Revelation of the New Jerusalem Wonderful Counsel for Peace 7/7/2024

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welcome to share 🙏💖🙏

HalleluYah- Jesus Christ is returning quickly ...Come!
God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by lies, betrayals, corruption, division,  abuse and sin falling short of Love.

Salvation: The End

The End is the beginning of the word endorphin
The End is the beginning of The Word
The End is the beginning of God's  promise
To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain.
To end inner turmoil and confusion
To end abuse, regret and shame
To end the sickness of mind delusion
To end the trauma, grief and pain.
The End is the promise of salvation for Peace amd Heaven here on Earth

🕊💖🕊 ✨✨✨✨
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We need healing...

Come Lord Jesus Christ, Come Holy Spirit, Come -
Yeshua, Yashua, our Lord and Saviour, Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Eternal Father, The Messiah,   The whole spirit of our Heavenly Father JHVH God's Love embodied in us, anointed by The  Anointed One, The One Anointed with the whole spirit of God's Love, namely Jesus Christ  who will anoint us with His Love when we attain to His Love by turning away from sin which is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, our body, The Temple for God's moral Love to dwell, Amen.
The whole spirit of Love fruits Love, Joy, Faith, Goodness, Mildness, Kindness with Patience and Self Control not to sin for Twofold Peace:Jerusalem, peace with God and peace with others for peace with Self by means of a quiet conscience.
' by their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God and by their fruits we know them '.

God is Love and Love is not a cortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ,  Yeshua, Yashua,   Amen.

Time for change and restoration of man and woman kind and all in between.  🕊💖🕊

#trust #peace #security #NewJerusalem #Zion #Loveisnotacortisol  but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold  Peace to All Nations for Healing All Nations for Twofold Peace and Heaven on Earth,    Heaven on Earth Amen 🕊💖🕊 Revelation 7:9 Revelation 21 Revelation 22 and all scripture.

Pentecost 2020
'The One Place'

We shall be changed 'Just as in the twinkling of an eye ' 1 Corinthians 15:51-2  Only by  trusting in The Living God who is Love and Light, pure energy for well being,   by turning away from sin which is  anti to Christ's Love, anti to God's  Love made whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell through Jesus Christ.   We only recieve the wholeness of spirit and the  endorphin reward of the ability to emotionally process and reason for understanding the lies of sin and abuse which cause mental anquish, sickness and pain.  We gain consciousness, courage,   trust and twofold peace in the whole spirit of  moral Love for enlightenment of Health and Love,   namely Jesus Christ.

We wlll all be changed 'just as in the  twinkling of an eye'  - because the change  is a nervous system change from stress and fear to Love.  Love is always  positive. Love is not a cortisol stress hormone,   but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ,   Amen,   Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace to All Nations in accord with God's promise to wipe away every tear and to remove pain and suffering from man and woman and all inbetween to make them kind in His Love,   Amen Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace and healing to All Nations. There is no division with God's Love,   we are all One with and in God's Love made whole in us through the whole spirit anointed, namely Jesus Christ, Amen.

Blessings, Jesus Christ is returning Quickly.

Check out this sun, the fulness at 3 mins 50 seconds.

Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hear

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.

Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing  to All Nations for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... Come...

Maranatha. Parousia.  Come Lord Jesus Christ Come 🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖

Peace One Day

Building Bridges One Love

The End

Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations for Twofold Peace and Heaven on Earth as promised in Revelation. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace  to All through the spirit of Love made whole and One in us, The Holy Spirit, thanks be to God who is Love. 🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖

Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace for All Nations for Heaven on Earth...🕊💖🕊 Come to New Jerusalem, Zion and learn war no more,

Yeshua, Jesus Christ is coming quickly, Come...



Amazing, Revelation 21:4
'And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying,   neither shall there be any more pain: The former things have passed away. '

( No more death is referring to death of spirit, because The Holy Spirit is quashed by wars,   abuse, sin, hurt, slavery and oppression etc which take away peace and happiness and  fall short of God's Love causing grief, pain,   illness, sickness and death of the spirit leading to death of happiness and joy leading to depression, anxiety and sicknesses that in time lead to sickness and physical death. )
If there are millions of people on antidepressant and anxiety medication, then there are still millions of anxious and depressed people. Masking a symptom with a drug is not healing and so the fullness of the spirit and fruits of the spirit are lost and life looses joy and natural pleasure. This is why spiritism/pharmakia cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven and neither can the sinners.

For Life in accord with God's promise for life we must walk in and by God's Spirit of altruistic Love for Life. God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone and God's Love guides us away from the causes of stress hormones to allow our endorphins to flourish.

