[Updated] Triple Crowned Ningguang 'One Shot' Mechanical Array (Full buff)

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My updated build of the Mechanical Array previous "One Shot" (6 months ago)

Quick math here:
Burst first 6 jades: 49.496 dmg x 6 jades = 296.976
Jade screen jades: 47.544 dmg x 6 jades = 285.264
2 Jade Screens = 125.990 1st + 134.572 2nd = 260.562
He died before i use c6 charged but is = 86.129 charged + (24.541 x 7) jades = 257.916
Total = 1.100.718 Damage

External buffs/debuffs list:
- Jade Screen passive = +12% Geo Elemental
- Lost Prayer r1 (8s / 2 stacks) = +16% Geo Elemental
- Geo Resonance = +15% DMG
- 4pc Millelith (Zhongli) = +20% atk
- 4pc Noblesse (Bennett) = +20% atk
- Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (Mona) = +48% atk
- Bennett c5 crowned with 865 base atk = +1202 raw atk (not including Noblesse)
- Mona Burst crowned = +60% DMG
- Adeptus Tentation = +12% crit rate and +372 raw atk
- Geo Attack Potion = +25% Geo Elemental
- Mechanical Array Stunned + Zhongli + Geo Resonance = -80% Geo Elemental Resistance
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Is there a mechanic that I'm not quite understanding, when you wait for a few seconds before popping off with Ningguang?
