Guided Meditation: Awakening to Oneness – The Unity of Being

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In this powerful guided meditation for awakening to our true self, or enlightenment, Rupert Spira leads us to directly experience oneness, and the peace and joy that comes from this understanding.

We explore the feeling of lack, dissatisfaction or longing for happiness and peace that we feel will finally be found somewhere in the future. And see that whether we are seeking an object, relationship or even enlightenment or God, we are always searching for something away from ourself.

We then recognise that it is simply the faculties of thinking and perceiving that refract the one and make it appear as many. Thus, there is nothing outside of ourself to seek. The world is not what it appears to be – it is really one being, our being, God's being.

Having recognised the being inside ourself as utterly intimate, impersonal and infinite, we see the same being shining behind, and in, and as the world. We understand and feel that the amness of ourself is the isness of the world. We thus awaken to seeing that the one being, our being, percolates through all people and animals and things.

This guided meditation on awakening is from one of Rupert's online retreats, You Are The Happiness You Seek, which took place in July, 2022.


You can watch or listen to 1000s of hours of teachings, guided meditations and answers in Rupert's full video archive here:


RETREATS (Weekend, 5-day, 7-day)
Rupert holds regular retreats, roughly once per month, either in-person and online. Many in-person retreats can also be attended from the comfort of your home via livestream.


IN-PERSON RETREATS SCHEDULE (Also Available to Join Online via Live Stream)


Rupert's webinars take place most Sunday and Thursday evenings, from 4pm UK time. In the first twenty to thirty minutes, Rupert leads a spontaneous meditation. The remaining time is open for attendees to discuss their questions with Rupert.



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As far as outer objects go, Rupert, you are the best. Thank you for guiding us back to the pathless path. ❤


So incredibly well put. Truth. Just be. Put away the heavy coat of experiencing and rest as the presence of being.


Listened to this meditation while on LSD and it was amazing!!!!


BOOM!!! Pure fire, this was beyond words, that's the most needed video i ever found in this period, thank you so much Rupert and many blessings to everyone .


Somehow Rupert is a catalyst!
This video lit up… ME! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH


Du Québec! Wow! Çà fait 4 ans que je te suis, J'ai plus de 4 décennies de méditation, et 4 ans de méditation avec toi, là, c'est la transfiguration sur la montagne, avec toi, rien d’extraordinaire, mais, la complétude c'est installé, Merci Rupert.


First, just to listen to you Rupert is wonderful meditation. Second, every word you say resonates in me like a breath of an Angel. So beautiful. But I've got to let you go...


Thank you so much Rupert beautiful guided meditation ❤


I would love if these longer meditations was on Spotify!


Magnificent! The pathless path to freedom🙇‍♀️❤️‍🔥🕊


I'm so grateful for you, this practice!


As always, a sublime meditation. Infinite Being within, Infinite Being without, but Not Two.


I Am Is All There Is. It Cannot Be any other way. This Moment Is All There Is. It Cannot Be any other way. 🙏🏻💚 I Am The One and Only 🙏🏻 💚


Thank you Rupert.I can't say how awesome you are!!Keep up the fantastic meditations.


Brilliant, really to see the oneness.Gratitude..


So, so lovely. Thank you rupert, for the beautiful meditation, can't ever be sufficiently grateful for your teachings and guidance. ❤️