'The end is the beginning of The Word endorphin, His Love in our blood. '

God's  Love made whole and One in our blood. The end is the beginning of The Word, His Love in our blood, the beginning of freedom, righteousness:  freedom from slavery to sin addictions, freedom from slavery for Healing pains for everyone, All Nations for Heaven on Earth as promised by God as declared at Revelation 21.4   

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, ( JHVH  which means ' He who causes to become ' anointed with the whole spirit of Love, namely Jesus Christ )
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...

So if we are behaving with God's Love for justice, peace and  righteousness here on Earth we are embodying God's Heavenly Love here on Earth as it is in Heaven for The Holy Spirit to dwell in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and Light for Life. God's  #Loveisnotacortisol  stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace in every lanquage and tongue, Revelation 7:9 for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God for The Promised Land to come...where we will beat our weapons into plowshears and pruning shears to love and cultivate our lands and learn war moo more. Isaiah.

The Holy City, The Heavenly City Zion to which All Nations will stream... Isaiah, Revelation and All Scripture.  Endorphins are our natural body biochemicals for relaxed and happy altruistic living and caring for others. Endorphins are our natural pain killers and 'feel good factor' that come from living in accord with God's Love and the reward of giving care and kindness for All the fruits of the spirit namely Love, Joy, Faith, Goodness, Kindness, Mildness, Patience with Self Control not to hurt, abuse nor sin against another (or self ) for a quiet conscience with self and God for Twofold Peace which is the meaning of the name Jerusalem for New Jerusalem for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste... Twofold Peace in every language for Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through the whole spirit of Love Anointed,   namely Jesus Christ...who was and is the greatest healer of all time and who is coming quickly, Amen.

#Parousia #ReturnofJesusChrist #Rapture #HeavenonEarth #Healing #Crystalhealing  #Gemstones #JesusChrist  #WonderfulCounsellor #PrinceofPeace #Messiah

Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. LUKE 19:40 This the cry I hear, the conscious process for healing pain and completing the grieving process in accord with God spirit to transform cortisols to endorphin Love.

The Messiah, wonderful counsellor and Prince of Peace, Eternal Father and Mighty God worthy of honour because there is only One way to Oneness with self, others and God.

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.

Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing  to All Nations...

Maranatha. Parousia.  Come Lord Jesus Christ Come 🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖

Heavenly Crystals of New Jerusalem, Revelation 21

Chakras and Saints

Light Beings

Come, Holy Spirit, Come - The whole spirit of God's Love embodied in us, anointed by The  Anointed One, The One Anointed with the whole spirit of God's Love, namely Jesus Christ  who will anoint us when we attain to His Love by turning away from sin which is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, our body, The Temple for God's moral Love to dwell, Amen.

Time for change and restoration of mankind 🕊💖🕊#Armageddon
#trust #peace #security #NewJerusalem #Zion #Loveisnotacortisol  but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste,   peace to All Nations for Healing All Nations for Twofold Peace and Heaven on Earth,    Heaven on Earth Amen 🕊💖🕊
Feast of Trumpets 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺 Atonement,   AtOnement with Gods Love, there is only One, the first commandment and meaning of the Arabic name for God, Allah. Yaweh  meaning 'I will prove to be what I prove to be ' Love, God is Love and God's  #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised.   Passover from stress and fear to Love

Pentecost 2020 and beyond, eternal

please see other Armageddon poems on my chanel too

Revelation 21, the healing consciousness revealed

Peace One Day 
Philipians 4:9

The End

Building Bridges: One Love

A New Heaven: Revelation 21

I invite you to share this good news with others and I invite you to my you tube channel for further reasoning of and for a deeper and fuller understanding of God's Healing  Love. I invite you to test it out.
I thank God for the poetry to deliver these understandings in a complete form. I never planned to write poetry, and when we trust in God we always succeed 🕊💖🕊 thanks be to God, through the wholeness of His Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Amen in every language... 🕊💖🕊

🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 can you see the light of understanding for enlightenment of God's Love?  Can you see The Light?

A vision of Light, watch to the end for the fullness of the Shekinah Sun. Thanks be to God.  Without this vision and Healing Light I could not have completed this work for God's Glory through Jesus Christ who was and is and always will be the greatest healer of all time.  We will be ' changed just as  in the twinkling of and eye ' for it is a nervous system change in our body The Temple for God's Love to dwell...

God's Love creates the naturally occuring  endorphins in our blood, the blood of Christ!?!

God's Love is my addiction through the whole spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ.   Revelation complete.

Heavenly Crystals of New Jerusalem, The Holy City, Zion.


Amen, God bless, and sin is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us. 

Sin causes pain and  suffering, emotional hurts, grief and pain to self and others.

Prevention is better than cure,   hence the 10 Commandments.

