[Top] 7 Reasons People Find INTJ So FASCINATING | INTJ Unique

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In today's video, I go over the top 7 reasons people find INTJ so fascinating. These are just a few of the things that make INTJ unique and set them apart from everyone else.

The INTJ personality type may be uncommon, but they have little to no competition when it comes to others being intrigued by them.
There are quite a number of reasons behind the fascination of INTJ the Architect.
Complex, unique, intelligent, respectable, competent, and creative, they are logical and equally balanced with each of these qualities.

Those with the INTJ personality, who appear to be cautious and serious, hide a world of charm within them that everyone wants to explore.
There are many interesting aspects of an INTJ personality, but today I’d like to highlight some of the most intriguing.

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0:00 Intro
0:58 INTJ Knowledge
2:20 INTJ Creativity
3:40 INTJ Loyalty
4:55 INTJ Determination
6:17 INTJ Communication
7:32 INTJ Independence
8:36 INTJ Intuition
9:43 INTJ Interaction


Success For Breakfast was created to be a channel that makes simple-to-follow videos giving you the tools to live your best life and help in your personal growth journey. There are a lot of little pieces that add up to the bigger “whole” picture of what you envision for your best life and what success looks like for you - so I am creating videos hitting on all of those subjects. From financial tips, relationships, and happiness to psychological tips, personal development, and even productivity advice. Brain food to give you the best possible chance to level up and love your life in all areas.

We all know that a strong mindset and good mental health is the key to success, and to take control of your life, but there are many different ways to get there. It is not just motivation and affirmations, although those are important. For me, it was also about psychology, understanding myself, and knowing why I did things a certain way. It was also about meditating and learning about manifesting and the law of attraction, and of course how to be and stay motivated.

I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!

-Success 4 Breakfast


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DISCLAIMER - This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but for general guidance. Please do not take this feedback as an attack on your character. This video was meant to be a self-improvement guide for those of you who have been feeling a little stuck. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

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What are your thoughts on these reasons people find INTJs so fascinating? Leave a comment and let me know!

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I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos, but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!


My dad the intj: everyone is always talking about him - how confident he is, how quiet, how in control, how smart, etc

And he thinks nobody notices him. Literally everyone notices him.


Where are these people fascinated by INTJ's? I could use such people in my life.


I’m an INTJ and I wish I was half as great as this video makes us sound, but that’s just something and INTJ would say.


I like how intjs themselves ask where everyone is that are fascinated by them 😂


This sounds about right my best friend is INTJ he’s very supporting and will take lead to do whatever it takes to make something happen


At home i am one personality, I have a completely different character when I deal with others. No one really knows me.


I hate being INTJ. I piss people off without the slightest intent and I have no idea what i did have the time. Books and cats are my friends.


100% true - glad that this video shows more of the supportive/mentoring characteristics of this personality type than many other videos which always focus on the villain type. Still life for an INTJ can be lonely at times, and INTJs are often misunderstood by others. But yes, from my own INTJ personality I can tell that this made me get to places and have experiences others rarely do.


I am a female INTJ and I agree with the assessment. We tend to make big waves quietly and keep it to ourselves 🥰❤️


This phrase "not afraid to" when it comes to doing something differently has nothing to do with fear - it is just the way we do things. Fear has nothing to do with it.


I was always told I was a perceiver, so I tried to hold back my judgmental side, ended up getting fired because of it haha time to start a business!


I am adding this is as a link to my LinkedIn profile!


Cracked me up!!! You show 5 eggs in the skillet as I'm eating 3!!!😜

IF I'm so "fascinating, " then explain the jealous rage I seem to "draw to me like a magnet?!?!!" Either I'm in an area geographically that "dumbs down" those who reside there, or there's something in the water, because very few have actually appreciated my capability to realign a given situation into a cohesive functioning unit. Sometimes I wonder...🖤


Number 6... On one hand, in my Toastmasters community, I come up with some weird ideas. My latest is making a time capsule, collecting poems, writings and pictures with captions from my fellow members about their thoughts and feelings about COViD 19. I haven't succeeded yet but the word is out and our team is ready. On the other hand, I can be very boring and I don't mind boring things. Not much fascinating here.
We will be in a kind of lockdown at the end of the year.
My friends want to hang out on Zoom, I will be organizing a relaxed "end of the year" zoom hangout meeting. Even though in my heart, I prefer to be by myself. Oh well, cheers from a INTJ.


Intj’s are not “thinkers” in the mbti sense, they are intuitives. Leaping from A-Z in a single cognitive bound is a result of intuition _informed_ by our thirst for knowledge. They are highly reasoned intuitions, based on facts and experience, but they are still intuitions. We become true masterminds when we properly frame our intuitions and check them with reflection. That is the thinking part that takes so many of us so much failure and reflection to grow from. The intuition is innate.


No wonder some of high school friends said i was both forgettable and unforgettable. I mostly have most of these qualities.


Interesting comment at 9:43, "What could more fascinating than having all of this thinking and felling in somebody's head while fighting to want to let it out?" Are INTJs really, "fighting to want to let it out"? I usually store it in my head in case and until it is needed to be revealed. :)


My perception is that most don’t understand me or my oddball humor… or just that I’m weird AF


04:17 That explains why despite being introverted I happily meet new people
