Conceptually Flawed: A Coda

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Not intended to be clickbait, just some thoughts to hopefully tide most of you over until the next big video (Hamster: The Richard Hammond Story) which I've been working on for far longer than I ever would have liked to. Again, no-one's fault but mine.

Gearknob's two cents on the immediate future of Top Gear, or its lack thereof. Rather timely given recent news of Grand Tour's end as well (though whether it'll actually mark the end of the show is another story entirely).

Not really much of anything if I'm honest - what I say isn't functionally different from what other people have been saying these past couple weeks. Mostly some further takes I didn't get to say or felt I didn't clarify as well as I could have in the original 2 hour long video, as well as providing a response to Richard Porter's snide comments. The internet has sadly made many people, even those worthy of respect, far too comfortable with saying things they likely wouldn't in real life, as Mike Tyson less eloquently put it. Not that I'd ever want go to that extreme, but I feel his rude remarks were chiefly embarrassing over anything else and may have demotivated me in the short term, but in the long term, I honestly don't give a damn.

If he feels he can gatekeep people like me out of enjoying the show he helped to create because I wasn't on the floor of the individual meetings at BBC's Media Village and may not know the "real" story behind the show that wasn't published in any publicly-accessible pieces of media, I'd say he's more than welcome to. One bad apple does not spoil my overall view of Top Gear as a collective whole, nor will it ever. If he turns the whole production team against me, I'll know exactly what happened and would just be proof I've further got under his skin, even though that would never be my outright intention. Ultimately, the ball's in his court.

Note that this video was initially written in October, and then subsequently rewritten as the past few weeks' of headlines came out in between various other recording and writing sessions. I also attended the NEC Classic Car Show in Birmingham, which knackered me for about a week or so after its occurrence.

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Also follow me on Twitter at @GearknobAlex, where I'll post at least once every few days in the run-up to the release of my Richard Hammond documentary, set to be out by year's end and the chief reason why this video wasn't out sooner. A basic workprint will be out on Patreon in time for Christmas at least, whether it's finished or not.
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What the BBC failed to realize or should I say refuses to realize is that at a certain point, people aren't watching "Top Gear" anymore; They're watching the "Clarkson, Hammond, and May Show".


The only people who didn’t see the end of modern top gear coming are the people who made it


Let’s not forget - clarkson knows how to make good television - it’s why everything he does is so popular I give clarksons farm as a prime example. Without that talent and someone like Wilman who could move heaven and earth to make it happen - no one would EVER replace them. Period also Clarkson, Hammond and May are well known car journalist and car nerds - they love vehicles they have years of automotive presentation and writing behind them and that love translates on screen.

I can’t BELIEVE the bbc is stupid as to not AT LEAST send these guys to a few driving schools to learn how to handle these extremely powerful cars. They just throw them in and that’s EXTREMELY FUCKING STUPID.


Also the grand tour was announced to be ending next year as well, with only 2 more africa specials coming out in 2024 before shutting down entirely. I personally hope the grand tour goes out with a lion's roar and that the rotten, decrepit husk that is top gear shrivels up like a dead mouse in the desert.


I’m actually surprised it took this long for the BBC to shelve Top Gear.


Chris Harris was holding that thing together once it had shaken off it's early glaring mistakes, he deserved better co-hosts and a lot more respect for the quality of his work.


The BBC basically cancelling top gear without saying its cancelled reminds me of the 1989 cancelation of doctor who

The BBC just kept repeating the show was in developing or having a test or "were working on bringing the show back"

Only to leave the show to rest for over 15 years


The reason for no cancellation, is because the BBC love the current Top Gear, like how they love every show they are currently killing. It's one great big ego trip, and they don't want to give that up anytime soon.

The only reason it isn't coming straight back, is likely because Flintoff is giving them hell, and wants them hung, drawn, and quartered. And while I'm not a fan of Flintoff, I hope he succeeds. The BBC needs to be hit hard and fast so that real genuine change comes around, and it finally starts producing good television again.


YouTube has long taken over, Donut, Autoalex, Mighty car mods Doug, The late brake show have all filled the spectrum with mad adventures and consumer reviews that Top Gear left behind. The Top Gear production team of old defined so much from cinematography, writing to audio that you can't just replace like for like


the reason the bbc is being silent is that they made freddie wear an open face helmet when it should have been full face. They don;t wanna be caught admitting that in public coz if they do freedie can add a zero to his injury claim


What's that? The Beeb having no idea of the homegrown gold mine they're sitting on until it's too late? Here's looking at you, Doctor Who!


Top Gear is like the TV show equivalent of Manchester United. In a decade of decline after their leader left


The point you made about comparing hammond returning after only 3 months and flintoff not returning at all, while valid, is a bit flawed. From what ive seen flintoff was and still is physically disfigured by the crash, i imagine he simply doesnt want to be seen by the world in this state which while unfortunate is entirely his choice and an understandable one at that. perhaps finding a better lineup and starting again from scratch wouldve been a beter alternative but maybe one that wouldnt have been possible.


Fry didn’t get fired from QI as you seem to elude he quit because budget cuts by the BBC meant he had to do three episodes a day instead of the usual two and he lost all enjoyment through over working.

Good content though subscribing 👍


Opinion from someone who appreciated Top Gear but is NOT a petrolhead:
For me, the exotica of 6-figure automobiles was a distant second to how the boys made me laugh and relax; providing an hour's worth of respite from the world, especially the night before my workweek cranked up again.
Yes, I appreciate a well-made motor, and even went to a few car shows in the years of TG's prime. (Found out that girls can get the Fizz, too. We'll leave it at that.😊)
There were lots of good things about TG - how it was filmed, the music that was chosen, the locations, etc. All were pieces of a beautiful jigsaw puzzle that ended up missing three pieces. No matter how great the picture glued to the front of the puzzle, without those three pieces, it's not worth keeping. BBC thought we wouldn't mind the missing pieces and still ooh and aah over their creation. Sorry, Aunt Beeb.
EDIT: I'm now off to re-watch Come Fly With Me to look for Dunsfold shots. 🧐


Lets be honest, what we think of as "Top Gear' ended at the end of GT season 3.


"oh no, anyways" I still watch compilations every so often of the 02 TG.


People who watched the show for the boys couldn't care less about the new show.
And others who wanted to watch a proper car program didn't care for same style, "fooling around" show just with different hosts.


Top Gear was such an important part of my childhood and I'm just so happy I got some more seasons of grand tour after.


Didn't think I'd catch a video this early on. Can't wait to see what your opinion is of the show being put to pasture.
