The DEVASTATING Aftermath of a Toxic Job

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You left your toxic job, but it's living in your head rent-free. So many of my clients thought the stress of a toxic workplace ended with the job - but it doesn't. The aftermath of a toxic work environment can have a profound impact on you and your career without you realizing it. In this video we're going to explore four major impacts of a toxic work experience so you know what to watch out for and what to do about it.


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Post-Toxic Job Syndrome is not an actual, professionally recognized medical or psychological diagnosis. It is strictly intended for entertainment and educational purposes. Recommendations included in this video is to aid in your toxic job recovery are not offered by a doctor, are generalized, and are not individual for your unique circumstance, so they may not apply to everyone and should not be taken as medical advice. All responsibilities lie with the individual and not Capdeca Solutions, LLC. The aftereffects of a toxic job can be serious. Please contact your medical provider if you have concerns about your mental and/or physical health as a result of a toxic work experience.
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I worked at an absolute horrible job for over 9 years until I was mercifully fired. I actually thanked my pycho boss for firing me. So glad to see that company tanking all these years later. Glad I do what I do now, and make great money too! If you cry when you drive to work, leave the job!


Don’t trust anyone at work👎🏽…..the people who smile the biggest and talk the most are diabolical and are waiting for you to do or say something to use against you👹


If you’re in a toxic job I recommend saving as much money as you can. I ALWAYS have 3 months expenses saved so I can leave a job as soon as I realise it’s toxic. (I live in Australia so it doesn’t take over 6 months to get a job like America and my healthcare isn’t connected to my job and here you aren’t judged if you have a gap in your resume)


Seeing a lot of parallels between having a toxic job and having had a toxic parent - they both have had a lot of the same effects, at least for me.


Things are so toxic today that it makes more sense to plan your exit strategy BEFORE you even think about a future with any given company.


You are not wrong. I used to work in an extremely toxic work environment, for a little over a decade. It completely affected how I saw the world and people around me, when I was off, I was so emotionally exhausted, I could not do anything but sit in my room. It kind of hurt my faith in mankind, to be honest. But I'm recovering. The customers were so bad, I was verbally abused on a daily basis, and I had been working there for so many years, I was starting to bump into regular clients out in the street, or at the grocery store, and they would stare at me and give me bad looks, just because I was a receptionist for very demanding chiropractor who they couldn't get an appointment with. Not my fault. But being in that environment, with that dynamic, and so many people in our town passing through his office, it made me not even want to leave my house. It sounds silly, as an adult, but when you spend 50 hours a week at a particular company, that is psychologically abusive, for over 10 years, it does affect your personality.


This! I also want to point out that, the biggest reason that I've seen why companies and businesses are not only hurting for good help and good employees these days, aside from our job market and economy struggling, is because of a toxic work environment, no matter who within the environment is toxic. All it takes is just one person to make it miserable for everyone else, just one person.


My workplace is toxic. The management has favoritism with those people who grew up in their chaotic dysfunctional families who only like to create chaos at work. They seek chaos, they enjoy chaos, without chaos or hostility, life is too boring to them. Peace is abnormal to their brains. They get so excited and delighted among the chaos they created.


I began with a cheerful demeanor and smiling eyes. Then the years worked on me. And now people comment on how gloomy I look.
I smile sometimes but my eyes don't lie.


Years ago, I was gaslighted by both my immediate boss and the head of HR at what I thought was my dream job. I was working as a copywriter for a children's website. My work was constantly belittled. I was told that nobody in the office liked me. Any mistake I made was totally magnified. I was pretty much forced out of this job. And though both the website and the company no longer exists, I still have deep rooted trauma do to what I went through.


Why can't people do their jobs, and go home. Leave the rest out of it.


Your last point on energy is so on point. It doesn’t matter how much I rest during the day or sleep at night, the overall feeling I experience most of the time is anxiety mixed with exhaustion. I’m envisioning a battery starting a day at say 50% and then needing to go and DO all day when truly a 100% charge is required to properly function.


Been through this many times. Live your life/Succeed and be better than them both professionally and financially. That is the best revenge.


Ughh we should be able to sue for mental health issues I definitely have PTSD


Last month I got fired from my trainee dental nurse position, simply because I wasn’t good enough. It was a blessing in disguise! I was barely at the place a month and was told to basically learn quicker, the practice manager even told me to; ‘just pretend to be someone else if you have to, don’t be Sophie’…
This is when I knew I had to get out. They saved me the bother and did it for me, but I have been left with awful anxiety, the feeling of not being good enough and the feeling of failure at any future job I may have.🙃


I'm a little over 2 years of leaving a toxic job. I work for a great company now, but I still feel the effects from my last job. Today, I was invited to a meeting to celebrate top performers at my employer's regional location this year. I had to reach out to my manager to ask if it was a prank. I'm not saying that to humble brag at all, that's literally my gut instinct when I'm positively recognized at work.


I quit my job yesterday. My anxiety doubled since working there. This morning I shot awake and couldn't breathe cause I thought I had to go still.


I worked in a place where you had to pretend to be sad or have low self-esteem because if you showed an ounce of happiness or confidence, someone would ruin your day. I remember one of them saying, "If someone is too confident, I do something to break it"


I just resigned two days ago and I feel like I was in a car accident. I’m just sitting here numb and stunned. I was a teacher and I’ve never in my life been treated so poorly. I could not wrap my head around what was happening. Then when other people in the building start asking me why they keep doing what they are doing and telling me it’s on purpose I just had to walk away. It’s like so insane. I loved my students…I can’t wrap my head around it. Teachers who saw me work with my students said I was an amazing teacher. The parents, students and all my support teachers loved me and always said positive things. But I started to notice my grade level team started to ice me out when one of them came back from family leave. Within one week of her return I suddenly had admin in my room every day. Then they moved me to a grade I’m not familiar with and filled my room with the worst students from each class. All of this was confirmed by other people in the building. It became clear to me that they wanted me to quit so I did. I have just never experienced anything like this before in my life. And we are in a huge teacher shortage!! They wanted me to scream and yell at the kids. Write them up and call home. That’s not how I run my room. It became so toxic and painful to be there. They kept coming into my room and screaming at the kids and me.


I'm currently in an extremely toxic work environment. My therapist has even told me to get the f*ck out. The irony is that, by pushing me into therapy, I've decided to change careers and go into counseling. Thanks, evil boss!
