Remnant 2 - Unlock The SECRET Engineer Class Fast! Secret Archetype Guide

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Remnant 2 is filled with exciting secrets, but none impact your gameplay more than the introduction of a new class, or archetype as they're known in the game. In this video Codiak shares how to find and unlock the new Engineer class, and the step-by-step walkthrough of how you can tap into it's powerful traits, perks, and skills.

"Correction: 1:16 These 3 Rock Pillars always look the same. Look for them"

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*For all wondering about an EXACT LOCATION, it's random around the outside of the 2nd overworld map like we said. Use our reference of what the rock pillars in the fog look like (Tall spire with a small cliff to the left, and 3 spikey rocks on right.) They always look the same. TREASURE HUNTER is NOT required.*

Hey everyone! We were going to hold this one for a bit, but seems the community just discovered it tonight, so it's only a matter of time before this is everywhere. Hopefully this gives you a heads up on what we think, is one of the coolest archetypes in the game. What do you think? Let us know below!


The fact that the developers didn't put any bonus class behind a pay wall, is so refreshing. It's like they respect the gamers and love the games they make.


If you spam roll you dont have to worry about stopping to throw up but youll still get the status so be mindful.


This game really is the gift that keeps on giving. I hope everyone involved in the making of this game realises just how refreshing getting a game like this is and also knows how appreciative the player base is


The fact that the game has literal CLASSES hiding in it is amazing. I am convinced each zone has its own class, I’m sure of it


I found an amulet that doubled skill count but increased the cooldown. At the bottom it mentioned doubling heavy weapon capacity... Now I know why.


This is definetly the game of the summer


I love this game. Takes me back when games where games not a quick money scheme


The fact this just hidden in the world to find is absolutely amazing and the developers understand discovery and rewarding exploration is


Found it this morning thanks to y'all! Not even all that far into the game but that was my first world. This looks like a really neat archetype.


So hear me out, engineer as main and challenger as secondary
Use the challenger’s rampage and destroy.
On top of that the increased armor efficiency and carrying capacity is a great combo


I would have NEVER found that on my own. Well done guys!


Thanks for this guide! I was able to find it in my playthrough by looking for the rocks you showed. Really enjoying the Engineer skills!


Welp....I WAS originally planning the Handler/Summoner dual-arch. Guess that's changed now! One of my strongest builds in the the first game was a summons build with turrets for bosses. As a solo player, this was simply the best build for Nightmare and above difficulties.


Great heads up. Only just a few more tips here:
Is definitely possible without the 'EXPLORER' class, tho it may make things easier/faster, frankly it will take sometime to unlock, specially if N'erud is the 1st world in your campaign (or even 2nd, for me.. XD 3rd depending on how you count). Without 'EXPLORER' just run along the borders looking for the rock formation, the tile-set is always the same, left side a unclimbable platform w/ stalagmites (spikes) on top, to the right tall stalagmites growing from ground level, framing a "passage"... compare to the vid, is unmistakable... XD
Also would be very helpful if folks gave a snapshot of the map, cuz apparently it always spawn attached in the same way/side regardless of the layout of the map.
To avoid the puke and wasting time, find the edge of the fog, dash and spam roll, towards the platform (to the right) hastily grabbing the armor, drop to your left to grab the class item, 180 and roll and climb back you can make it b4 dying.
About the skill use, tho is "explained" on the tooltip is kinda counter intuitive, but quickly on controller: hold LFT bumper, press once to set the turret where you stand, the default is for it to prioritize _your targets_, if you want it to be fully autonomous (aka prioritize targets close to the turret) you need to press once more after is set (hold lft bumper and press the skill trigger or bumper). Also if you hold the skill button you'll hold the turret in 'minigun' mode, tho is not written you still can set it down without recalling it, just use the skill again without holding trigger/bumper it will set were you stand. I say this cuz if you recall (lft bumper + double press skill) the turret you waste 25% of the ammo left.
The armour without the helmet clocks at exactly 50 weight, _medium_
Hope this helps, I've been running it as secondary to the doggo and has been fun! Cheers XD


Thank you guys for this. At first I was wondering how many other classes were in the game and I kind of wanted to "find them on my own" but this was very helpful because even I may have passed it up somehow. I don't know, I look at EVERYTHING, but the poison fog thing might have kept me away. It's insane how many secrets are hidden in this game and various paths. I was in the grove area yesterday and I went down a winding path of platforms and on top of a bunch of floating rocks to get to an unlocked door and some elite chests. It was pretty wild. Anyways, this archetype looks


Your explanation of how and where to get the class is the best so far. Most leave out the details for newcomers like myself that were hunting in the 1st open area of nerud. I'm looking forward to building into this class from challenger.


Whoa, the engineer looks fantastic. Great find!


It took me a while, just following the lines of the edge of the map, but I can confirm that the area looks identical to the shot at 1:00 in the video. The platform on the left with the three spikes on top, and the area of spikes to the right, you can even see the ledge you will jump from, but not where you'll land, at least from outside the fog.

You can spam your dodge roll to get through the fog without being interrupted by the vomiting, you can even roll into the ledge and the character will jump automatically. Works best if you have the -25 roll (light, blue colour) for max speed, but it's totally doable without if you're fast enough.


Great video! Love the class showcases😊