Only God's Love and righteousness  to attain to God's Love can heal for Justice and Peace. 

God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but a naturally occuring  endorphin blood made whole and One in us from and for moral kindness for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace for Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and Love never hurts, abuses or sins against another. #Loveisnotacortisol #Parousia #ReturnofJesusChrist #Rapture #Heaven

Jesus Christ is the starter and finisher of our faith, of all faith by definition of faith as the assured expectation of the things hoped for, the evident demonstration of things not yet beheld. Faith is a psychological thought pattern for Positive outcomes for Love to prevail. Love with all the fruits of the spirit of Love namely Love, Joy, Faith, Goodness, Mildness, Kindness, Patience, Self Control not to sin or abuse nor hurt another for Peace, Twofold Peace with God and self for Peace with others and God via a quiet conscience for freedom from sin, stress and fear, Amen. God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ,   Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace, which means Jerusalem for Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly, Amen. 🕊💖🕊

Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. LUKE 19:40 This the cry I hear

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.

Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing  to All Nations...

Come, Holy Spirit, Come - The whole spirit of God's Love embodied in us, anointed by The  Anointed One, The One Anointed with the whole spirit of God's Love, namely Jesus Christ  who will anoint us when we attain to His Love by turning away from sin which is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, our body, The Temple for God's moral Love to dwell, Amen.

Time for change and restoration of mankind 🕊💖🕊#Armageddon
#trust #peace #security #NewJerusalem #Zion #Loveisnotacortisol  but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste,   peace to All Nations for Healing All Nations for Twofold Peace and Heaven on Earth,    Heaven on Earth Amen 🕊💖🕊

Pentecost 2021


What is vitally important is the meaning of God's name to cause to become... our Creator... Anointed... with The Whole Spirit of Love...which is Love, Joy, Faith, Kindness, Mildness, Goodness...with Patience and Self Control not to sin or hurt or abuse another for Peace... with God and Self for Peace with  others via a quiet conscience with The Holy Spirit of Peace...Love   Anointed... The Most High name... The Light of this world for enlightenment of Love Anointed in us, in our body which is The Temple for God's Love to dwell... or not...because if we are not embodied with the Whole Spirit of Love Anointed we are in grief, stress, hurt, trauma, sickness and pain...which God promises to remove every tear and death and mourning will be no more...the former things have our grieving process is completed as grief, hurt and painful sin truths are mourned...
as victim or both need mourning for healing...which is Love...not fear...
Love  brings two together as One ...   Y
fromHeaventoEarth A
to join two together H

I see the letters like this... The is only One with Love...
No division, stress, hurt or pain...anxieties which all come from  fear ...and sin which pays the wages of death ( of God's Holy Spirit of Peace) but God's gift is ever lasting life through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised land to come...Come... Peace🕊💖🕊 ' blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God....' and ' by their fruits we know them '
Matthew 5 and 7...

We are dead without Spirit just as Faith without works is dead...James 2:26


Revelation 19...



The Glorious Crowns of God's Love, The Golden Crown Chakra of Peace ...The Crown of exaltation ... at our Lord's  presence...1 Thessalonians 2:19

May God's moral and righteous laws for Love to prevail for Peace and Safety for all...via Trust which is destroyed by trust, no peace or safety, no security...which is fear...God's Love can and will conquer fear...there must be faith and repentence...🕊💖🕊

Palm Sunday, ' blessed is the One coming as the King in Jehovah's name. Peace in Heaven, and glory in the highest places. However some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to him.' Teacher rebuke your disciples, but in reply he said 'I tell YOU,    If these remained silent, the stones will cry out...'  Luke 19:40
24th March 2024 
Passover too and 2024 the Hebrew year of the door...

The stones of the new heaven are the crown jewels for Peace and Safety for Heaven on Earth, Truth ...

Time for Thy Kingdom Come...Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...


Letter to the politicians...


Isn't it time to hit the middle road and stop weaving left and right and just do what is right by all...

Time to stop meandering through stagnant failures and water falling profits in one direction,  
Stop damming the water, Stop damming the flow...

Open up the reservoirs of wealth,
Melt the icebergs of fear
Let abundance flow to the people...

Make waves of contentment
Tsunamis of opportunities
Raise the tide mark for prosperity

Sift out the sewage and let people surf to a prosperous new world....


#Timeforheavenonearth as promised for The Promised Land to come...Come...
#Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone created by lies, betrayals, corruption, division and abuse, all of which God classes as sin which pays the wages of death of God's Spirit... Revival time...

