Abundance Bill Spell | Money Spell | Attract Money, Abundance and Wealth to Your Life | Easy Spell

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The reason you're not receiving a significant amount of money is that you haven’t tried the witch’s trick of putting a bill behind your phone case…

If you haven't performed the "abundance bill" spell yet, stay tuned as I explain how to do it step by step.

The abundance bill is one of the simplest and most effective amulets to constantly multiply your money. If you don't believe me, give it a try and see for yourself.

The first thing you will do is take a bill of any denomination. Then, draw the Fehu rune three times on it, always visualizing how money is not a problem in your life and how it flows continuously.

The Fehu rune signifies wealth, opulence, land ownership, and material abundance.

Sprinkle some cinnamon while saying: I declare that my money multiplies 70 times 7 starting from today. Money flows continuously in my life, and I always have more money than I need. So mote it be.

Fold the bill three times towards yourself and put it in your phone case.

You’ll be surprised at how much money will come into your life.
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as it is done for me it is done for you in the name of Jesus Christ i call angels of prosperity 2 multiply my money seven times seven times 77 Thank you angels Amen


Did it work for anyone?? If so pls reply


Please what is bill? Is a currency note i should use? Or any ordinary paper


What if! Don't have any cinnamon powder?


I have only .10 on me literally. 😭How can I do it. 🥴You refer to a cellphone case?
