Digitizing Basics with Embrilliance StitchArtist

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This recording is more like a class that talks about what digitizing is, working with a graphic and creating an embroidery design. Supplemental materials including the JPG files used in the presentation can be found on the Embrilliance website linked here:
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I can’t believe that was over 40 minutes. It sailed ⛵️ by! I loved this lesson. Thank you for the instruction, Lisa.


This is the very first one I have been able to understand. You explained everything in a way that I understood it. You are a great teacher. Thank you


I am new to embroidery but not to sewing. This just felt like the next move in my apparel business. I bought the stitch artist 3 so I could skip to having all the additional options. I figured I’d self teach. Long story short I’m glad I found this video. It’s very helpful and informative. Thank you for the content!😍🪡


Fabulous video. So clear and everything explained. I have just digitised a leaf from a photo. It stitched out great the second time. First time the leaf veins were all separate stops and starts. So I made it a continuous line for the second attempt. Now I realise how much I have to learn!!! Thank you so much for making this video.


I want to thank you because I bought a Janome Embroidery machine and Embrillance software, although a little expensive on the software I am going to purchase the Stitch artist Level 1 software because I am wanting to learn digitizing because the embroidery with digitizing is so beautiful. I never understood anything about digitizing because I couldn’t understand the people who where explaining the instructions until I found your video, thank you so much and you are so patient!


I just bought Embrilliance (this video helped me decide to get it!) I am following your tutorial and it's already been so helpful! In particular, the Create Designs, thank you for mentioning that! When I first opened Embrilliance I didn't see the panel there with all the editing tools that was in your video and was worried but then heard you mention clicking on that. I am so excited to get into this! Thank you for making this video.


Although I don't want to learn to digitize, I feel that it is important to watch these kind of videos to help me be successful as an embroiderer. It helps me understand the process, so I can judge the products that I buy. Plus, you sound so patient, Lisa.


I have had different software for years, and digitizing has never been something I could wrap my head around. The manuals were terrible. I finally bought Embrilliance and this video is so excellent. I finally feel that I can get a grasp on digitizing and begin my journey. I am quite excited and I thank you so much.


This is a FANTASTIC hands-on video! I am so excited to see the dramatic, simple commands. Thank you so much!


Lovely teaching style. The right amount of encouragement without being patronising ☺️
I bought the Stitch Artist software today and I’m so excited to learn it!


Amazing tutorial
I’m an experience vector artist who normally works in illustrator for vinyl prints etc. over the years I’ve been considering adding embroidery digitization as some clients has inquired.
Over a few weeks now I’ve been looking at several digitizing software, however not much detail tutorials seems to be available with proper steps explained.

You did great with your explanations and just with this one video I have made a decision on getting level 3. Also, I will now order a single needle embroidery machine to test designs and refine and improve skills.

Thanks again for taking the time and effort in putting together this comprehensive tutorial


I just purchased the Embrilliance Stitchartist 1 today! Thank you for this video!🤍👏🏻


Excellent video - excellent teacher - to the point, clear, perfect descriptions of steps - just purchased StitchArtist 2 and made my first digitized design! Bravo and thank you!


This was an amazing tutorial! Thank you, Lisa Shaw!!


Once again a fabulous instruction video so you can utilize all the functions in Stitch Artist. Thanks.


This is a fantastic video. I would love to see a video like this showing how to make a appliqué!


Thank you for the tutorial. It was very helpful! I loved following along and creating this cute sail boat with you!


Thank you very much for a great tutorial. I started to learn digitizing almost 17 years ago when I bought my software and at that time there were not any resources to find out what tool does what function and I had to wing it! But I wanted somebody to navigate through the process in an organized manner and you nailed. I really appreciate this video tutorial. Thank you very much.


This is perfect timing! I am trying to duplicate a small religious symbol for some friends in a monastery for their personal use. I was able to find all the symbols they use except for one little tiny one! Now maybe I can take their drawing and digitize that one little piece I have left to do! Wish me luck! Thank you a million times!


I had been using my Singer Futura software for years, full of frustration! I wish I would have found Embrilliance long time ago! This is a wonderful demonstration! Thank you so much. I am excited to get started with my first design with Embrilliance.
