Bwipo on relationship with Adam and jungling in Fnatic

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In this League of Legends clip Bwipo talks about his relationship with Adam and jungling in Fnatic.

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Why nobody acknowledging that Bwipo said they both could’ve done better? That’s the best mindset to have moving forward, after reflecting on a situation and seeing how things could’ve been done differently. Sign of maturity but I guess shouldn’t expect your average league enjoyer to notice 🤷🏻


Im so sad that Bwipo isnt jgling for FNC this year, wouldve been so much fun to see


To be fair tho, at the end of the day league is a team game, but it has it's individual playstyle.
Yes, Bwipo has a lot more experience, and on a different level than Adam.
But In Adam's defense changing your own playstyle is not something you can do in a short period of time.
You can't expect someone to play just as you play, or to even stand in those expectations


No, Bwipo was right.

I don't care how young he was, he agreed to play for one of the biggest teams in all of esports. He should have stepped up and been eager to learn every minute.
Bwipo is 1000 times the player he is.

Fnatic kinda doomed these days OMEGALUL


I wanna talk for every person who doesn't want to talk. Adam made mistakes during his split in FNC, Big ego, poor champion pool, and the drama with Upset. But he apologized for his behaviour which apparently no one cares because it's easier to insult a kid. Furthermore Adam was hyped because he is a good toplaner actually, His playstyle is well special but he can improve and He got the MVP of the split during his time in FNC but aswell no one cares about that. When he went in BDS, they were all rookies or semi-rookies in his team and they failed as a team, People blamed him because of the Drama with Upset and they sent him in the academy team where he is doing great : Most MVP of the Split, large champion pool, good behaviour, keep improving, his team is in playoffs because of him in the most stacked league btw. When in the other hand, Agressivo and BDS in LEC are worse than last split and are already out of playoffs so maybe Adam wasn't the problem ? What I want to say is that i don't defend him for his faults, but I defend him from people who insult him everytime they can.


I think just because he was good on Renekton, everybody thought he was instantly rising up to be one of the best LEC toplaners in the league. And then he is getting benched on BDS xD


I remember back when ppl made a big deal out of him solokilling wunder 2 times, but forgetting wunder solokilled him just before, and then everybody forgot who wunder actually is


I think neither player is at fault; it seems more like an oversight from Fnatic:
- One telling Adam what is expected of him from the org and what his teammates expect of him.
- Two, tell the veteran players what Adam is here to do and what they expect of them as veterans towards him.

If they didn't communicate that then Adam would have been like "Oh Fnatic took me up from KC. I'm good enough to play at their level"; therefore would have been dismissive of any criticism/help given to him by his teammates a s he'd view himself as their equal.
On the other hand he was told "Right you're a rookie, taking in everything; Bwipo can give you pointers on toplaners atm" and then gone to Bwipo and told him "Can you mentor Adam and get him up to speed on the LEC playstyle?" It probably would have been smoother.

This is all speculation and also working on the assumption that Fnatic didn't communicate what their expectations as an Org were to the players. As well as a bunch of other things such as Adam having the maturity to accept this and the vets not looking down on the former as a noobie.


Having high standard is one thing and having a too high standard can be an entirely different thing, You can't expect people to adjust everything overnight


Bwipo knows better than anyone what it's like to be a rookie in a great team. Adam should've taken advantage of having one of the best toplaners in the west jungling for him. He could've become a beast had he only tried to reinvent himself.


bwipo says both could have done better cause he is a good guy and a good teammate. in other words means Adam was just a rookie that couldn't follow Bwipos example which is very stupid from Adam


I thought Adam did actually really well as a rookie. Instead of always playing his lane bullying champs, he actually sacrificed a lot in lane and roamed down mid a lot of times. Fnatic 2021 is such a sad story, there was so much potential in that roster and that playoffs run was something to behold.


The only reason why people even talk about Adam at all is that Wunder once inted a game against him. Nobody talked about him before and he did nothing special ever after.


Adam is an incredible league player, wins 2v1s wins lanes, plays weakside 90% of the games still gave good results, and he played in a team that contains 2 veterans, gifted adc and a teamplayer mid, but the issues is that he did an immature move, talking issues in public and then running to a new formed team to get back with his fellas, and showed agressive confidence disrespecting not only his opponents but also his teamates, hope he gets from it and take as a lesson, he still young and as bwipo said could do much better


Lot of people here forgot that Adam was a rookie and if he was that bad, he would have feed the enemy team so much but it didn’t happen bc he played well his weak side. Ofc everyone forgot that it’s a team game… But I don’t say either he was the best EU toplaner but not the worst.


Ngl with the comments still blaming Adam for the upset drama I really hope fnc will miss worlds.
Idk why everyone is like "Adam didn't make sacrifices/didn't struggle enough to get to worlds like others" Like what does that have 2 do with being left in the dark and robbed blind without even an explanation of something that you earned? "He stomped wunder no? "
And didn't upset also want not only Adam but Bwipo/Nisqy kicked?
Just so now he is choking hard fnatic being 7th 14 games in.
Sure Adam could handle everything better but I only see upset joining an org and completely taking over playing god who joins and who leaves.


Sounds pretty cocky tbh and i love him


so basically...bwipo thinks adam sucks LMAO


Anyone with a brain could tell that FNC run through playoffs was pretty much Jgl/mid/bot taking turns carrying hard (but usually playing through bot) while Adam was left on an island.. Adam got extremely overrated because he crushed Wunder in 2 games.. both of these games.. renekton vs GP and Darius vs Camille were 100% hard ints by Wunder.. NOT because Adam did anything special.. i actually think Wunder died lvl 1 or something in the GP/Renek match.. Then when they got to finals Armut (who i don't even rate that highly) smashed Adam

Then you could see with the Upset drama he was an entitled kid.. he acted like he had been there years working so hard to finally make worlds.. when reality was he was there what? 2-3 months? and he was basically dragged along by Nisqy/bwippo and co to finals.. he thought he had "made it" after just one split and was some kind of superstar


Targamas on Adam's split at fnatic:
- MVP of Fnatic, plays a role that no other top EU is capable of playing
- Lane in 1v3 every game but still wins his matchup
- Holds XP and gold, and out-utility the enemy top every game
- While having to blindpick shit champions
- MVP of Fnatic for the season
