What's Ahead in These End Times & How to Prepare

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James Durham shares what is ahead for the world in these end times and how to prepare for it.

James Durham was shown that our technology and electricity will be wiped out. No TV, cell phones. Just the shocking goodness of God and the Kingdom.

“They’re not ready,” Jesus said.

Kingdom age? These days, who has time to blink much less think about how to be practical for the future?

But after a recent trip to Heaven, seer James Durham says get ready. James saw into the time Jesus comes and after, a season of thriving AND change. The walls of technology had come tumbling down, pre-1900s or before.

Shocking or not, his new book, Alert! Perilous Times Ahead, helps you think beyond a well-stocked pantry and instead be spiritually and mentally ready. What’s most important? Among practical transition keys, remember to:

• Be spiritually resilient
• Operate in discernment
• Take the Holy Spirit with you

James also lays out sound advice on two new CD/audio teachings, Top 10 Ways to Prepare for the End Times and God’s Next Prophetic Season. God has already seen that season and looks forward to it!

Known for his prolific trips to Heaven, James Durham wasn’t ready for this vision of a future without technology. But Jesus wants you to be ready. The planet will thrive when He returns.

Copyright Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2020
#SidRoth #JamesDurham #EndTimes
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I was the person who felt abandoned and rejected. I accept that word and accept His healing in my life. God bless you.


I really hope I’m ready when Jesus comes


Lord just heald my right side neck pain...thank you my Lord Jesus Christ...🙏


Bless everyone who is watching this God will look after us amen


I’ve been having dreams about the beginning of the End Times. In these dreams, I am asking God to hide us from the enemy and he does where we are invisible. Other times, food is supernaturally being manifested, and other dreams of feeding others (natural food and spiritual). So even though we may go through hardship especially without the worlds power, Gods Supernatural Power prevails!


I claim. The healing in my neck. Hit by tractor trailer truck. Disc at C3. Struggling with bad headaches. I believe this word is for me. By his stripes I am healed


When James put his hands towards the TV audience and prayed, the power of God came upon on me, a move of the Holy Spirit. I was accepting and claiming to be prepared for the coming days. I want to be used of God in a mighty way. A warrior in His army. Please pray for me that I will lay aside those things that could hinder me.


JESUS is coming much sooner than you think

Please repent turn back to GOD
This is a personal walk and relationship
Pray everyday good atleast an hour + till you breakthrough
Also read the Bible atleast for an hour please
Coming from a 17 year old in the Kingdom of Eswatini who got saved just recently


This morning dream : I was entering a church holding a toddler and was walking by all the people sitting & standing in the pews waiting for the service to begin and I started lightly singing to the child I was holding  ....Jesus Jesus Jesus ...Jesus lifted me...Jesus Jesus Jesus ...Jesus lifted Jesus Jesus Jesus...Jesus lifted me 
And the others heard me and one by one  all the people started chiming in to the song,  


Ohhhh my spirit bears witness to this so so much !
When people ask if I am pre, mid or post? I say, I’m all of them !
I got my oil in the lamp to go tonight .. but I’m ready to go through the hardest seven years on planet Earth!
If we are raptured .. at least people can go to my property that’s prepped with water, fishing tackle, flint and rice!! 🔥🙏🏻🔥


Praise you, Jesus, you are my life, my love. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the name above all names. 
Praise You, Jesus, you are Emanuele God with us. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the King of Kings. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the King of creation.
Praise You, Jesus, You are the King of the universe.
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Lord of Lords.
Praise You, Jesus, You are the almighty.
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Christ. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are Christ the King. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Lamb of God. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are Lion of Judah. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Bright Morning Star. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Champion and shield. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Strength and our Song. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the way of our life. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the only truth. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the real life. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Wonderful Counselor. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Prince of Peace. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Light of the World. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Living Word. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Redeemer. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Anointed One. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Holy one of Israel. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Good Sheperd. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Sheepgate. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Lord of hosts. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Rock of all ages. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are my hiding place. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Savior of the world. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the strong tower. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Mountain Refuge. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Bread of Life. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Font of all holiness. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Living Water. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the True Vine. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are my Spouse. my Maker. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are my Hope.
Praise You, Jesus, You are my Comforter.
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Fortress. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Deliverer. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Victory. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Salvation. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Righteousness. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Wisdom. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Sanctification. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Justification. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Door. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the great I AM. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the great High Priest. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Cornerstone. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Sure Foundation. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Joy. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Portion and Cup. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are my Healing and Wholeness. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are our Covenant. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Promise of the Father. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Everlasting One. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Most High God. .
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Lamb that was slain. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Just Judge. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Balm of Gilead. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Mighty Warrior. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are my Defense. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Bridegroom. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are my Patience. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Solid Reality 
Praise You, Jesus, You are my Provider. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Resurrection and the Life. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Alpha and the Omega. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are the Beginning and the End. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are all that I need. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are all that I want. 
Praise You, Jesus, You are worthy of all praise. 


Praise the Lord for the anointing and healing taking place in these last days !🙏🏽


I was a believer but never practice being a Christian, but since January I've been having end times dreams and feeling things that I just can't explain. I started see 11 11 everywhere and then as clear as day I saw 11 11 in a electric blue come before me in my prayer, I believe this is my first understanding of a vision. I know God has been calling me and every since I've been walking with him I have never felt so free and loved.


"We Must Protect The Children!" This is the constant message Archangel Michael tells me in my dreams. From this video, once the power grid goes down and no internet, we will be left to fend for ourselves and the ones who can not fend. "Sell your cloak and buy a sword
." --Gospel of Luke 22:36-38


Wow im prophetic too & the Lord has been telling me A LOT of the same things he told him! I also had an open vision & i saw the portals that he was taking about & when i came out the other side Jesus was there 😭 This is such amazing confirmation! Thank you Lord 🙏


Now I understand why Praise and Worship is so vitally important, it shifts and changes the atmosphere.
Praise GOD.. !!!


That word of knowledge about healing from betrayal and how the betrayal was so deep that it hindered the offended ones ability to connect with the Father is for me. There have been so many in my life who have left me out in the cold and it’s sorry of turned me into someone that I don’t recognize in the faith. I’m praying for a breakthrough. The Lord asks me to trust Him regularly but the wounds cut so deep that it’s going to take only His grace and spiritual surgery to heal my heart and soul. Y’all pray for me please because I know the things that He’s called me to do are needed in these last days but because of my mistrust of everyone, I have become like Jonah and said, “y’all are on your own! I’m not putting myself in that situation anymore!” 😢🙏🏽


I’ve been preparing, but I’m worried about my dad if the grid goes down. He has a pacemaker/defibrillator and lives about 3 hrs away. I pray that stuff like that still works because I don’t want to think what would happen to him if it stopped. Please pray for him and everyone else that depends on technology to prolong their life. 🙏🏻


I have extreme neck and lower back pain, I have been praying for healing!! I claim the healing, in Jesus name!!


Thank you Lord for healing my neck pain, praise the Lord, hallelujah!! I am healed, Amen!.