HalleluYah 🕊💖🕊✨✨✨✨


Amen, Rapture, Bliss, Heaven on living with the fullness of God's Whole Spirit of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ,   Yeshuah Hamashiach,   Isa, The Messiah, Our Messiah, our Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Eternal Father, Mighty God in respect to our Heavenly Father and Almighty God who causes Love to become made whole and One, Anointed in our body The Temple for God's Love to dwell in accord with His name in every language and tongue...Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste... blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God and by their fruits we know them. 

No Abuse, No Lies,
No Betrayals, No Corruption, No Adultery,   No Usury,   No Exploitation, No Trafficking, No Slavery, No Hunger, No Abuse, No Sin, No Greed, No Sloth,   No Woe, No Bullying, No Jealousy, No Hurt, No Pain, No Anxiety,   No Depression, No Sickness, No unjust Grief, No media lies, No Idolatry, No Coveting, No paedaphiles, No pornography, No ruling psychopaths, narcicissts or sociopaths, No takers, just Human Beings being kind in the fullness of God's Love made whole and One in us,   in our body, The Temple where Love does dwell, where we do dwell, where moral, righteous Love is upheld as Love is always Positive.

Do not Positively die from eating evil and bad knowledge, Genesis 2:17

God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by abuse and sin of every unkind act, thought, word and deed. #Healthisnotacortisol #Peaceisnotacortisol #Lifeisnotacortisol #Joyisnotacortisol By their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God.  Amen.

God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...

Are you ready? 🕊💖🕊


Blessings, may we attain to 2020 vision of God's Love made whole and One in us for Healing for Twofold Peace: Jerusalem for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love. God's Love is not a cortisol stress hormone, but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us, The blood of Christ made whole and One in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell through Jesus Christ, The Anoined One, The One anointed with the whole spirit of Love for Healing All Nations, Amen. 

#FeastofTrumpets #Healing #Crystalhealing #NewJerusalem #Zion #Heiscomingquickly #Pentecost #Passover #HeavenonEarth #Rapture #Joy #Bliss #Loveisnotacortisol #energyhealing #Crystalhealing #Rapture #ReturnofChrist #Loveisnotacortisol #Revelation21 #HealingforAllNations #Twofoldpeace #Jerusalem #NewJerusalem #Zion #Heiscomingquickly #JesusChrist #Parousia #Maranatha #Kashmir #Israel #Palestine
They will learn war no more. #Isaiah 2:4

Blessings, Jesus Christ is returning Quickly.

Check out this sun, the fulness at 3 mins 50 seconds.

Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hear

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.

Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing  to All Nations...

Apocalyptic Poem
     Revelation 6

The red, black and pale horses ride with thunder...

Thunderous clouds of hail and snow
Bringing cold wherever they go
Reaching to lands far and wide
Going to affect many new brides
Not what they had planned for their wedding days
Psychopathic games being played
Games of hunger, death and thrones
Ice reaching inside, inside to their bones
Reaching the marrow, harrowing thoughts
Causing divisions of all sorts
Dichotomies of mind
Tipping the scales away from man being kind.
Tipping to fractions of slated grey
Slavery to states of being not gay
Slavery to hunger, thirst and no day
Slavery to making no hay.
Slavery riding into the day
Galloping our freedoms away
Causing our blood to rage like the sea
Burning as an ember tree
Causing the charcoal to burn somewhere new
Making potash, a chance to renew
Time to release the pure white horse
Jousting with the paler horse
Knocking him far off course
With a new form of discourse
The red horse cannot fail to stumble
Causing all the greed to crumble
Causing the black horse to turn his back
And turn around and head right back
Into the darkness, the density.
Time to bring out the city of Gold
That we have been waiting since times of old
Galloping white horses bringing the food
To avoid those negative moods
Making fields of darkness white like snow
Placing footprints showing which way to go.

From Parousia, Love's Light by Francess.

I use 'gay' as in happy.
'Reaching the marrow harrowing thoughts causing divisions of all sorts' = cancer and other blood diseases from stress.
'Negative moods' depression amd mental health problems.

Jesus Christ was born To stable our autonomic stress response by upholding moral and kind Love. 

I understand the white horse as Jesus returning with the sword of His spirit as judgement.

Jesus Christ is returning quickly, come to the reasoning of the healing consciousness of New Jerusalem, The Holy City, Zion. The stones will cry out, this is the cry I hear





Praying for Peace in the name that causes Love to be Anointed...
Yeshua Hamashiac...   may the year 5784 /2024 and more open the door to understanding God's Love is not a cortisol stress hormone of grief, hurt, trauma and pain...but God's moral and righteous rule is for Justice and Peace and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...Come...


