Toddler remembers being in the womb! Prenatal memories.

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21-month-old describes a "whooshing sound", darkness, and warmth when asked what it was like inside Mommy. I have never asked him these questions before, I wanted to wait until he was verbal enough to be able to answer them. I won't ask again for another couple of months, then see if he is able to describe any more. After I had stopped recording this video, he made the whoosh whoosh sound again and said "tick tock"! It's so neat to try to capture these memories before they forget, usually between 2 and 3 years of age. I wish more parent would try this, I'd love to see other results.

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My daughter told me I remember when I could hear you but I couldn't see you, when everything was pink, I couldn't stand up and it was warm, she had just turned 3 and just randomly shared her experience. I didn't even look at her I just kept doing my hair in the mirror stunned.


I am an adult with strong pre-natal memories. I felt I was enveloped in a confined space yet I was warm and comfortable.

I could see a bright brown-yellow light to the front of me that seemed to dim around the edges of my vision. The light fascinated me and I reached out to it. Later when my vision had developed more the light was more dim but I could see the stretched blood vessels against it. I then moved my head to the left, examining the darker side of the brown-red confines of the womb. I remember this time the perception scared me. I assume those were flashlights being shun at me. My parents have shared with me that they did use a flashlight to make me react when I was in the womb. All 3 of us remember the moment when I first reached out to them which is crazy.

At times I felt anxious about being confined and would kick my legs in protest, wanting to break out. I felt desperately under stimulated and I wanted to do more, but I didn't know what to do about it.

I don't remember voices or noises, just sensations. I had no concept of where I was or what was happening to me. The warmth which enveloped me and the light were my whole world.


I had a flashback quite a few years back and I can remember a surreal environment with a touch of what I can only describe claustrophobia and being able to hear sounds very close up. it wasn’t dark but red like the light was able to penetrate an opaque layer.


At 3.5 years old my son told me VIVID crazy specific details about being in my womb. He remembers FEELING hungry, seeing daylight, and nighttime, the cloudiness that was the amniotic fluid, and he told me “ at first I swam a lot, I moved a lot, but at later I could barely move” (something like that, I have video of it) to this day my 9 old boy is as bright as can be! Straight A’s, a math wiz, I tested in knowing how the world around him works, and also incredibly physically talented.

eat your veggies! Lots of green leafy veggies, lots of fish and take DHA when pregnant. It creates an incredibly smart child! Also once able to eat solids I never fed him processed Herbert’s, or sugars. I made all of his foods myself, and always fed him really healthy.

My husband was and is super smart, I have ADHD, and my younger daughter who I foolishly did not do the same with... is very bright! Just not as bright as her brother. Though she is also top of her class and dedicated as well. I also never fed her processed fake Ferber type foods as a toddler.

Anyway hope this helps!


Wow, that's beautiful and amazing. Thank you for sharing.


Born 2nd twin. More space after Bob was born, rocking in more space I thought to myself 'I feel like I am in a rowboat'. When was I ever in a rowboat and what did I even know what a rowboat was? Was I here before and did row boating as first thoughts mean everything.


My sister told me the same exact thing I was confused a little bit 😭 omg what a small world 😭💗


Yea its dark and reddish pink, I also remember being born and the layout of the room, the grey tiles, and everything being blurry and loud, I then blacked out before I almost died from perforated lungs, then Into an incubator for 9 days, I sleep with a fan to this day because I find white noise calming


Very neat! I had an electronic toy to mimic the sounds inside the womb that made that whoosh-whoosh sound.


He is an advanced soul! Smart before he was even in momma.


Remember taking my first steps not my earliest memory though, that would be laying in my crib crying for my mother.
