The Knuckles Series is...

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The Knuckles series has finally released on Paramount Plus. After its release the show has became pretty divisive within the Sonic community. In this video I provide my thoughts and a spoiler-free review of the show. I will go over Knuckles' screen time in the show, action sequences, plot and so much more. I hope you enjoy the video!
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The show would be cooler if it was about Knuckles fighting that demon that was in Wades weird dream sequence


If this show gets a second season, hopefully we get to see more of Knuckles.


I hope if they do a shadow show or movie, he's not just semi there. They have to stop making the human characters the focus of the shows and movies since they're not the main characters. The show was called knuckles, not wade or even knuckles and wade.. just knuckles. And wade while funny and a big lovable doof, he isn't the main character and the show shouldn't have been primarily about him. We should have had more interactions with the gun agents pursuing them to avoid being killed by the buyer.


If only there was more Knuckles stuff without sacrificing the Wade stuff, then it would’ve been fantastic. I genuinely liked Wade’s story


"unknown from me" was a nice touch


The second half feels more like the Wade show


i feel like the knuckles show wouldve been a great opportunity to introduce the chaotix or rouge, this would most likely lead to a better storyline and more hype, and more easter eggs leading towards the sonic movie


I loved the knuckles series since it teaches wade and knuckles learned from each other. Knuckles taught Wade to grow out of his comfort zone and Wade's father is an asshole.


I dont care that people are mad about wade being in the show or javing hum takr the spotlight on the second half of the show. Like ok, i do get it, its qyite valid since it is called the knuckles show. But his character arc is realy good and touching to me and works because both knuckles and wade grow together. Knuckles learn to relax and have fun and actuly gave him a place to call home and has even goten to see some of the human traditions. While witj wade, he learned to stand up for himself and become brave. None of it could jave happend if it wasnt for knuckles.

In the end of the show, my sister said that it should jave been called the wade show as hes the one who grew brave in the end of the show, but if anything, the title should jave been called "Adventures of Knuckles amd Wade" as its about both of them.

The show also has me love wade as a character since he doesnt realy do much in the first or second movie besides being a useless cop and a dork. So this show got me to love him alot. Also it seems that wade may jave some relevance in the 3rd movie?


“unknown from me” more like “Unkown from M.E”
If yk yk


They made Sonic not corny in this show. He’s actually entertaining here.


I liked it. Sure it could’ve been better, but at least we got a show. Whether you hate it, or liked it. We can all agree on one thing with the show. Wade’s sister was the worst character


The show should have just been about Knuckles searching for Angel Island.


Brother it’s so mid😭. first 3 are awesome and then the rest are shit lmao


Honestly the show could’ve been based on knuckles going against the egg robo like in sonic 3 and knuckles and eventually the chaotix and metal sonic could’ve came to the series, people would’ve gone crazy for that but instead we got the wade show and knuckles


Might have a season two so dw if not oh well


Is it just me that actually liking the 2nd half of Knuckles Show? I don't think Wade's part on the series is bad, yes it is boring, but is not that bad... Right?


I think they really ruined pachacamac as a character.

Pachacamac is a villain, he made his kind slaughter many civilizations and steal power that they didnt own. And yet they make him some...old goofball.
Apparently he is in sonic 1 aswell in the flashback where sonic and the owl are being attacked, and hes not old. So how does he just randomly become some old man in between that time to now if the echidna died around when sonic was a kid?


Oh snackazoinks has become one of my fav words
And it would be amazing if u did the best game sonic heroes video


I think the show needed more episodes so we didn’t have to sacrifice what great Wade stuff we got but we could’ve seen more Knuckles.
