Pinball: From Illegal Gambling Game to a Classic Pastime | American Obsessions

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In the series premiere of VICE's American Obsessions, we take a look at the beloved game of pinball, its controversial history and days of corruption, and dive into the story of the family rooted deep in the nostalgic game's past and future.

Between the 1940s and 1970s, pinball was notoriously banned in some of the biggest cities in the United States, due to claims that it was a mafia-run gambling device that was corrupting the youth of America. It wasn't until 1976 that expert Roger Sharpe testified in court to demonstrate that pinball was a game of skill and not of luck, after which the ban was lifted in New York City.

This, however, wasn't the end of the game's long battle for legality, and some cities today still do not allow pinball in their districts. But now the game is making a comeback — both in court and in the world of gaming.

VICE follows pinball fans, including breakout musician Mac Demarco, and beloved playfield artist Dirty Donny, to learn more about the game's place in American pop culture. We then travel to the 2014 annual Pinball Expo in Chicago to meet with the Sharpe family and watch the best players in the world battle for the reigning title.

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I like documentaries like these. Nothing sad, tragic, dramatic or grotesque, but rather an in-depth look at a niche we'd never think twice about having known nothing about it before. Culture, community and the ideas we identify with are every bit as important as the news and events which pervade and preoccupy our time and attention. After all, there wouldn't be anything noteworthy to report on if not for the little things we care about adding up to something big. Compared to some of the coverage Vice has of violent episodes between mindless brutes, at least here we have people who do something they love, instead of fighting someone else's war, or making money for money's sake. I'm glad to see some small part of those interests highlighted here. It's refreshing.


Pinball is so fun i don't understand why it's not as popular anymore.


4:44 I think it was the hypnotic power of that stache that actually saved pinball...


I lost it when he started choking up at the end. You always want your children to be proud of what you've passed on as much as your pride in them. Very touching...I'm sure he's a great father....


Every time my dad picked me up it was very rare that we would go to the local arcade. But when we did I would always have my eyes focused on that pinball machine. Once I played it, it changed my life. Some people just see it as a ball that just lands anywhere but they don't see the real picture. And when I played those machines a couple times I started to understand more about the world, more about the game. There are countless points to be made, ''Hit it here!'' and ''Shoot the ball there!'' It's so fun and the more you play it the more you master it, Just simply put.


Roger Sharpe seems like an awesome and genuine person; and i respect a lot what he has done.
I may not be a huge fan, but i have many memories of me and my dad playing pinball during summer vacations; so i am, somehow, grateful to him.


I always loved looking at pinball art and hearing the sounds of the machines more than actually playing the games.


I've recently fallen in love with pinball, I've been kicking myself for all the years I've glanced at one like it was nothing special, I never realized how deep they are, the stories and the quests, the creativity and craftsmanship of the machines, the fact that you can have control, I used to think it was completely random but I've been learning that it's almost like pool in the way it plays, in a way, if that makes sense, Virtual Reality is what helped me find pinball and I'm so happy I have found it, it really feels like I've fallen in love lol, it's given me joy... I'm not really a joyous person, thanks Pinball!


That referee is the same referee from the documentary "King of Kong", which is possibly the best documentary I've ever seen.


Just wanted to say there is a potential Donkey Kong kill screen coming up.


Mac DeMarco AND Pinball? I'm sold.


it's hilarious the things ppl fight against. How do u wake up and have "make sure no one plays pinball" #1 on your to do list. Human beings are sick.


Pinball is one of the most fun game styles around. Once you realize that there's was more to it than banging balls around you get hooked.


I love pinball!  There needs to be more pinball places.


I need to go to more pinball expos.
I do go to the Retro Gaming Expo in Portland, OR I love it as there is about 30 pins there that I try to play every one of them.
I also have two pins of my own.
My first pin I spent at least $10K on just to get it back to life and keep it from going into the garbage can.
The game is only worth about $2K but for me it is about getting machines working and not so much about how much I put into the machine money wise.
I do have tshirts and stuff and other means to try to help me with pinball parts I need.

I think I could die happy if I could meet Roger I think we are the same in our pinball passion and wanting to see it come back in full force. :)


I can't believe they didn't make this into a 20 minute video. this was fascinating.
I wanted to see more!!!


Dear vice

Here in Milwaukee, there will be an event called Midwest gaming. I was hoping that you're team would be intreated in making a film during that week. My high school English teachers husband is the co founder.



The way in wich Mac Demarco describes Pinball is brilliant. I´m happy that one of my favourite artist has this level of apreciation for one of my favourite hobbies.


I don't know why someone hasn't rigged two together. You could have pinball battle. Just have the scoreboard over the ridge in the middle.
Not me though, I'm an idea guy.


Had no clue about the pin ball culture. I just thought I was just some kid that really loved the classic pinball because it felt more real than any xbox or Playstation game could ever try. Cant beat the art of what goes into the machines. If I could, I would build one.
