Vysotski, A Wolfhunt / Высоцкий, Охота на волков (subs by V.Chetin)

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Sinews out, I am shooting on forward,
But today is the same as before:
I am cornered again, I am cornered,
Being merrily chased to a score.
....Double-barrels are smacking behind firs,
....From the shadows, wherein marksmen hide.
....On the snow wolves are tumbling and writhing,
....Having turned into moving bulls-eyes.
Here is a wolfhunt going on, here is a wolf hunt,
A hunt for grizzled raptors, both mature and pups!
The shouts of beaters and the belching barks of wolfhounds,
Against the snow white, scarlet spots flags and blood.
Forest rangers don't play it as equals.
Nonetheless, their hands are exact:
Having fenced in with flags our freedom ,
They shoot confidently, for a fact.
....But a wolf cannot trouble its make-up.
....In all likelihood, newborn and dark,
....Sucking mother-wolf, we, silly wolf cubs,
....Have sucked in with the milk 'Not on flags!'
Legs and canines of ours are smartly.
Leader, give me the answer then, why,
Brought to bay, we career towards marksmen,
The prohibited being untried.
....Wolves may not, cannot act unalike, so
....Here is likely the end of my life.
....And the marksman, who I am assigned to,
....Smirks self-confident, raising a rifle.
I am through with the bounds of obeying --
Thirst of life demands: over the flags!
And I joyfully hear behind me
Only humans' loud flabbergast cries.
....Sinews out, I am shooting on forward,
....And yet this time is not as before!
....Being cornered again, being cornered,
....But the hunters are left now at naught!
But today is the same as before:
I am cornered again, I am cornered,
Being merrily chased to a score.
....Double-barrels are smacking behind firs,
....From the shadows, wherein marksmen hide.
....On the snow wolves are tumbling and writhing,
....Having turned into moving bulls-eyes.
Here is a wolfhunt going on, here is a wolf hunt,
A hunt for grizzled raptors, both mature and pups!
The shouts of beaters and the belching barks of wolfhounds,
Against the snow white, scarlet spots flags and blood.
Forest rangers don't play it as equals.
Nonetheless, their hands are exact:
Having fenced in with flags our freedom ,
They shoot confidently, for a fact.
....But a wolf cannot trouble its make-up.
....In all likelihood, newborn and dark,
....Sucking mother-wolf, we, silly wolf cubs,
....Have sucked in with the milk 'Not on flags!'
Legs and canines of ours are smartly.
Leader, give me the answer then, why,
Brought to bay, we career towards marksmen,
The prohibited being untried.
....Wolves may not, cannot act unalike, so
....Here is likely the end of my life.
....And the marksman, who I am assigned to,
....Smirks self-confident, raising a rifle.
I am through with the bounds of obeying --
Thirst of life demands: over the flags!
And I joyfully hear behind me
Only humans' loud flabbergast cries.
....Sinews out, I am shooting on forward,
....And yet this time is not as before!
....Being cornered again, being cornered,
....But the hunters are left now at naught!