Was Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Secretly a Masterpiece?

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Was Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Secretly a Masterpiece?

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Call of Duty infinite Warfare full retrospective and review. This will be a full analysis of the IW Single player campaign, Multiplayer gameplay, and zombies as well. Full IW review.
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"Peace to the fallen" and "Mars eternum" are both dark mirrors of each other. They're both a sort of last rights that the soldiers invoke and they both sort of absolve the survivors of any guilt and allow them to continue on their path...
This is a really a good game.


The campaign was incredibly good looking, the story was alright I like how you could make your loadouts and how there were side missions you could do it made it feel a little less linear


Didn’t care much for the online and the zombies, but I will say… playing that campaign, building a real connection with Ethan through Reyes’ point of view, and tearing up at the end (it’s very rare that media makes me emotional… make fun of me) I can say that the campaign deserves praise. I can’t even listen to the theme song without getting some feelings.


I’m glad that the campaign is getting the recognition it deserves. The campaign with it’s “pick your mission” aspect was very reminiscent of Battlefront 2’s galactic conquest and I loved that.


Everyone a few years later “perhaps I treated you too harshly”


This is a perfect example of a good game releasing at the worst time possible


The marine who says "is that rain sir?" before dying is the same marine who hits on Salter throughout the game...


The campaign does not get enough credit. One of the best that CoD has to offer IMO


I feel like one thing which doesn't get enough recognition from this CoD-game is the art direction or to be more precise: The design of the spaceships, colonies and general futuristic design. It hits the right spot for me at least when you look at the Retribution for example you can really think, "Yeah...yeah I can see humanity building a ship like this in 200 years or so." Or the fighters being essentially space F-22/35s. It's recognizable and you can easily immerse yourself into the world.


Honestly I feel like the zombies added so much and it was a fun fresh take on the mode


Criminally-underrated. A blast to play in all modes (campaign, multiplayer, zombies) with a compelling narrative - and it was made in the bygone era when they actually spent money on performance talent. Brian Bloom is amazing (especially given that he helped write and starred in the game).


There’s 3 things I want to be revisited upon from this game.
1. Space: the aesthetic for this game was a nice balance between trying to be real and sci
2. Campaign: similar to CW, where it’s not solely linear, and that should be expanded upon more
3. The hybrid guns: the future setting allowed for all these really cool gun ideas, like sniper to shotgun etc.
If all packaged in a great game, would be a lot of fun


Bruh this game is so underrated and overhated 😔


11:15 Ethan isn’t actually sentient. He’s programmed to appear sentient.

That says something about how likeable he is that we believed in him as a person


The thing I loved most about IW was the weapons. Infinity Ward really pulled out all the stops and created a wacky and varied arsenal to play around with. You've got hybrid weapons like the sniper rifle that turns into a shotgun, you've got a plasma AK-47 and a Vector with 2 magazines. They even bring back iconic weapons from COD history like the M1 Garand and the Intervention.


I’m glad infinite warfare is finally getting the recognition it deserves.


If Infinity Ward can branch off from Activision and do their own games that focus on Single Player, I believe that Infinity Ward would succeed immensely.


I actually invested a lot of time into IW during its prime. I personally enjoyed the multi-player and how it played, zombies was was definitely different, but fun and the campaign I absolutely love. The campaign is visually beautiful, the sound quality is fantastic, and the characters are enjoyable. The campaign is one of my favorites of all time in the cod franchise.


Ima just go ahead n say I more or less always liked this game and kind of miss it in terms of its story and what they did with the setting, multiplayer was fine for me for what it was, the NV4 was a beam, RIP Ethan and Reyes


The fact that the first zombies map had everything it did… a rollercoaster with guns and targets, a full arcade that rewarded the player a powerful gun or parts, unique map sections, and a nice but hard Easter egg… it got my attention heavily when I started playing. Zombies was a fun time. I think the best part of the maps has to be their atmospheres, where every map (except the last) had a personality. Spaceland, Rave stuff, and attack of the radioactive thing were perfect sceneries.

The campaign was well worth it to play through. It had a complete story, good characters (albeit the main antagonist didn’t have his motives fleshed out as much as they should’ve been), and a fun way of progressing the story. My number one compliment that I can give the campaign is that it provides an amazing illusion of choice up until the end. You can have a Reyes who did little, or one that conquered the galaxy.

Multiplayer… ima be honest, I didn’t play the main multiplayer too much cause I recall it making me lose my marbles more than once. Party modes though… infection was amazing. MW3, Ghosts and then Infinite warfare had perfect infection games.
