Viewing Metrics with SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes | Part 1: Managing Metric Data Retention

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David Stern has been at SAS for almost 15 years and focuses on SAS administration, especially observability, authorization and migrations.

CLI commands shown in the video:

# List PVCs in the monitoring namespace
kubectl -n monitoring get pvc

# List files in an NFS Prometheus data directory
ls -al /srv/nfs/kubedata/*-prometheus-v4m-prometheus-db-prometheus-v4m-prometheus-*/prometheus-db

# Use du -xs to find size in kb of files in Prometheus data directories
for f in /srv/nfs/kubedata/*-prometheus-v4m-prometheus-db-prometheus-v4m-prometheus-* ; do sudo du -xs $f; done

# Use command above with awk and bc to convert size to Mb
for f in /srv/nfs/kubedata/*-prometheus-v4m-prometheus-db-prometheus-v4m-prometheus-* ; do sudo du -xs $f | awk '{print $1}' ; done | awk '{print "scale=1;"$1"/1024"}' | bc | awk '{print $1"M"}'

# As previous command, but convert to Gb
for f in /srv/nfs/kubedata/*-prometheus-v4m-prometheus-db-prometheus-v4m-prometheus-* ; do sudo du -xs $f | awk '{print $1}' ; done | awk '{print "scale=1;"$1"/(1024*1024)"}' | bc | awk '{print $1"G"}'

# Prometheus command line flag filter string

# Patch Prometheus pod spec to set retention time limit to 6 days
kubectl -n v4mmon patch prometheus v4m-prometheus --type merge --patch '{ "spec": { "retention": "6d" }}'

# Patch Prometheus pod spec to set retention size limit to 15 GiB
kubectl -n v4mmon patch prometheus v4m-prometheus --type merge --patch '{ "spec": { "retentionSize": "15GiB" }}'

Note: NFS is not ideal for production use. If your OpenSearch PVCs use another storage class, the total file size in the OpenSearch PVCs should be measured in a way appropriate to that storage class.

Content Outline
0:00 – Managing Metric Data Retention
0:28 – Demo | SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes Metric Monitoring Stack
* Prometheus
* Grafana
5:07 – Additional resources

Related Resources


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