Expert Arborist Reacts To Horrific Palm Tree Climbing Accidents

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Expert Arborist Bino H Analyzes Palm Tree Climbing Accidents and Explains what not to do when trimming palm trees.

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I’ve experienced the fall and lve live to tell this is excellent 2years no work not being able to walk or take a shit is degrading I thought about suicide many times but you got to live and swollow your pride and be humble accept the fail and learn from it the bright side of all this is that I’ve done better in my business then when I had my spine I now have two titanium rods and about 24 screws down my back to my tail bone thanks to god I’m here and walk with no trouble and I get to play with my daughter and experience being a father


30 years in the trade, both private, and Utility. I told my crews day after day during safety meetings, watch out for the unexpected, that is what will get you.
No job is so important, no service is so necessary that we can not afford to do our job safely.
Many times I called the job off to protect myself and my crews against supervisors, and company demands. At the age of 55 I retired from the work and the electrical union. I considered my physical Heath, hearing loss, lack of equilibrium, inability to comunícate with workers due to hearing loss, a major safety issue. I gave up a lot of my pension and retirement income for the safety of the workers and the union. Still going after 70 years. It was a difficult choice but
My co-workers, the public, the company I worked for, the Union; safety came first. This is the most hazardous work in the world, and the most unforgiving. Expect the unexpected, from everything, and everyone, acts of God included. Stay safe! Loved my work. ❤


My best friends dad owned a tree service my entire childhood until my early 20s when he passed. So naturally me and most my friends all worked for him at some point. And quite a few ended up making careers of it. I still help them out on side jobs every once in a while. But I was and will always be a ground man! Stacking/chipping brush. And cut liters in to quarter sections. I knew a few guys who died on the job. At other places. Usually through carelessness with the saw. Or climbing around without tying in. Playing Johnny bad ass showing off. Very dangerous work that requires always being aware of what's going on. I've almost been hit a few time by falling branches. Day dreaming when I was younger.


I used to use my crane to take down and reset palms trees in California a few years ago and am proud of what this gentleman is letting people know about this sometimes risky business. Palm work can and is a truly rewarding career, however being safe while doing so should always be the utmost concern for everyone both up in the trees and those who are on the ground. I totally enjoyed the work I did and just like the gentleman said that there can also be things such as bees or other varmints that can nest or hide up in the canopy. Be safe out there my friends and enjoy your work 😊.


Thanks for this, I was completely unaware of this danger so learnt something new today. Not many palms where I work but good to know.


This is one of the most dangerous work in the world.
Greetings from Orlando FL


Wow that's crazy. I know years ago when I went to school we touched on the subject a little bit but we don't have palm trees here


That's an awesome video Bino thanks for sharing 👍...!


Thanks for the great info and the obvious care for all associated with your profession. I'm a homeowner and this was very helpful!


Thanks Bino. I have been watching and learning from your videos for years. Thanks and stay safe.


The tree squeeze is awesome I got one after gaffing out and hurting myself pretty good. Palms are nasty even putting a line up and over is pretty risky as far as I'm concerned. I plan on buying a spider lift next year to make it safer.


Grateful you made a video of this and feel so bad for those guys that didnt make it or they were hurt really bad! I lived in Key Largo in Florida and was asked about doing tree work down there but I didn't want nothing to do with it! I'll stick to the Oaks in hickory's and Maples in my area lol! Great videos bud and I've made a few things from learning from you to use when I saddle hunt.


I haven’t tried this method before I usually set my life line up before I go in so I can descend in an emergency. I like this will try it. Thank you as always for good content.


Good to know. We'll there's no palm trees in kansas. But is always good to know..thank you I have learn alot from your Chanel


My brother in law was killed felling a tree two years back, and he was a professional. Coroner put it down to complacency.


...extremely entertaining! YES! I enjoyed it!


Awesome vid definitely applicable here in Puerto Rico 🇵🇷🌴


Thanks for sharing Bino. This is usually how I do palm trees in my area. However, I find that the fronds' teeth are a bit rough on my ropes when I'm getting them through. Any tips on this?


In the 90s a arborist fell off a palm tree, he fell backwards off a ladder but a branch on a tree behind him impaled him right up ass. It wen in upto his lungs.


I've watched a few of your posts in the past and honestly could never click and buy into what you were selling, UNTIL NOW. Anybody pushing life saving advice like this in an industry of jealousy and "secret" techniques, prices, wages, etc, is cool in my book. Liked, subscribed, and I'll probably throw a couple more comments just for traffic. Thank you.
