt and Mark. Critics claim that John has this event happening 6 days before Passover while Mark and Matt have it happening 2 days before Passover. They say that John has this happening at the home of Lazarus while Mark and Matt have it happening at the home of Simon the Leper. Yet these three accounts seem too similar to say it happened twice in such a short period of time. This puzzle had me confused for a time, and when I looked up resources from other people who tried to figure out a good solution I found myself bothered even more. The solutions often disregarded obvious challenges! In the end, I think I've figured it out and decided to do a whole video on it to make sure a good resource was out there for those looking to answer the question. I also think we should talk a bit about the anxiety Christians often feel when trying to resolve a supposed contradiction. How do we process that, especially if we simply don't know the answer yet?

This is part 57 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 13:32-37.

Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.

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I'm in such a dark place, so alone in this world just clinging to Gods word. I'm paralysed just waiting for God's movement because there is nothing else. Please pray for me.


I must say mike as a seeking atheist you’re one of the only people to challenge my doubts rationally


I have been a Christian long enough to have had my faith shaken many times for things I've heard that supposedly contradict the Bible and what I've been taught. Through prayer, I've learned to wait and God always eventually gives me answers to these conundrums. I saw a poster of a kitten hanging on to a rope that said, "When you come to end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on". This has gotten me through these times over and over until the Holy Spirit led me to an answer.


As a lover of knowledge, I come to a point where I'm convinced that unanswered questions are actually beneficial for us Christians in the sense that they humble us, that we don't know everything, and that's why our faith is based on our trust and confidence in Jesus Christ and the Scriptures.

Thank you Ptr. Mike for your dedication to answering these tough questions.


Once in reply to my Biblical question I was given a list of verses on asking foolish questions, causing controversies and ignorant speculations etc. Followed by advice that sometimes it's better not to seek answers...
I am glad there are people like Mike who put the time and effort into tackling tricky questions, rather than brushing them off.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” I can see now why this is one of your favourite verses. It might just be mine too. God bless you.


Never give up, pastor Mike. Many people are coming to a better understanding of Christ and scripture because of your ministry. Thank you so much.


*Hi Mike. I actually synchronized the four gospels starting way back in 2013 and when I came to this section with the apparent contradiction, I did indeed come to exactly the same conclusion as you have in this video.*
On top of this, I was finally able (after many setbacks and hindrances) to publish the synchronization earlier this year (2022), it is called: 'GOSPEL SYNC; the greatest story ever told'. _So I guess this book is one Christian resource that agrees with your sound interpretation..._

btw, I have only just officially launched my own YouTube channel in November, and I hope to follow in your footsteps, with my own flavor of course, but yes, these are exciting times for me, and it is very encouraging to see how you have succeeded in a very similar niche to the people I am aiming to produce content for... thanks for all you do, Justin Farrugia. ✝🕊


Your roller coaster analogy is spot on. I struggled for years with inerrancy. Finally I got to the point where I realized my knowledge and understanding will NEVER be complete, let alone perfect. And for me it was pride! I like having answers. I like being the friend that people come to for the hard questions. I like being the intellectual heavyweight. If God inspired a Bible that was so clear-cut that a grade school child could fully understand it, why would any of us study it year after year? I suspect it's complex for a reason. I learn and grow in new ways from reading the same scripture over and over again. I may still pursue perfect understanding, but God has sufficiently humbled me enough to know that I should never expect it. God bless you, Mike! I thoroughly enjoyed this one over my 530am sunrise coffee.


I’d like to say a testimony...
I was 5 years of chronic illness! I was Semi Housebound, lost my health, job, finances and my fiance left me. I couldn't even look at electronic screen for 5 minutes, or hold a 10-minute conversation.
But God did an amazing work. 

I now have a Christian Channel where I encouroage people and show them what God did in my life and that there is hope for you also. ✝️🔥☺️
*Keep believing even when it's hard* 🙏❤️🔥👆🏼
*All things are possible with God*


I'm already addicted to the learning of God's word bro. I can't have enough of it. It's fascinating. Thank you.


43:02 "You don't need to answer every question to believe. You just need to have reasons to believe." - Excellent advise Mike.


As you were marveling at the end of this video about the number of people who were watching the livestream, my thoughts went to how much I thank God for you following Him in obedience and spending the time to teach His word so carefully and thoroughly. I am a Precept Ministries Bible Study leader and your videos have helped me so much as I have prepared to lead my group's discussion while we have been studying Mark this fall. Philemon 1:4 "I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers."


He answered and said, "Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see."

I love it! I totally agree with you. While we should diligently seek out the answers to questions that we have, our faith does not hinge on the things we don't yet know or understand.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.


If Mike puts this much time and energy into something as minor as the women with the alabaster jars. I imagine he is more than trustworthy with all the other topics of much more weight. As is evident from the 10+ hours I’ve watched of his videos. Thank you for your service to the body of Christ Pastor Winger!!


YouTube suggested this video to me.

I was just finishing my "final" round of proofreading a work in which harmonizing the Gospel stories is important. I had mistakenly followed previous harmonies which included Luke because of the similarity of the stories. Due to my tent-making work, I'd been unable to quite complete it over the last few days, during which your video remained on my mind.

You convinced me, in the nick of time, that I needed to rethink this vignette, and upon a closer look, these are plainly two different events in two different places. While this means a good deal more work (and some additional costs), I'm so thankful that you worked this out. I am humbled to think of the timing of seeing your work has been such a blessing to me.




I used to bug my dad with questions (he was a minister). Mostly he’d give me clarity, but once or twice he’d say, “You know, when I get up there, that’s going to be one of the first things I ask.”
Thanks for your video/thoughts, Mike.


it's straight up a classic "flashback" moment that gives context to a scene in filmography. kinda awesome. this is so brilliant, not to toot your horn.


Pastor Mike, thank you for your word on inerrancy. That issue is one I have been struggling with over the past 3 years as I've finished seminary and with multiple different circumstances, and I needed that warning about going down the road towards flippancy. I'm grateful that you would take time to talk about this difficult passage because I have struggled with reconciling it in the past. About a month ago, I recognized that I was heading down a path of new age/heretical theology and needed to find true Biblical content online, so I'm so thankful to have discovered your channel and a couple of other Christian apologists that point to the truth of the gospel. Thank you so much for this ministry and for helping my faith.


I’m Assyrian from Northern Iraq. We are among the first Christians and we still speak Aramaic which is the language that Jesus spoke.

When I was a kid, I remember going to people’s houses and if an old lady lived there, she would put oil on our foreheads with the sign of a cross.

Anytime someone came to the house, they’d get oil on their head.

I can relate to the story with the alabaster flask and an anointing with oil.
