Sex in Marriage: 6th Commandment, Part 6 - Jun 18 - Homily - Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jun 18, 2022, on how the 6th Commandment relates to sex in marriage. He distinguishes the several types of love with the goal being agape. All others have their place but agape is first, selfless love.

Sacramentality of relations in marriage

Paul Quay on Humanae Vitae

When reduced to mere pleasure it loses its purpose all forms of sex are permissible

Until death do us part, exclusivity, ultimate romance

Unitive and procreative.

Called to be co-creators with God which is related to being a co-redeemer with Christ.

The child is the fruit of mutual love.

What chastity means

two extremes to avoid, Refusing out of prudishness but also avoiding treating your spouse as an object

Avoid excess, use temperance

Avoid relations when it makes sense not to out of prudence

God promises a beautiful life but not necessarily an easy one

Ave Maria!

Mass: Saturday 11th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
1st: 2ch 24:17-25
Resp: psa 89:4-5, 29-34
Gsp: mat 6:24-34

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Glad you are addressing this topic, Father. All couples need to hear this!


Thank you Father! As always - very edifying. God bless you!


Very good sermon! This needs to be preached everywhere.


Thank you Father Terrance. God bless you for clear teaching.


Bless you Fr Terrance 🙏 that talk is just like poetry 😊😊, I come from a family of 16 children Fr Terrance, when I was a wee nipper Mum and Dad used to tell us about Our Lord and Our Lady, and about the after life, ie Heaven and Hell and they would tell us the we had 3 brothers in Heaven watching over us, there was 19 of us 😀, and if I'd a penny for every time over the last 50 years that people said to me "had your parents no television?" I'd be a wealthy man 💰 😗, we'll say no more on the subject Fr Terrance, May God Bless and keep you All Fr Terrance 🙏 and thank you again 😊 🇮🇪 ☘️


God bless you, Fr Terrance, for your clear message, extremely informative homily. Thank you! Thank you so much.🙏


So important! Thank You Franciscan Friars xoxo 😘 🤗


God bless you Fr for such powerful clarity about marriage and Sex only within marriage🙏
It’s such a sad reflection on our sick world that so few Priests will speak the truth like this😭
No wonder our world is falling apart and our young people have no clue about how precious they are and that their sexuality is bound up in this preciousness😭
Let’s pray for a return to the gifts of chastity and purity🙏 And for shepherds that will call out misbehaviour/sins🙏


Marriage is to be very sacred. 😇🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💫


You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fountain of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, we trust in Thee.
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, we trust in Thee.
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, we trust in Thee.

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy on us and on the whole world. Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy on us and on the whole world. Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy on us and on the whole world. JESUS, King of mercy, we trust in Thee! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


What a beautiful homily! One note regarding marriage and how it’s like the holy Trinity: Just as Jesus did the will of the Father regardless of what His human nature feared, Jesus obeyed the will of the Father. So too, the wife is supposed to obey the husband. The wedding vow used to include this requirement, But radical feminism got it deleted.


Litany for the Poor captive Souls in Purgatory

O Jesus, Thou suffered and died that all mankind might be saved and brought to eternal happiness. Hear our pleas for further mercy on the souls of:

*All whom through the ages have been, and all whom continue to be 'Immersed in His Passion'*

Our dear parents and grandparents, My Jesus Mercy! Our brothers and sisters and other near relatives, My Jesus Mercy!
Our godparents and sponsors of Confirmation, My Jesus Mercy!
Our spiritual and temporal benefactors, My Jesus Mercy!
Our friends and neighbors, My Jesus Mercy!
All for whom love or duty bids us pray, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who have suffered disadvantage or harm through us, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who have offended us, My Jesus Mercy!
Those whose release is near at hand, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who desire most to be united to Thee, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who endure the greatest sufferings, My Jesus Mercy!
Those whose release is most remote, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who are least remembered, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who are most deserving on account of their services to the Church, My Jesus Mercy!
The rich, who are now the most destitute, My Jesus Mercy!
The mighty, who are now powerless, My Jesus Mercy!
The once spiritually blind, who now see their folly, My Jesus Mercy!
The frivolous, who spent their time in idleness, My Jesus Mercy!
The poor who did not seek the treasures of heaven, My Jesus Mercy!
The tepid who devoted little time to prayer, My Jesus Mercy!
The indolent who neglected to perform good works, My Jesus Mercy!
Those of little faith, who neglected the frequent reception of the Sacraments, My Jesus Mercy!
The habitual sinners, who owe their salvation to a miracle of grace, My Jesus Mercy!
Parents who failed to watch over their children, My Jesus Mercy!
Superiors who were not solicitous for the salvation of those entrusted to them, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who strove for worldly riches and pleasures, My Jesus Mercy!
The worldly minded, who failed to use their wealth and talent for the service of God, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who witnessed the death of others, but would not think of their own, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who did not provide for the life hereafter, My Jesus Mercy!
Those whose sentence is severe because of the great things entrusted to them, My Jesus Mercy!
The popes, kings, and rulers, My Jesus Mercy!
The bishops and their counselors, My Jesus Mercy!
Our teachers and spiritual advisors, My Jesus Mercy!
The priests and religious of the Catholic Church, My Jesus Mercy!
The defenders of the Holy Faith, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who died on the battlefield, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who fought for their country, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who were buried in the sea, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who died of apoplexy, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who died of heart attacks, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who suffered and died of cancer, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who died suddenly in accidents, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who died without the last rites of the Church, My Jesus Mercy!
Those who shall die within the next twenty-four hours, My Jesus Mercy!
Our own poor souls when we shall have to appear before Thy judgment seat, My Jesus Mercy!


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them: For evermore with Thy Saints, because Thou art gracious.
May the prayer of Thy suppliant people, we beseech Thee, O Lord, benefit the souls of Thy departed servants and handmaids: that Thou mayest both deliver them from all their sins, and make them to be partakers of Thy redemption. Alleluia!

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine on them. Alleluia!

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Alleluia!


Thank you Father for clarifying this teaching. The YouTube Channel "Divine Mercy" just had a video on Theology of the Body where they approved of oral sex and mutual masterbation. These acts are not procreative and are not unitive, therefore are sins. This is taught by St.Alphonsus and St.Thomas. I commented on their video but they deleted it. Christopher West makes errors here when he teaches anything goes in the bedroom as long as they follow the "one rule." Each and every act is a seperate act.


We are nature yet spiritual. That is the paradox.
For to commit oneself to one or the other, is the oxymoron. We cannot be complete without both nature and spirit.




"From within the man, from his heart, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile.” (Mark 7: 14... 23).

Wednesday 9th February 2022, in the 5th Week in Ordinary Time.

Jesus says that the source of all the sinful habits are from inside the mind. Thoughts, words and actions defile a person and food does not defile.

Psychologists have recognized the importance of the mind in behavior:
Sow a thought, you reap a deed.
Sow a deed, you reap a habit.
Sow a habit, you reap a character.
Sow a character, you reap a destiny. It is true that your character becomes your destiny.

David after his adultery prayed:
"A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit.
(Psalm 51: 12).

What cleanses the heart?
The word of GOD, Prayer and Sacraments. 

"Intercession is not incompatible with adoration"