The End

The End is the beginning of the word endorphin
The End is the beginning of The Word
The End is the beginning of Love’s promise
To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain.
To end inner turmoil and confusion
To end abuse, regret and shame
To end the sickness of mind delusion
To end the trauma, grief and pain.
The End is the beginning of The Word endorphin
The End is the beginning of The Word
The End is the beginning of God’s promise
To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain.
The End is the promise of salvation
The End is the promise of re birth
The end is the conscious healing message
For Peace and Heaven here on Earth.

The End is the beginning of the word endorphin
The End is the beginning of The Word
The End is the beginning of Love’s promise
To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain.
The End is the promise of New Heaven
Where truth will set us free from pain
Where mourning will be completed
For Love to reside in us again.

The End is the beginning of The Word endorphin
Where ‘ the stones will cry out’ for rebirth
The end is the beginning of The Word endorphin
For Peace and Heaven here on Earth.

🕊💖🕊 ✨✨✨✨

May The Holy City, New Jerusalem, Zion come this  New Year 2024 and more for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come  🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼💝

Welcome to my channel for more understanding ...

With Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed...
Exodus 3:14




Our Father who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...
Thy will will be done  on Earth as it is in Heaven...

Blessings, Jesus Christ is returning quickly.

Revelation 21, The New Jerusalem, The Heavenly City, The Holy City, Zion. Throughout  the Bible and Book of Revelation God promises healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as Jesus Christ asks us to pray for in The Lord's Prayer. Matthew

How can this be? 

Could the gemstones of New Jerusalem cited at Revelation 21 contain the treasure we are looking for?

I propose they can and do reveal the treasure of the healing  consciousness for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ, Amen.

I also use my God given  inspired poetry for God's glory  to recognise the intricacy and wonderful  beauty of life that is here on Earth in many forms.  When we can connect with true beauty with Love we can find appreciation and Grace. When we can connect with Grace we are blessed with Faith and Faith gives Hope for Life.
Faith, the assured expectation of the things hoped for, the evident demonstration of things not yet beheld. Hebrews 11:1. The ultimate Positive psychology.

Hope not stress, worry or fear.  We are saved through Grace and Faith,   thanks giving and hope, gratitude.
Galatians 3

How many have grace in  these last days? 

We are created with the ability to heal through Love in accord with God's Love made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen.

God does not want us to have hurts, pains, anxieties or depression. Love does not create sickness and Love says 'do not fear'.

Love says 'trust in me and I will guide you and keep you safe in my Love', God is our refuge. God is Love and  God is Light, universal forces for us All, for us All, for us All for Love to prevail.  Psalms

Where are you living?
In Love or fear? 
Where would you like to live?
In Love or fear?

What choice can you make to live in accord with Positive state of Love?

Asalum Alaikum and Shalom Aleichem,   peaceful blessings for you,
Namaste, and every peaceful greetings in every language...

'By their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God and by their fruits we know them'.

Fruits of the whole spirit of Love are:

Love is always a positive mindset.

Faith is always positive.

Joy is always positive.

Goodness, Mildness and Kindness are always positive.

Patience and long suffering  are always positive and kind.

Patience with and for self control not to sin or abuse or hurt another is always positive for Peace, which is always positive for 
Twofold Peace:
for New Jerusalem for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through the whole spirit of Love, namely Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste...Healing for All People and All Nations,   for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...
Come Lord Jesus, Come...
Galatians 5:22, 23. Revelation 21, 22.

Thanks be to God who is Love who causes himself to become whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell for Healing for All Nations on a paradise Earth, for Heaven on Earth which we can choose to create, or not.
Do you choose to live with Love,   Hope and Faith for Love, Hope and Trust, for security, Peace and Joy?

Do you choose to live in stress, anxiety and fear with hurts and pains?

#Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised, Love is coming quickly...Jesus Christ is coming quickly, Come...

Our thoughts create our reality and with consciousness of positive thoughts so we do not 'Positively die.' Genesis 2:17.

We can and will be changed 'just as in the twinkling of an eye ' 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 because it is a nervous system change from the sympathetic nervous system response back to the parasympathetic nervous system which looks after our body's well being.
Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. Luke 19:40
This is  the cry I hear

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.

Love is not a cortisol stress hormone,   but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole and one in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Moral Love to dwell, for Positive Love to prevail, God's Love is always positive.  Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing  for All Nations and Heaven on Earth, bliss, rapture...evolution of consciousness...
Revelation 21, 22.

Come, Holy Spirit, Come - The whole spirit of God's Love embodied in us, anointed by The  Anointed One, The One Anointed with the whole spirit of God's Love, namely Jesus Christ  who anoints us when we attain to His Love by turning away from sin which is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, our body, The Temple for God's moral Love to dwell, Amen. Sin is anti to Christ's Love made whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell. 
888, infinite energy of Love in mind, body and spirit connected in a positive flow of energy for eternal life with the whole spirit of Love, the life force from God's Love made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen.

