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Today I put speed skating wheels on my triskates.

These are very fast, of course, but they don't have much grip.

And the lack of grip ... I wonder ... will that make them good for slide stops?

Oh yea!

It's almost too much slide. It's difficult to control.

Normal wheels would stops very fast but these just keep on sliding,

and it's almost like I need to learn a new skill.

During the slide I need to find a balance point, else I will just fall.

But the cool thing, I realize now, re-watching the footage is that

I can abort a slide halfway and continue backward.

Here I do just that, but it wasn't planned, it was by accident.


The size is 100 mm.

The durometer is 88A. This means they're harder than the wheels you normally find on fitness skates.

The feel a bit like plastic, not rubber, but that's not a problem.

Even on rough surfaces they roll well and don't shake that much.

In fact, they roll extremely well!

Even on these triskate with a short frame the roll is about as good, if not better, than with the Macroblades.

So with these short-frame triskates you get the best of both worlds - speed and manoeuvrability.

Small jumps are fine but there's not much shock absorbtion so be careful with bigger jumps.


Lack of grip is good for slides but challenging when turning.

Doing crossovers I had to be very careful, especially on smooth and wet areas.

Feels like ice skating with dull blades ...


Although the wheels I used today are good,

I'm not too happy about these skates.

There are several things I don't like about them and just to be clear - these wheels are NOT the original ones.

Replacing the wheels and bearings did make a great improvement though!

As previously mentioned they are really quick now and despite the negatives,

the upgrade really helped and I will use them a lot more for sure.

But the boot and frame are still not the best, and I'll

explain the details in an upcoming review.
Рекомендации по теме

ive been riding normal 4 wheel skates ages ago, i got 125 mm triskates, and I still knew how to roll, but those skates are not joke, cuz they can produce a speed of a car, and if u r not pro u cant stop or slow down, so last night, I did some little stop training, later on, , I thought I will be able to control those skates easier. but I was riding just a little down the street, I fell on my butt, and nearly broke my back, could not sleep and now barely walk, but pain is going away slowly I thought I will call ambulance.. but please guys just before you buy, realize, that its kind of really dangerous stuff, please train yourself in skate area with all safety gear on, dont start on 125 mm wheels. you can easily get into wheelchair for life after first ride.. I will not give up, will put 110 mm wheels, and practise in small smooth surface area..


Great video as always. I was happy to see you do the Q and A video showing us some of the spots you use in more detail. Nice to let us explore the spots along with you! Have a great week !


wish someone would make some excessively detailed videos about skate wheels and how to choose the appropriate durometer depending on your application and weight.I mostly want to have long lasting wheels, use my skates for transportation and be as fast as possible.


88a isn’t extreme, I find my 100mm 86a triskates are too soft for me (82kg) in the warmer months. Maybe that’ll change as the year progresses.


I typically use 90a 80mm gyro wheels and have no problems gripping on my power stops. I would really like an even harder 80mm wheel but can't seem to find one.


Right now i'm using roselle's (a chinese inline skate brand i think) 80mm 89A wheels. I chose these wheels because my previous one were 85A and they wore out fast. I had to replace them in just after a couple of months of skating.


Wich wheels are the best for learning slides?


im skating from 4months and having problem to keep balance on one foot
is that permanent or i will get eventually ? plz help


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