Notion Office Hours: Mike Vardy 🎤

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Mike Vardy, a renowned productivity leader, joins Marie on Office Hours. Mike shares his recent experience and learnings around getting started with Notion, general productivity views and answer questions from viewers.
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It would be great if you guys compiled an article after each episode with an overview of everything being covered. It's really difficult for some people to watch an entire hour, even when the content is gold.


The first time I've come across Mike and he's a very interesting, engaging and funny character!


Brilliant. I think this is a great introduction to for a new person before you go nuts and give up or waste time on things that don't matter...listen to this one...not that the other videos are not important, is just that this helps you to don't have to get it all right on day won't be right on day one ko matter what app you choose...I personally had to go all the way back to pen and paper for two years before I understood what my tendencies are and what I want an app to do for me. The bullet journal was very helpful because I got to a point of having a planning routine for most weeks and days and after trying different things for two years, I had it down to a simple system where I could see the things that I was missing, like being able to connect my collections without having to go back and forth in the journal as such...that's why Notion made so much sense when I stumbled upon the first video I watched about I have a notion dashboard that is my bullet journal process with all the connections I was after...linked databases!

Anyway...just a bit of encouragement...
I have to admit tho, it has been hard work and I have only have kept at it because I have a motivation that goes well beyond me and my desires so, I also encourage you to find that because it is your anchor and it is the thing that will hold you through the dark times when you just want to give up.


Springpad was a great app with huge potential and it was such a shame that it had to close down.


Using a digital planner is a great step before you jump into Notion. It allows you to unconventionally get your thoughts out on “paper” before you figure out the set up you want in Notion. Apple iPad Pro + Apple Pencil + GoodNotes app is all you need.😊


I am new at notion, and have never used any kind of productivity/organization app before.
Honestly, I never did anything to organize things, I just kind have always organized stuff in my head, but know I feel that I could accomplish more if I can learn about productivity habits and principals. What are recommended sources of knowledge to learn about this kind of things?


The girl is beautiful and her voice is tender)


watching this video is plancrastenation
