Comparing Plant and Animal Cells | Grade 6 | Unit 1 - Concept 1 - Lesson 4&5 | Science

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In This Part :
Plant Cell
1. Vacuoles in the animal cell :
- The animal cell has many and small vacuoles.
- Function of vacuoles in animal cell :
They store nutrients, water and waste materials inside the animal cell.
2. The animal cell doesn't have a cell wall, so it doesn't have a definite shape as the plant cell.

Planning A Cell City
Use the following table that helps you build up your model :

What will you do?
1. Review your plan for building a cell city that you create in the previous activity.
2. Prepare your materials to build your models.
3. Build a model for the plant cell and another one for the animal cell and label the structures of each model.
4. Compare between the two models.

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