666 is incomplete in Love in mind, body and spirit, a falling short of Love, a lack of God's moral Love causing hurts pains and pains, conflict, enmity, lies, wars, psychosis, jealousy, covetous, idolatry,   hunger, greed, immorality, dis-eases and all the negative traits of the flesh Galatians 5:19 activated by conscience  which lead to death of the whole  spirit of Love, namely Jesus Christ who is returning soon for fullness of His spirit of Love to make us whole again in Love, 888 via 144, Positive thoughts made whole in mind, body and spirit: 000 for wholeness in the I, in the One, in the I am One with Love, the One place. 1440, 000 for the 1, 000 year reign, wholeness in The One, there is only One,   Pentecost, union with God's Spirit of Love, namely Jesus Christ, The Anointed One who anoints us with His Love when we turn away from sin which makes us incomplete in God's  Love. #Loveisnotacortisol

Time for change and restoration of mankind 🕊💖🕊#Armageddon
#trust #peace #security #NewJerusalem #Zion  #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste,   peace to All Nations for Healing All Nations for Twofold Peace:Jerusalem for New Jerusalem  and Heaven on Earth,    Heaven on Earth as promised,   Amen 🕊💖🕊

Pentecost 2020


Jerusalem means Twofold Peace, the double portion of Peace that God  gives to all who adhere to His Love for Peace within the self and Peace with others  via a quiet conscience with God.   A quiet conscience from living with The Golden Rule, Positive Moral Love for all. Now is the time to Love our global neighbours and to  'learn war no more.'  Isaiah 2:4

Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hear

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ Amen.


Jerusalem means Twofold Peace, the double portion of Peace that God  gives to all who adhere to His Love for Peace within the self and Peace with others  via a quiet conscience with God.   A quiet conscience from living with The Golden Rule, Positive Moral Love for all. Now is the time to Love our global neighbours and to  'learn war no more.'  Isaiah 2:4


Oh green and pleasant land of the dove,
What has happened to peace and Love ?
For Jerusalem that was being made here
Has now been turned into terror and fear.

Oh green and pleasant land  do you hear?
That Jerusalem that is made here,
Is peace that is meant to be
From living a good life, positively.

Positively living means not to die
From negativity that is the lie,
Lies from Love's opposition called stress,
It is the stress in us that creates such a mess.

Jerusalem, negative you are not meant to be,
But healing our lands with positivity.

Thanks be to God for God's Glory through Jesus Christ for the Revelation Crowns of Incoruptability;  Righteousness;  Immortality; Life and God's Glory. Jesus Christ is returning quickly... The Messiah, Wonderful Counsellor and Prince of Peace, Mighty God and Eternal Father, Isaiah 9:6, King of Kings to rule with God's Moral Love in accord with the Ten Commandments for the law that leads to faith that leads to the freedom through Christ. Amen

Check out this vision I was granted of God's  Shekinah  sun,   the fulness at 3 mins 50 seconds.

All thanks glory, honour and praise be to God through Jesus Christ, The Anointed One, Amen.  Ameen. Shalom. Namaste...Twofold Peace for All Nations for New Jerusalem, The Heavenly City for Heaven on Earth,
Zion to which all Nations will stream...


My reply to the song Sympathy for The Devil...

Not pleased to meet you because we get your name
Not Pleased to meet you because we get your game

Pleased to hear you say you cause confusion
And to let you know it is time for retribution
You say you know you need restraint
Because you know you steal souls and faith

You know your heart is stone cold marble
And you know your walls soon will crumble
The writing is written on the door once more
But this time their is the closing of the door

You are found deficient of Love and found wanting
Your wars rape and murder are now in counting
The lies and confusion you use has gone too far
The confusion you choose has got you name

The Devil, The Opposer to Love, Anti Christ, Satan, Serpent,   Dragon, Moloch, Baphomet, Prince of Darkness, not Light, Lucifer the Devil: Not Human, nor right.

Pleased to meet you,
Yes we know and get your name
Pleased to meet you, yes we get your game
But game is over,
Over and out.

Me'ne,   Me'ne, Te'kel, upharsin Daniel 5
Isaiah 5, Revelation 12.

Time for God's Heavenly  Kingdom to Come, the new heaven of Revelation 21, Luke 19:40  'the stones cry'  Love is not a cortisol, no Peace with the fear stress response to sin activated by our conscience...
Peace is nit a cortisol...time to make known all abuse in order to end all abuse for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come ...Come...

May Justice be upheld for Peace and Safety, Peace and Security for Trust so as to not Positively Die 🕊💖🕊1 Thessalonians 5:2, Genesis 2:17, Revelation 12, 21, 22...

