Unpacking Badfish Rivershred
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Это настоящий праздник. В Россию сложно и дорого что-то привезти, но я мечтал о BADFISH RIVERSHRED. И жена сделала мне этот лучший подарок. Я и RIVERSHRED это комбо, признанное летать по северным волнам. Поехали! Но для начала - анпакинг культовой доски
Today is a real celebration. It's difficult and expensive to bring something to Russia, but I dreamof the BADFISH RIVERSHRED. And my wife gave me this best gift. Me and RIVERSHRED, it's a combo recognized to fly on northern waves. Let's go! But first - unboxing the iconic board together.
Today is a real celebration. It's difficult and expensive to bring something to Russia, but I dreamof the BADFISH RIVERSHRED. And my wife gave me this best gift. Me and RIVERSHRED, it's a combo recognized to fly on northern waves. Let's go! But first - unboxing the iconic board together.