History Cambodia: the Story of Angkor Wat After the Angkorian Empire

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In this video, we will explore the history of Angkor Wat after the collapse of the Angkorian empire and the city's transition to a holy Buddhist pilgrimage site. Thanks for visiting my channel and I hope you enjoy the video.


For archaeological data on occupation in Angkor Wat see:

Alison K. Carter, Miriam T. Stark, Seth Quintus, Yijie Zhaung, Hong W. Piphal Heng, and Rachna Chhay, "Temple Occupation and the Tempo of Collapse at Angkor Wat Cambodia," (2019)

For western reception to the "rediscovery" of Angkor Wat see:

Frank Vincent, Jr., "The Wonderful Ruins of Cambodia," (1878)

For notes on inscriptions in Angkor Wat see:

David P. Chandler, "An Eighteenth Century Inscription from Angkor Wat," (1971)

Madeleine Giteau, Iconographie du Cambodge post-angkorien, (1975)

For reuse of Angkor Wat as a Buddhist temple see:

Jinah Kim, "Unfinished Business: Buddhist Reuse of Angkor Wat and Its Historical and Political Significance," (2010)
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I know that Cambodians like to claim that Thais stole Cambodian culture (every culture stole something from each other throughout the history of civilizations); Thais, Cambodians, Lao, Burmese, Southern Vietnam (Champa), we all share a common heritage that transcend national boundaries (which were artifically constructed in the 19th and 20th centuries in response to Western colonialism) and that like the Europeans to Rome and Greece, that the Therevada Buddhist and Hindu traditions of Southeast Asia had the Angkor Empire as their cultural progenitor. We should all celebrate each other's cultures and how they relate to each other.

The Angkorians did not have a sense of national identity and if they did, it resembles little to the Western idea of the nation state and being part of "the nation" post-Treaty of Westphalia and post-Enlightenment.


I love your history videos it taught me a lot of stuff thank you


Mouhot’s discovery of Angkor Wat is like Columbus discovering America; the native were shaking their heads.


I love and salute your coverage on not so much known history, specifically focusing on unknown parts of history such as the Japanese in Cambodia episode, thank you very much! Narrations are good. Waiting to see you grow as you are just starting out, I am too.


Merci beaucoup de raconter notre histoire du Cambodge


There was a dam that broke at Koh Ker without any water to water the crops it was hard to sustain like you mentioned


What you've been studying is wrong. The fall of Angkor Wat is related to the dynasty that ruled Angkor Wat. After the overthrow of the Jayavarman dynasty The Khmer Empire was in decline. And the Jayavarman dynasty was more related by blood to Ayutthaya than the new dynasty that overthrew the Jayavarman dynasty.


Amazing Angkor Wat tempat in Cambodain 🇰🇭❤️


Ayutthaya early royal family still speak Khmer in royal court.




The King of Siam is in Nakhon Wat Nakhon Tham King Jayavarman Become the King of Siam Siamese name City name in Siamese All place names inscribed are in the Siamese language. Not name Khmer style.
(The kings of the Woraman family were KhomSiamese.)


I’m proud to be Khmer! Land Of the Kambujadesa! Never change our name!


Angkhor was connected via the River Tonle Sap, a Tributary of the Mekong River with the South Chinese Sea.
You just repeate the false History created by politically correct Archeologists and Historians.


In the year 1431 AD the supposedly collapse of the Khmer empire must be taken with a grain of salt. This is coming from a Chinese merchant who didn't really understand what went on. There is no evidence of invasion. The question of who and where these outsiders came from is still a subject of debate. Were they Khmer royal elites from other provincial capitals of the Khmer Empire? This could be because the Aristocrats of Ayutthaya were culturally Khmerized until the 17th century AD. Did Angkor really collapse? These new findings and questions doesn't seem like it did. It was probably a transition of power and culture to the new capital similar to Rome and Constantinople.


I am Thai and Im so proud of my Thai ancestors 🇹🇭❤️


This channel provides wrong content. It is a misrepresentation of false information. to attack Thailand Real history of Thailand recorded will be available to search for information You can actually read it through the following countries: Myanmar, Thailand, Japan, China, United Kingdom.