Time for Thy Kingdom Come...Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...


Letter to the politicians...


Isn't it time to hit the middle road and stop weaving left and right and just do what is right by all...

Time to stop meandering through stagnant failures and water falling profits in one direction,  
Stop damming the water, Stop damming the flow...

Open up the reservoirs of wealth,
Melt the icebergs of fear
Let abundance flow to the people...

Make waves of contentment
Tsunamis of opportunities
Raise the tide mark for prosperity

Sift out the sewage and let people surf to a prosperous new world....


#Timeforheavenonearth as promised for The Promised Land to come...Come...
#Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone created by lies, betrayals, corruption, division and abuse, all of which God classes as sin which pays the wages of death of God's Spirit... Revival time...

HalleluYah 🕊💖🕊✨✨✨✨


A Vision of Light at the most broken time of my life, thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...Come...

All thanks praise and glory to God, HalleluYah

Praise Jah..


Revelation 12

Revelation 21

God is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning..

#Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in our body which is The Temple for God's Love to dwell...🕊🔥🔥🕊💖🔥🕊💖🔥🕊💖🔥🙏🏻

How do you feel today?
God's Wonderful Counsel for Peace...The
New Heaven...'The Stones Cry for Twofold Peace... Jerusalem...The New Jerusalem, Holy City, Zion...



Christ is Risen...


Some comfort for mourning 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Come Lord Jesus, Come... 🕊💖🕊✨✨✨✨


Parousia Armageddon - the causes of grief, hurt and pain that God's moral and righteous Love upheld heals via justice of and for Peace and the wholeness of the whole spirit of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...Come... Revelation 21

Part 1 -
Adam, Eve and St Agnes - Portrait of a Northern Landscape

✨✨✨ ✨

Part 2  11 - 23
Portrait of a Northern Landscape -  23 Manners Makers Man

Armageddon Part 3

24 Loanly Student Lones -
25 Faith

Salvation song:
Being Humankind  

Armageddon part 4


The name of the Lord 💖 The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ, so be Love... 💖 and JHVH God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by abuse and sin of every kind.  This is why God is Love as the laws for  moral and righteous Love are honourable for Health and well being.  So be Loving and kind with Love, Joy, Faith, Goodness, Mildness, Kindness with Patience and Self Control not to abuse, sin or hurt another for Peace,   Twofold Peace via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace with others and the eternal Princely Rule for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... Thanks be to God for causing Love to become made whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell via The Holy Spirit, The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach,   Isa, The Messiah,   who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ,   our Lord and saviour who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth, thanks be to God, who is Love and Light,   Halleluyah.  🕊💖🕊
God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by abuse and sin of every kind.  God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in us from walking/ running in and  by God's whole spirit of Love for The Holy Spirit to dwell, for the energy of Love, for The Tent of God to shelter and protect mankind, kind men and women as the whole Spirit of God's  Love through Jesus Christ stabilises our hormones to Love, which is not a cortisol stress response. ' By their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God.'  #Healthisnotacortisol
#Peaceisnotacortisol #Lifeisnotacortisol #Parousia #ReturnofJesusChrist
Time to end abuse of every kind  where there will be war no more. Isaiah 2:4


✨✨✨✨Amen, Rapture, Bliss, Heaven on living with the fullness of God's Whole Spirit of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ,   Yeshuah Hamashiach,   Isa, The Messiah, Our Messiah, our Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Eternal Father, Mighty God in respect to our Heavenly Father and Almighty God who causes Love to become made whole and One, Anointed in our body The Temple for God's Love to dwell in accord with His name in every language and tongue...Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste... blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God and by their fruits we know them. 

No Abuse, No Lies,
No Betrayals, No Corruption, No Adultery,   No Usury,   No Exploitation, No Trafficking, No Slavery, No Hunger, No Abuse, No Sin, No Greed, No Sloth,   No Woe, No Bullying, No Jealousy, No Hurt, No Pain, No Anxiety,   No Depression, No Sickness, No unjust Grief, No media lies, No Idolatry, No Coveting, No paedaphiles, No pornography, No ruling psychopaths, narcicissts or sociopaths, No takers, just Human Beings being kind in the fullness of God's Love made whole and One in us,   in our body, The Temple where Love does dwell, where we do dwell, where moral, righteous Love is upheld as Love is always Positive.

Do not Positively die from eating evil and bad knowledge, Genesis 2:17

God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by abuse and sin of every unkind act, thought, word and deed. #Healthisnotacortisol #Peaceisnotacortisol #Lifeisnotacortisol #Joyisnotacortisol By their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God.  Amen.

God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...

