Canker in Pigeons - Pigeon Health Episode #3

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Canker or Trich is a common disease of pigeons - this video looks into its symptoms and treatment.

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One of my pigeons was recently diagnosed with canker. Although there is no mucous buildup in its throat, his posture is definitely penguin-like after eating, and his activity level has dropped significantly. Thankfully the canker has not reached dangerous levels, and the vet believes he'll get better within a few days of administering the medication.

Thank you for sharing this video.


My Dutch ass was expecting a meme but I got educated instead


I can remember as a teenager, seeing this in my birds and I had no idea what it was


Yes, acv in water help prevent canker. i use 5-8 cc/liter once a week


Thanks, this is really informative, somehow this makes me hopeful that my budgie would still survive, it's already been a month since he started having canker. I've thought that he started recovering in his two weeks of medication, cuz his mouth starts to clear and poop starts to normalize as well, but 4 days after his recovery he started vommiting again and start having a diarrhea hope he still manages to endure until he recovers again


Just found a bird with white dots in his mouth was told canker. Come straight here for advice and info. Very helpful


Another great video thanks for all your contributions I was run apple cider vinegar in the water in a cycle also some clay dietary clay or diatomaceous earth alternatly, 1 week on 2 to 3 weeks off.


There is a pigeon I feed whose head shakes wildly when trying to swallow. Should I capture it and take it to a vet? What do you think it could be?


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I "saved" a pigeon for a day - a young one, seemingly fine (both wings were flapping about), but also displaying signs of tiredness. I figured I would take it in, give it some food and water, and let it be off once rested enough. It didn't want to eat or drink, and sadly the next day it really struggled to breathe (on deaths doorstep at this point) and I had to stop it from dying a very slow and nasty death to what I would later discover was caused by this "canker" infection. The poor thing. I wish I had known about it beforehand, but I think I was too late. I saw the infection for myself when it struggled to take breaths and wasn't sure how to treat it. I still don't know how exactly, but if it ever happens again, I'd like to be able to help them actually get better. From what I have read so far, it's treatable with mainly carnidazole and/or apple cider vinegar in its water. Suppose I'll have to figure out how to forcefeed a pigeon that won't eat or drink - which I also see is a symptom of canker. Awkward.

If anyone has experience in force-feeding these treatments to pigeons that don't want to eat or drink because of canker, please let me know, so I can be of better help the next time around.

Little thing deserved better than going out like that.


Please make a video on pigeon breathing problems (causes) and treatments thank you


How do you compute the dosage of metronidazole for each birds? I have a bird that weighs 650grams. I have 100mg metronidazole capsules.


Does the canker only show in mouth ?.How a the droppings watery and whitetish with bubbles or is that more worms symptoms.


Thanks for very informative information. Could white spots located in the air way also be canker?


hi!! just wanna ask if a cured pigeon from canker is still a potential carrier of tricho even after getting treated? cause i read in some site says that most of the medicines don't completely eradicate tricho.. and the said medicine (Berimax) which is suppose to kill even the lowest level of tricho is not avail in my country.. if so, what is the best thing to do? cause im a little worried that my other pigeons got infected.. ty in advance..


Hey how do i help a wild dove having canker disease?


Are there any natrual source that u can use?