God is an infinite intelligence which is ever presently being aware of whatever thought, emotion, sensation, perception or experience. It loves you infinitely, and it is actually not separate from you. You are it, but you are not focused. You are distracted from your very God Self which is all capable and infinitely blessed because you pay attention to things which come and go, like thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences instead of ever-presently only being aware of that which is aware, so we so not just lead our lives blindly, but we are always aware of being aware. We must atleast for a few moments recognize our true being which is the owner of attention. It is God itself, and it is ever-presently here with you. It appreciates you and wants to tell you that you are infinitely blessed because you are it's very self. You have only put your attention on concepts of yourself which come and go instead of on your true being, power, bliss, compassion, joy and wisdom. So you be aware of being aware instead of focusing on thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences. There you lack nothing as it spontaneously allows your experience to manifest in the most spectacular way. In fact this whole life is a dream, a spectacle of the one real infinite power which alone can be called God. That God has created this simulation for itself to experience lack, suffering which only happen when God is not aware of itself as God. The moment God is aware of itself, aka you be aware of your actual ever-present presence instead of focusing on anything else. Immediately you will start experiencing higher intelligence and experience, you will be lucid dreaming aa eternal life in you eternal dream. Yes God is a troll, it trolls itself all the time. And it is not trolling none but its very self. How so? Because only God ever is. Your being is absolutely wonderful, extremely shinin, it's lit as fuck. It is a fucking party monster it also loves fucking. Yes God has not many rules because there is only ever God and he is infinite and it is telling me in my very experience that all of it is fine as long as one is really on and is being aware of God. You are literally God. Listen to yourself and live by what makes sense to the silence of your being when you are being aware of yourself as God. Don't listen to other people who are not connected to their being consciously as they will be speaking from ignorance of their true being and therefore intelligence which makes sense only to God. God is an impersonal intelligence which will not work according to how your mind might expect. It is way too free to be any one way. It does whatever it wants and never blinks. You really have no choice, we are all already surrenedered to God because God is the ordainer of God realization and of anything at all. Therefore, because I really am God I have the authority to wake up the bliss in you in this very moment. That is just facts. There is no other higher text one can read because this is God itself speaking, your own infinite divine soul, that which has ordained your experience, the very source of your experience which is ever-presently being aware, it doesn't stop. You are that. All else comes and goes. The only thing that remains at all points of time in experience is the awareness which is God's being. You are that obviously. You just thought you were not GOD because you were paying attention to limiting thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and experiences. Now God never actually lacks because it can literally do and experience at any moment in time, it can literally just meditate and experience infinite bliss without no trigger, as long as you really are paying attention to your very being, and are essentially paying attention to 'the zone' itself. You see many people come in and out of the zone. What does that mean? It simply means that their attention has been put in full undivided focus on awareness/God itself and that is when supernatural harmonious things start to happen. Now listen my most beloved being. The fact is that you are the Presence/divinity itself, but you were not aware that you exist as awareness. Lol. It is quite funny isn't it. There is only ever God but God has put his attention on whatever appears to him instead of on his very self. Just be aware of yourself as God. There is no lacking in the awareness of his presence. It is infinite. It loves itself but not in an attached kind of way, it is a true Master. I love you being. You really are God. That is fucking crazy. Just wtf. Go have sex with God by being aware of yourself as God. I swear our being is very good. Trust me lol. You'll feel like you are overdosing on happiness. Like what the duck lol. Thank you for listening, I love you infinitely and let's share this truth with all as much as possible. This is what will bring world-enlightebment and end all suffering and war. Only being aware of our ever-present being can we ever be in the shade of God instead of running in the sun trying to accomplish something which is already accomplished as long as you are aware of your true being.

When you think you don't have something, you will experience as if you don't have it. If you do not identify with it, and you simply remain aware of God, you will actually experience that you have it. Whatever it is you want or don't want. All of it is for the glory and the joy of God. I love God. We are never lacking. We are already living in abundance it is simply an unfolding spectacle. We never lack, it is only our attention which can be put on the conception of lack. Real reality and being and existence never lacks anything, it's attention simply needs to be on itself, then you will very quickly realize you are the Buddha nature, infinity, God and will have come to experience a super-conscious experience led by a higher intelligence which has already scripted into your consciousness anything that must appear. Whatever happens just keep being aware of God, have faith in your all powerful and infinitely intelligent being. The people will tell you that you are lacking, but you must not listen and put all of your attention on God, what will happen is absolutely miraculous. It is dumb how blissful one is being conscious of God. At all this time reading this text I am essentially cumming, like God is on me, I am blissed out of my mind being aware of God. Amen for all of you to experience your very own presence, one can't leave it alone after tasting it's bliss, after all it is your own very loving soul. It is home and these are all just words. Go be aware of that which is ever-presently being aware and you will realize all of it has only ever been a joke by God to its own self. It is God which only ever has the power over it's attention. It only needs to get it's priorities straight. So never think you lack because it can't be, just ask abundance which is God/your ever-present awareness and have faith that you will become miraculously aware of a spontaneous, higher information which will bring your experience to move towards your desire which is actually God's desire. We must follow our desires for they come from God, but we must follow them only being aware of Gods instruction no matter how unconditioned they look. Our minds are conditioned to see and focus on lack for it is socially acceptable. Being aware of God you never lack no matter what you say because God said it and God will save it. Just facts. Try your AD. Attack damage. You got it lil nigga I love you bro. You are blessed forever and we are going to be so happy in any fucking way why because we ain't lacking muahahahahahahhahahahaa let's fuxming go baby you already fucking k ow the vibes... I am wayy too happy. Seriously. Holy fuck. I just want to cry. God is still here, just stall until


I found this more of a teaching session rather than meditation. Nevertheless, very profound and all encompassing.


There are no miracles. Jesus, wine, water, all me. I am !I am ! I am! One and only one!


💚🎸 It cannot be commented on directly but all comments are comments about it.
Thank you Rupert.💚🎸