Are you ready? 🕊💖🕊


Apocalyptic Poem
     Revelation 6

The red, black and pale horses ride with thunder...

Thunderous clouds of hail and snow
Bringing cold wherever they go
Reaching to lands far and wide
Going to affect many new brides
Not what they had planned for their wedding days
Psychopathic games being played
Games of hunger, death and thrones
Ice reaching inside, inside to their bones
Reaching the marrow, harrowing thoughts
Causing divisions of all sorts
Dichotomies of mind
Tipping the scales away from man being kind.
Tipping to fractions of slated grey
Slavery to states of being not gay
Slavery to hunger, thirst and no day
Slavery to making no hay.
Slavery riding into the day
Galloping our freedoms away
Causing our blood to rage like the sea
Burning as an ember tree
Causing the charcoal to burn somewhere new
Making potash, a chance to renew
Time to release the pure white horse
Jousting with the paler horse
Knocking him far off course
With a new form of discourse
The red horse cannot fail to stumble
Causing all the greed to crumble
Causing the black horse to turn his back
And turn around and head right back
Into the darkness, the density.
Time to bring out the city of Gold
That we have been waiting since times of old
Galloping white horses bringing the food
To avoid those negative moods
Making fields of darkness white like snow
Placing footprints showing which way to go.

From Parousia, Love's Light by Francess.

I use 'gay' as in happy.
'Reaching the marrow harrowing thoughts causing divisions of all sorts' = cancer and other blood diseases from stress.
'Negative moods' depression amd mental health problems.

Jesus Christ was born To stable our autonomic stress response by upholding moral and kind Love. 

I understand the white horse as Jesus returning with the sword of His spirit as judgement.

Jesus Christ is returning quickly, come to the reasoning of the healing consciousness of New Jerusalem, The Holy City, Zion. The stones will cry out, this is the cry I hear


🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Sin falls short of Love,   Light  and colour...why fall short of  Love?
Sin causes death of God's Holy Spirit of Peace... Romans 6:26

Think about it...

The body with out spirit is dead just as faith without works is dead...James 2:26

No Spirit of Love is depressing, anxious, stressful which are  from our adrenal stress response of fear from grief, hurt and pain...which God promises to wipe away every tear and death and mourning will be no more...Revelation 21... and so the new heaven, New Jerusalem is described as gemstones which translate the conscious healing process of turning a grief, hurt and pain back to Love and Peace...and they  all refract the whole spectrum of Light

God who is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ in English... the whole Spirit of Love Anointed which includes  Patience and Self Control which are needed to attain to Peace...God asks us to do no harm to another, to observe His moral and righteous laws for Love to prevail for Peace and Safety via Trust upheld by Justice for Peace and Safety,   Peace and Security...Peace of The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised land to come...Come...
Repent...turn away from sin and the sinful, corrupt, abusive coersive control of the profit loving, end time government rule by fear, austerity, dis ease causing stresses that deny God's moral and righteous laws for Love to exist by making life too stressful for us, the people, by breaking up families with evil temptations that now is sexualising and confusing young children which is robbing their Holy Spirit of Love, Joy, Faith, Goodness, Mildness, Kindness with Patience and Self Control for Peace of The Holy Spirit, The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning for Salvation for Peace and Safety via Trust for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...Come...Come Lord Jesus, Come...our King of kings and Lord of lords, Faithful and True...because only the truth will set us free and truth is Love is not a cortisol stress hormone of grief, trauma, hurt and pain...but Love is a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in our body which is The Temple for Love to dwell, hence God is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning...
Exodus 3:14 Love is not a cortisol stress hormone of fear...hence God is Love who causes Love to become...

Love can and will conquer fear 'just as in the twinkling of an eye ' 1 Corinthians 15:51 - because it is a nervous system change...

And our loving God gives us  the free will to choose...

Do you choose sin, abuse, corruption, lies, betrayals, conflict,   division and sin ?

Or God's moral and righteous laws for Love to prevail for Peace and Safety via Trust upheld with Justice for Peace and Safety...1 Thessalonians 2...Peace and Security via a quiet conscience...with God  and self for Peace with others via a quiet conscience with The Holy Spirit of Peace... Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour who is returning... for healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...we are saved by  Grace through Faith ... Ephesians 2:8

Time for Thy Kingdom to come... 🕊💖🕊✨✨✨✨


These are links to my books and a vision of Light I was blessed which I share freely...

Blessings, Happy New Year 2021 and beyond 🕊💖🕊
Jesus Christ is The Light of this world and
The Light is returning for enlightenment of God's Love. God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come through Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach our Messiah, Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Eternal Father, Mighty God in respect to Our Heavenly Father who is Love and Light and causes Love to become made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... Jesus Christ is coming quickly... Come...

