Do You Want to Release Years of Pent-up Stress & Stored Trauma Out of Your Body? 👇🏼 #shorts

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if your emotions feel numb after stress and trauma 👇🏼

it's not uncommon to feel emotionally detached as a coping mechanism after going through stress and trauma 🥹

this disconnect can be a sign of your nervous system shutting down to protect you from further emotional pain 😮‍💨

you might be feeling symptoms like:
✨a sense of emptiness or numbness
✨difficulty experiencing joy or pleasure
✨a lack of desire to engage in social activities
✨withdrawal from relationships
✨a flat affect or diminished emotional responses
✨feeling like you're just going through the motions
✨an inability to connect with your own feelings or those of others

the good news is that you can reconnect with your emotions and revive your sense of feeling with somatic exercises 💖

somatic exercises release years of pent-up stress & stored trauma out of your body while bringing your nervous system back into balance

as you release, you'll start to notice a shift towards feeling more alive and engaged in your life ✨

after you release you'll feel much lighter both physically and emotionally 💖

you'll regain the ability to feel and express your emotions instead of holding them in or feeling numb ✨

do you want to be able to feel your emotions again?

get guided through the step by step 👇🏼
heal your nervous system (3 course bundle) 🔗 on profile 💖👇🏼💖

#tramarelease #stressrelease #traumahealing #nervoussystemhealing #traumarecovery #emotionaltrauma #emotionalrelease #somatichealing #somatic #somatics #traumahealingjourney #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #brainfog #chronicstress #dissociation #anxietytips #storedtrauma #bodyhealing #therapeutic #chronicfatigue #insomniac #insomnia #anxietyrelief #stressmanagement #nervoussystemhealth
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I have these. Since childhood, I've experienced extreme stress and trauma due to our upbringing. My entire family has. Would love to work on this and fix it.


Asking respectfully, will you ever post a video on HOW TO FIX these issues instead of just identifying them?


The synchronosities of your feed and timing, has started me on a path to healing. It's been a rough road, but I have hope.
Blessings and Thank you.
Most grateful!


Ufh I try to push my shoulders down 24/7 there's never a day when I'm satisfied with how I carry myself or how my body looks.


So true! Great podcast! ❤
A burnout in 2022, severe concussion, being bullied by a new narc Manager, my narc sister & devouring mom caused a lot of drama my entire life. Diagnosed ADD/ADHD June 2023: 12 sessions incl. CGT by a psychologist. No holiday the last 3 years due to renovations at home. Infected by Covid on my birthday, severe bike accident last winter (my knee still hurts), took care of my daughter & mom who were very ill for 9 weeks while I had fever myself and in the meantime I had multiple job interviews I am so drained that I stopped wearing make-up, dying my hair, didn't want to leave home to get groceries. Dark thoughts of ending my life crossed my mind. As a people pleaser I need to set boundaries as I can't help others on my own ignoring self-care being drained by my narc sister: helped during her chaotic holidays for months cleaning her filthy home for hours + taking care of her 7 lovebirds, being abused as her PA or doormat with many bs tasks my sister could have done herself. On return of her holidays I noticed instead of being happy, she got narcisistic rages on purpose causing me a lot of grief. Chose for my health by going no contact, followed by love bombing, hoovering, threats, stalking, nasty letters 4 pages highlighted & bold capital text, e-mails, gaslighting, blameshifting, guilttrips, playing the victime while being a predator, smear campaigns, sending family members (flying monkeys) to me who rang my doorbell 8 times, sabotaging my 3rd job interview together with my narc mom. F*ck my life! 😢 A week vacation to clear my mind, manicure, pedicure, massages, facial treatments at the salon, going to the parc and 3 visits of my lovely niece helped. Will visit a hair stylist this week an need meditation + go to the gym again.


Thank you for this ❤ I have all these symptoms


Yes…& I have a right to check out, disassociate… or isolate from other abusive, disrespectful, & obnoxious people !!


Ugh, I really need to save to buy your program.


Sadly, You've described my life in every way....So what are the exercises?


I'm literally begging you to save me


7 is new I had really bad trigger and struggling to be regulated due to ongoing stressor so much stress right now I'm disassociating but trying to get put of stress


Double vision... well that explains that one 😢
