Why I stopped using language textbooks

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Learn Japanese pitch-accent and pronunciation from my Patreon Series "Japanese Phonetics"

Dogen / Dōgen / Japanese / 日本語 / Why I stopped using textbooks / Why I stopped using Japanese textbooks / The reason I don't use Japanese textbooks / 教科書を使わなくなった理由 / 僕が教科書を使わない理由
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"Huh but what did you just.. okay, " is perhaps the most relatable statement I have ever heard with regards to learning beginner/intermediate Japanese with native Japanese speakers.


To be fair, the English textbooks that Japanese students are forced to use present English in a similarly stiff style. I guess it’s a matter of learning the “rules” first and then learning to bend them.

Still, great video as always.


I actually managed to understand both version of all the sentences. Does that mean i'm ready to be promoted from 日本語土手 to 日本語上手?


English is not my first language. I was taught "How old are you?", but on my first trip abroad someone asked "What's your age?" and I was absolutely lost. (I was 11)


Dogen has gotten so good at talking to himself, he can make genuine statements like "huh, but what did you..." and it sounds like someone genuinely confused in an actual conversation, even though it was said to dogen by dogen


The professor I learned from in uni is Japanese, but with her textbook she was very much focused on grammar and kanji as opposed to listening and speaking ability - when after two years of Japanese courses I finally went to Japan for the first time I did not understand the woman at the register asking me if I want a plastic bag. Reality check right there.


On my second trip to Japan I was coming down with a bit of a cold so I stopped in a combini to get some cheap whiskey to make a hot toddy with. The older lady behind the counter kept wittering at me, all giggly and embarrassed, and I had no idea what she was saying. I apologised. She apologised. (Repeat x100.) Finally she went into the back to fetch her coworker who barked at me: HOW OLD ARE YOU. I replied that I was 32 and we all started laughing. I realized later her wittering was some drawn-out variation of "oh I am so sorry to have to ask this, but are you old enough to buy alcohol" or whatever. Real life and textbooks rarely intersect XD


My japanese teacher showed us Dogen videos. She was amazing


I feel this...Living in Japan for the past 6 years, being around a Japanese wife, Japanese co-workers and students, the language is way different from what I have been learning from the textbooks. And it confuses me every day. And that's why I struggle even to this day to really progress and have confidence in Japanese.


I passed JLPT N2 because of textbooks but once I started talking to Japanese people in real life in my job, I felt like my Japanese is back to N5 😂


Too good. I love how as the exchange goes on, you can just SEE the cashier's 本音 is basically: "this guy can't actually speak Japanese. I'll have to translate everything into textbook for him first."


Love this works in all languages, as in the UK the text book would be "hello how are you today?" but more common would be " Hiya, you alright?"


When I looked at the Japanese text, there were so many sentences starting with "watashi". But when I saw that, I thought.
"Sorry, I only use the word watashi about 5 times a day."
Native Japanese speakers almost never use the subject when talking about themselves. When talking about the person we are talking to, anata is also almost never used. We only put it in when others feel confused if we don't use it.


Your 'bad accent' Japanese feels like a personal attack, lol. Love you.


It is so real, it's painful.
The entirety of a tourist experience with bare minimum spoken Japanese can be summarized with one word: えっ?
Which roughly translates as "I have no idea what you just said since I wasn't expecting none of that. Could you rephrase?"
To this day I have no idea what that store employee said in prior to 「バッグは50円になりますので、大丈夫ですか?」


That's why using ウィーブシット is better 😂


Yuuuup. みんなのfucking日本語 never prepared me to have cashiers ask me if I wanted a bag, or even worse, to be a cashier myself at a shop inside a デパート and ask customers if they wanted their purchase wrapped or how to properly address my manager.
Let's just say I lived my life on ハードモード, during these days :')


I got asked for my "nenrei" and I froze. So much for the textbook "nansai" and "oikutsu" XD


I used a bit of Genki to get me started, but then mostly just bumbled around with podcasts, language partners and watching random Japanese videos (mostly documentaries or reality TV and stuff, no anime, never got into it). My Japanese sucks but I can kinda speak about most topics and I understand people pretty well, even if they speak fast, a bit unclearly and collquially. So I do not know if tekistobooks lead to the content of this video, but I can confidentally say that *not* using them doesn't. 😅



