Two Fort Campbell Pilots Killed in Apache Helicopter Crash in Clarksville

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Two Fort Campbell Pilots were killed in a helicopter crash during a training mission last night in Clarksville.
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En paz descanse mi hijo adorado. Nunca te olvidare. Te amo y te amaré siempre . Te extraño mucho y he sufrido mucho todos estos años. Al saber tu trágica muerte mi vida se desmoronó. Ya no soy la misma . Descansa en Paz hijo adorado


I served with Cabalerro while I was a crew chief & he was an NCO in 1-101 AVN. Great, unforgettable man & a born leader. The world is a little worse off with his passing. My condolences goes with his family. I’ll meet you in Valhalla, brother.


He was my baptisim godfather, it dosnt surprise me its a shock, he's unforgettable, hardheaded, and was always determined. Always made an impact in every person he lives he met.
